It's Wednesday, meaning it's time for New Comic Day!!! Last week actually rebounded a bit quality-wise from a pretty abysmal week before, so here's hoping that trend continues and this week is even better than last week was! As usual, as you are reading this, I am currently at work. I get out at 6 tonight, and once I do get out, you KNOW I'll be heading for the comic shop, ASAP. When I get there, here's what I expect to pick up...
Batman and Robin #8, Grifter #8, Superboy #8, America's Got Powers #1, Saga #2, Avengers Assemble #2, Deadpool #53, Journey Into Mystery #636, Mighty Thor #12.1, Secret Avengers #25, Ultimate X-Men #10, Winter Soldier #4, Wolverine #304. I also plan on picking up New Avengers #24, but since it's not on my regular pull list, I may not get it... We'll see... Anyway, not counting New Avengers, that's 13 books for the week, which is the perfect number of new books for me. Not too many, and enough for me to have at least one new review up per night for the next seven nights. This week's Pick of the Litter is a pretty easy choice. There's nothing that's really grabbing my attention expect for Deadpool #53. As for this week's Runt, I'll go with Secret Avengers #25. The story has been terrible, and I don't expect it to get any better with this issue. Later on tonight I should have reviews for Deadpool and Winter Soldier #4 up, while tomorrow I plan on posting reviews for Journey Into Mystery and Wolverine. And that'll just about do it here. I'll be back later with some reviews, so until then, X out.
*Quick edit* I ended up picking up New Avengers #24 and Thief of Thieves #3 while at the shop earlier, bringing this week's number to 15 books. Now to start reading them!
The (not so) Random Scan of the Week
You love that image don't you...
ReplyDeleteSuch a good hit it gets the 60s graphic texts.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope you buy New Avengers. With all you Bendis love I think one page there will make your head explode. I pretty much just skipped it and moved on. But, nothing worthy of note happens in it AvX wise, so it can be skipped.
ReplyDeleteit can be skipped but i really would suggest picking up new avengers man, as the scene where cap explains his plans to the collective avengers was good and the red hulk (dont laugh) gave a badass speech at the end of it! plus the art is good, plus the coming issues have this extremly interesting looking storyline with ironfist, i think it will be worth it
ReplyDeleteI can't help it with that image, Arw! If DC can get away with posting it in multiple comics, I can get away with posting it every single week! :D
ReplyDeleteGah! Now I find out this issue of New Ave could be skipped! I wouldn't have subjected myself to extra Bendis if I knew that! Oh well... If nothing else it should... I don't know, drive me insane?
Wait, there was a New Avengers this Week? o.o lol, didn't know this.. ._. wanted to get it for the sake of the AvX event >.> the Marvel Site doesn't say it's out today .-. so i wasn't looking for it when i went to pick up a comic.. Went with Scarlet Spider.. Which is alright, because I live in Houston, and having a Marvel Hero (A Spider-themed one at that) based in Houston is pretty cool to me :P lol
ReplyDeleteYup, New Avengers did indeed drop this week, Rage. I managed to get one of the last two copies off the rack at my comic shop. As for Scarlet Spider... I'm am SO close to finally giving in and putting that series on my pull list...
ReplyDeleteOn the topic of spiders.. it seems Marvel has run out of ideas..
Before I start. X-MAN YOU MUST PUT SCARLET SPIDER ON MY PULL LIST ASAP I absolutely LOVE this comic. It is my favorite Marvel comic outside of Avngers Academy and when Lisha says that you KNOW it's definitely worth a shot lol. The art is awesome as well. :)
ReplyDeleteWell X I almost had you beat on the number of comics today lol. I think my debit card actually cried today at the number of comics I pulled lol. And a good chunk was Indie comics. Which is telling me something about the main streamers...they're slacking!!Let's see what I'll be looking forward to reading the reviews on: Batman and Robin #8, America's Got Powers #1 ( I ALMOST picked this up, your review will determine if I get it next week), Saga #2, Avengers Assemble #2( I really enjoyed the first issue)
As always hun, don't work too hard and make sure you relax and enjoy reading those awesome comics. :)
Yeah, I saw that Spider-Man/Spider-Man thing, Rage... I'm kind of shocked, because that's something that Joe Q always swore would NEVER happen, an Ultimate/616 x-over. But then, it's Joe Q, so I guess I should be surprised he didn't do it the second he said he'd never do it... Maybe DC's stronger sales numbers since their reboot have pushed Marvel into doing this. Anyway, with all that said, I doubt I'll pick it up. I'll be spending all my money on AvX anyway!
ReplyDeleteGah, you too, Lisha! Hmm, I see I REALLY have to restart Scarlet Spidey... The next Wednesday I'm off from work(if that ever happens...) and I have some spare time on my hands, I'll def talk to the guy at my shop about getting me the issues of Scarlet I'm missing and putting it on my pull list. But yeah, that's a definite now. Saga should be up within the next day or two, B&R and AA probably a day or two after that, and AGP will prob be posted around Sunday or Monday... Depending on work of course. You know, I'm making some pretty good money with all these hours I'm pulling down, but haven't really been able to waste it 'cause of my lack of free time! Which is probably a good thing... :D