Wolverine and the X-Men #3:
Summary: Wolvie and company manage to take down Krakoa(actually an artificially grown grandchild of the original), thanks to Kid Omega lending a hand in a clandestine sort of way... Yep, school troublemaker and renowned terrorist Kid Omega manages to get into Kid Krakoa's head and convince it not to attack the school anymore, which actually leads Kid Krakoa into asking Wolvie and company to join the school... Yeah... With that menace taken care of, Beast manages to restore the two NYS school board officials to their normal selves and then smooth talks them into allowing the school to stay open. From there, Wolvie has Matt Murdoch(that would be Daredevil to the uninformed) sue Kade Kilgore(the leader of the baby Hellfire Club) for damages to the school since the attack was directed by Kade. As revenge for that, Kade hires the suddenly alive again Sabretooth to make Wolvie's life a living hell, something Tooth is an expert at.
Thoughts: Well, so much for this being amongst my favorite series! Seriously though, this issue was a major step back for me. The fact that Kid Omega is ALREADY beginning to turn into a good guy really left a bad taste in my mouth here. I have no idea why he decided to stop Kid Krakoa from eating the school, Wolverine and everybody else, and make good on his own escape... Maybe he has an evil, nefarious plan up his sleeve? Hopefully?? On top of that, the school board officials suddenly forgetting the last 24 hours and giving an obviously demolished school their seal of approval was also kind of dumb. Add Sabretooth's appearance here(he hasn't even officially returned yet in the pages of Wolverine!), as well as the STILL unexplained mini-Nightcrawler clones running around and you have the recipe of a comic I just didn't enjoy all that much. Oh well, better luck next issue I guess...
Score: 5 1/2 out of 10.

The mini-nightcrawlers were explained in the first issue, and i don't think you should worry about Kid Omega being not evil enough consider the Alpha/Omega storyline is coming up.
ReplyDeleteThey were explained, weren't they... It was something dumb like Beast opened a portal and they got free or something, right? I'm a bit foggy on the exact details, but I seem to vaguely recall that taking place. So I guess we're just supposed to ignore their resemblance to Kurt then?
ReplyDeleteUnless they reform him totally in that mini-series... I'm still hopeful they keep him as a potential threat to the school and don't fully water him down.
They are gremlins who escaped from some portal. And, well, you haven't read Wolverine yet so...
ReplyDeleteAnyways, this arc has been lackluster and I am hoping we actually get to the academic part of this comic that made me love Academy X (and Avengers Academy) so much. Looks like Genesis (Kid Apocalypse) may join next issue since it was stated they are getting new students.
That's what I vaguely recalled, Jermox. THanks for the clarification. Yep, I read Wolvie last night(I'll probably post a review for it on Sat if all goes according to plan), but I'm still baffled as to HOW he's back...
ReplyDeleteAgreed tenfold. What's missing here that those other great series gave us is the focus on the students. It's been Wolverine, Kid Omega, Iceman and Kitty. And that's basically it. Avengers Academy has focused wonderfully on the students, while not forgetting the staff, and New Mutants -> Academy X was all about the kids before X-23 came in and everybody I cared about died. But hre's hoping the next few issues we get some real school-like scenes and not just Wolvie battling the school villain of the month.
That introduction with Cap was dumb Wolvie went with that Rachel is one of the most powerful psychic in the world and she can't do anything to stop Kid Krakoa (ha another Kid to the list)How can she take care of QQ?
ReplyDeleteAnd I realized that the reason I liked QQ so much is because he died. I hated that kid from the first moment until his death in Riot at Xavier school.(or ascension to another plane). His death was written in such a dramatically way that changed my appreciation for him. He should had stayed death.
Well the preview from next issue shows what appears to be Wolverine marking homework, so thats sounds like it could include some hilarity.
ReplyDeleteIn other news has anyone read Avengers 20 yet? Is it worth buying?
I am kind of worried about this student body though. I really liked the students in New X-Men and I like the students in Avengers Academy. But, looking at this roster, I can't say I am really fond of any of them so far. Sure, most of the Hellions went with Wolverine, but it seems they will be in the background to characters like Kid Gladiator, QQ, that brood guy, and the whiny religious girl from Generation Hope (yea, can't even bother to start remembering their names).
