Hey all, X here with another edition of the craze that's not quite sweeping the Internet, New Comic Day! Last week ran the full gamut of scores, from 10's to 0's, which is pretty rare. If nothing else, last week was interesting, although with 20 comics, I guess that's not a huge shock. Will this week be the same? Well, hopefully we get some perfect scores... I could definitely live without those imperfect scores. Without any further ado, here's this week's pull...
Green Lantern: New Guardians #3, Hellblazer #285, Justice League Dark #3, Voodoo #3, Invincible #85, Annihilators Earthfall #3, Avengers Solo #2, Captain America and Bucky #624, Daken: Dark Wolverine #17, Invincible Iron Man #510, Iron Man 2.0 #10, Kick-Ass 2 #5, Mighty Thor #8, Secret Avengers #19, Ultimate Hawkeye #4, Wolverine and the X-Men #2... So 16 comics this week, eh? It would have been 18, but since I'm STILL waiting on Teen Titans #2 and I, Vampire #2, I had the shop hold my copies of TT #3 and Vamp #3 since it's not like I can read them yet... That's not a terrible number of comics, it's a little bit higher than I'd prefer(I'd like to get around 12-14 comics every week), but at least it's not frigging 20 again! Unfortunately, most of the Marvel books are the $4 ones, which messes with my bottom line... Thanks, Marvel...
Anyway, this week's Pick of the Litter is kind of tough since there's not really a comic here I'm DYING to dig into... Um, I guess I'll go with Cap and Bucky #624. This series has been AWESOME from the start, I'm going to hope that trend continues here into Bucky's Winter Soldier days. I also gave some consideration to Avengers Solo #2, Daken #17(only due to the Runaways appearance), Wolvie and the X-Men #2 and Kick-Ass 2 #5, so expect to see some combination of those titles reviewed here over the course of the next two days. This week's Runt of the Litter was definitely easier to pick... I'm going with Secret Avengers #19. I can't wait for Warren Ellis to leave this series and Rick Remender to take over here... Let's see, with 16 books, I'm going to do 3 reviews for Wednesday and Thursday and 2 reviews for Friday through Tuesday. And that's gonna make this post a wrap. As promised, I'll be back later on tonight with 3 new reviews, so until then, X out.
The Random Scan of the Week!
Man is Batman frigging annoying!
Ups, ¡ya es Miercoles? New comic day!!!
ReplyDeletemmm Amigo I dont want to be a jerk but your maths seem wrong 16 + 2 (TT, I,Vamp.)=18 anyway..
these are my books for the week
Avengers Origins: Quicksilver & the Scarlet Witch
Captain America and Bucky #624
Invincible Iron Man #510
The Mighty Thor # 8
Wolverine & the X-Men
X-Men Legacy #259
Just 9 books... Thats's good
Ah, no, you're right, Alien... I actually didn't know JLD was coming out this week, and I typed up this post BEFORE I went to the comic shop(I had two different versions in case my shop actually did have TT #2 and I, Vamp #2 there for me). I ended up adding JLD to the books I got before I posted, but forgot to change that 17 into an 18 before posting. Oh well, it's fixed now... I think! :D
ReplyDeleteI was thisclose to getting Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, it was actually in my hands, but when I saw JLD in my pile, I put it aside... If next week is a light week I could always get it then. Other than that, I'll def have Wolvie and the X-Men up later tonight, as well as Cap and Bucky since those are the top two books in my comic pile. The others? Prob some time this weekend... Let me know when you read Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver, because if you say it's worth it I'll def try to snag it next week, mi amigo.
I will let you know about my thoughts over that origins issue, and I'm almost sure that next week will be a light one since DC is not releasing any of new52 issues.
ReplyDeleteAnd this is from some editor at DC about Batman and the court of Owls
And over in the BATMAN titles, the aforementioned and prolific Mr. Scott Snyder has crafted a tale involving the Court of Owls and its deadly Talon assassins that may soon impact the storylines in NIGHTWING, BATGIRL, BIRDS OF PREY and even RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS.
source http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2011/11/23/dc-comics-all-access-bob-harras-2/
¡Estupendo! Voy a estar atentos a los pensamientos, mi amigo.
ReplyDeleteHopefully Marvel doesn't decide to put out a mess of comics next week... I could use a break! :P
That's exactly what I was hoping for, that the Court of Owls would spread out and affect other Gotham titles. If they do this right the Owls could be a REALLY great, multi-faceted threat.
OK, I reed Avenger origin. and itdisappoint me
ReplyDeleteThe good?
Is easy to follow, fast passing, and totally understandable
The bad?
It didn't deliver anything new, to what I already knew of them. and considering that I am new reading marvel that is something to say.
It was something like this:
Magneto rescue the youngs pietro and magda from being killed/now with Magneto, after some encounters with the X-men they realize that Magneto is evil/ they leave Magneto and join the Avengers End.
What was really odd is that in any moment you get to know if Magneto is their father or not. I thought it was something really established but they arrived that point with ambiguity.
So I don't think you beign a long reader will find a lot of entertainment in this since it dont go very deep in their origin.
OK, I reed Avenger origin. and itdisappoint me
ReplyDeleteThe good?
Is easy to follow, fast passing, and totally understandable
The bad?
It didn't deliver anything new, to what I already knew of them. and considering that I am new reading marvel that is something to say.
It was something like this:
Magneto rescue the youngs pietro and magda from being killed/now with Magneto, after some encounters with the X-men they realize that Magneto is evil/ they leave Magneto and join the Avengers End.
What was really odd is that in any moment you get to know if Magneto is their father or not. I thought it was something really established but they arrived that point with ambiguity.
So I don't think you beign a long reader will find a lot of entertainment in this since it dont go very deep in their origin.
Uh, Sorry I wrote Magda instead of Wanda... I realized just after I posted.. but was late wanted to sleep
ReplyDeleteDon't worry about any typos, Alien, I'm like the king of the typos! JT is always pointing mine out, jerk that he is! :P
ReplyDeleteThat summary sounds just about exactly what the early origin of Wanda and Pietro was. They actually didn't learn Mags was their father until MUCH later(it might have been as late as the 1980's before that was revealed). I guess those Origin books are for people TOTALLY new to Marvel, who may have heard about the Avengers movie and want to learn more about the characters(but never heard of google! :P)... Thanks for telling me what that comic was about, I know know to skip any other Avengers Origin books that come out(except for a Hawkeye one, which I'd buy even though I know his full origin!).