It's Wednesday, which means it's New Comic Day! And this Wednesday is kind of extra special since it ushers in the start of Marvel's latest MEGA-EVENT© Avengers vs X-Men. And yes, before you even ask, I am FULLY in the corner of the Avengers here, without even having read the first issue. But I'm getting ahead of myself... I am currently at work, and as such haven't actually hit the comic shop yet(I get out of work at 4 today). But when I DO get free, here are the books I plan on coming away with...
Stormwatch #8, Fatale #4, Invincible #90, Whispers #2, Amazing Spider-Man #683, Avengers vs X-Men #1, Daredevil #10.1, Fear Itself: The Fearless #12, New Mutants #40, Thunderbolts #172, Venom #15, Wolverine and the X-Men #8, Wolverine and the X-Men: Alpha and Omega #4. So that gives me 13 books this week... I MAY swap out WatXM:AaO#4 for Hell Yeah #2, because I just haven't enjoyed that mini-series AT ALL. Now, I can't review Fatale #4 on account of still not having Fatale #1 in my possession, so that drops me down to 12 reviewable books. I MAY review Green Lantern: New Guardians #7 this week if I find the time since I didn't read it last week, but to be honest with you, there's a REALLY good chance that I'm done with that series and won't bother reading it at all...
Anyway, this week's Pick of the Litter is obviously going to be Avengers vs X-Men #1. I think everybody knew that coming in... This week's Runt of the Litter is Wolverine and the X-Men #8(or Alpha and Omega #4 if I DO decide to get it). This series gets the Big Ol' Fail Award from me as it just hasn't been what I had been hoping for. Most likely, after the AvX event ends, I'll be dropping this series. With 12 books to review, expect 6 days of 2 reviews. As for next Tuesday? I don't know... I may review New Guardians #7 with Brightest Day Rules, I may review Flash #7(the GOOD Flash), or maybe I'll take a well-deserved break and do nothing. We'll see. But that's still a ways out. For tonight? Expect a gala review for AvX #1 and either New Mutants #40 or Spidey #683. And that's it. Until later, X out.
*edit* Avengers Academy #28 came out today so needless to say, that'll be getting reviewed later on tonight with AvX #1.
The (not so) Random Scan of the Week!
I cant believe you missed so i'm going to asume is a typo or something like that but...
ReplyDeleteAVENGERS ACADEMY #28 is in the stores today!!!
Hey X the first Marvel Infinity online comic came out today are you going to check that out by chance? It was a bout Nova and I know how much you love space-heroes there wasn't anything new in it but it's a really interesting perspective of the early events of AVX 1
ReplyDeleteis that eventuly going to come out in book format?
HA!! I don't know how I missed that when I was looking over the comic release list last night, Alien! That was a VERY pleasant surprise when I got to the comic shop today!
ReplyDeleteIdk, Anon... I do love me some Nova, but I hate online/digital comics... I may look it up when I have some spare time.
It's really good the art and everything is made for online format, i know you're shy but when you read it you're going to love how they did it.
ReplyDeletePlus its a rather nice Nova short story
The fact that it's a Nova story makes me want to read it... The fact that it's online though kind of bugs me... Seriously, if it was released in comic form? I'd have brought it no doubt!
ReplyDeleteX hun!!!! I finally made my way to the internet. outside of checking e-mail on my tablet I haven't been online much BUT I made it to come check out what you'll be getting this week.
ReplyDeleteLet me say that for the first time I'm disappointed in my shop, I was told AvX wasn't coming out until next week. :-| SO I don't know what's up with that hopefully I can get a copy next week. But lets see what else you'll be reviewing I'm really interested in.
Avengers vs X-Men #1,Venom #15, annnnnd Avengers Academy
I'm headedover to read your AvX and AA reviews now. :) Hopefully I can get some reading done from my weekly pulls, I've been reading Avengers Initiative and I'm way behind on the weeklys.
Aw Lisha, I can always count on you to pop up to brighten my day! :) JT mentioned that you guy's shop didn't have AvX in! Needless to say, I was shocked! That's a big comic to not get in stock! Somebody made a big mistake!
ReplyDeleteAh, so you have Initiative now? Awesome! I hope you like it as much as JT and I did. As always, feel free to shoot me an e-mail when/if you have the time if you want to mention anything about that series. It was definitely a favorite of mine and I'm glad JT managed to snag it.
Awww well I'm glad I could brighten that day of yours up. ^_^ And a big mistake indeed!!! If it wasn't for your great score on the review I was going to say the hell with it since I was so pissed when I found out it truly came out.
DeleteAnd yes I'm in the middle of the second trade of Initiative which is midway through the Annual I believe and I am LOVING IT!! I thought Avengers Academy had a special place in my heart, MOVE OVER!! Initiative has been really really good. Within the first I had a few that were quickly my favorite lol. And you know I'll shoot you an e-mail ;-). I have the day off today so when I manage to do something productive I'll have my nose deep in trying to get through initiative. lol.
Oh any other recommendations of comics like Avengers Academy and Initiative? I love seeing these teenage mutants cause mischief lol.
I'm thrilled both you and JT seem to really love Initiative! As I've said repeatedly, it was one of, if not my favorite Marvel ongoing when it was still being published. It turned me into a huge Dan Slott fan, and also got Christos Gage on my radar. It was def a great book. I've got to be at work for 6 in the morning tomorrow(Boooo!!!) so I'll be signing off soon, but I'll def be looking forward to that e-mail to see what you liked/disliked about that series. Plus we can compare which characters we really liked. There are still a few Initiative characters I love.