ReplyDeleteYeah, Rachel not being able to stop Kid Krakoa and Kid Omega managing to do it(with very little trouble) was pretty weird, especially since Wolvie had gone out of his way to talk Rachel's powers up. I didn't get that. I kind of always liked Kid Omega as the uber-troublemaker, Alien. Even in the Riot storyline I got a kick out of him because he seemed like such an ass. Now, if he's reforming, that takes away from his character(imo). So he'll be ANOTHER snarky hero-type... Just what the world needs.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read Avengers 20 yet, Anon, it's actually at the very bottom of my pile. One of my regulars said it was better than the last issue(then again, how could it possibly get any worse?!), but I prob won't get around to reading it until the weekend, after I've read all the good comics! :P
I totally agree with you, Jermox. I see some potential in Kid Gladiator, but the rest? Not so much. Now if they were to shift the focus away from some of the established kids and start using some of the kids who got lost in the shuffle after Academy X(like Hellion or Anole, etc) that would make me very happy. But I get the feeling this is going to be a series ALLL about Wolvie and Kid Omega, which sucks, because they COULD do something with some of those Academy X kids. Most of them still have untapped potential.
This was the first and only new series I dropped after reading the first issue. Compared to Uncanny X-Men A.K.A Team Cyclops, this comic didn't do it for me. I was bored through the entire first issue and decided to give the second issue a try.
ReplyDeleteAnd from the looks of your review...I was right in dropping this series.
Lisha? I don't blame ya for dropping this series at all. As a life-long X-fan, I'll be sticking it out, but for a new fan of the X-books like yourself? This book was a lousy introduction.
ReplyDeleteAww that's dedication X. I was just super excited since it was my first X-Men series from the beginning I could get into but I just couldn't even do it. I thought there would be so much potential after reading Schism....but this series just flopped fast. I hope the series picks back up for you though. I know how much you enjoy reading X-Men comics,when they're good. ^_^
ReplyDeleteThat's the perfect way to put it too, Lisha. I mean after Schism there was a lot of excitement about the x-line of books, but so far I have to admit I've been rather underwhelmed...
ReplyDeleteSee, I couldn't stand Kid Omega, so I was pleased with this issue! :) Though, I totally agree that I hope Aaron doesn't reform him. I feel like if he can give Omega maybe just Krakoa as a friend and focus on his failed attempts at making friends with the other students, we could maintain some of what makes Quentin different without making me want to throttle him ALL the time. So far, Kid Gladiator is the best new student, and, like you all said here, I hope we get to see more focus on them, because they were the best part of this first arc.
ReplyDeleteMy only thought about why Rachel couldn't defeat Krakoa but Quentin could was that Rachel was trying to fight him, whereas Quentin essentially just talked to him. Krakoa resisted Rachel because she was trying to pry open his mind, but Quentin just essentially tried to get to know him. That's what I took from it, anyway. But, I was also totally annoyed by the Department of Education bit. Why include them if you're just going to mindwipe them?
All in all, it wasn't the strongest issue, but I'm willing to see where Aaron goes with it all. I'm just hoping we're not going to spend the next 50 issues dealing with the Kiddie Hellfire Club...
I have to say, JW, I've read issues #4,5 & 6 from this series since this issue, and I have not been very impressed by it... I've actually been contemplating trading this for Uncanny(and I HATE the team in Uncanny!) as soon as the AvX event ends. While I've loved Aaron's work on Wolverine, I'm just not enjoying what he's doing here...
ReplyDeleteI think part of my problem is that I hated "Uncanny X-Men" #3, so, by comparison, this issue was leaps and bounds better for me. But, so far, I agree with the overall assessment. Neither Aaron nor Gillen are selling me that these teams represent anything new (and other than marketing ploys by Marvel).
ReplyDeleteHmm, that's interesting... I wonder if I were to read Uncanny AND this series if I'd enjoy this series more... As it was, I just couldn't stomach reading about Lord Summers and his continuing decent into evil. But I have to tell you, I am REALLY tempted to switch this series for Uncanny...
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