Alright! It is FINALLY Wednesday, and you know what THAT means... It's New Comic Day!!! After last week's depressing pull saw me only pick up 6 comics, of which I only read 5(the sixth was for my sister), I'm expecting big things this week... How big? Well, let's open up this bag of comics I brought home and see what we've got!
Irredeemable #32, Hellblazer Annual #1, Stormwatch #4, Amazing Spider-Man #675, Deadpool #47, Defenders #1, Fear Itself: The Fearless #4, Venom #10, X-Factor #228, X-Men #22. So 10 books this week. That's definitely better than only 6, but not quite where I'd like to be at. In a perfect world I'd pick up between 12 and 14 books every week, but what can ya do? Let's see, this week's Pick of the Litter is going to have to be Deadpool #47. The last issue was flat out brilliant, and I'm expecting more of the same here. I also gave consideration to Venom which has been rock solid since the beginning as well as Defenders, which I'm hoping turns out good. As for this week's Runt of the Litter... Huh. I guess I'll go with X-Men #22. I mean it's not like issue #21 was awful or anything, but out of the 10 books listed above, that's probably the one I least feel like reading. So it's the Runt in name only, I do expect it to be okay. With 10 new comics, all of which I'll be reading, I'll do 2 reviews for the next 5 nights, and then probably post scans or Retro-Reviews come Monday and Tuesday... Oh wait, I almost forgot, Teen Titans #2 & #3 were at the shop for me today!! So that means scratch that Retro-Review for Monday, I'll be reviewing Teen Titans #2 & #3 at that time instead. As for tonight, look for reviews of Defenders #1 and Deadpool #47, but a bit later than usual since I won't be able to get back online until after 11 or so. And that's that. Another NCD in the books. As always, I'll leave you guys with this week's random scan. Until later on tonight, X out.
The Random Scan of the Week!
Is Cap shouting at that picture of Zemo in his mind? Because if he is he's got more problems than I originally thought...
So I just read Defenders #1 and must say I enjoyed it alot hopefully you do too.
ReplyDeleteAlso I'm surprised you didnt pick up Uncanny X-Force #18 since you seemed to love the pervious issues so much
ReplyDeleteSweet. Glad to hear that about Defenders #1, Megaman. That's one series I'm REALLY pulling for, and will be one of the first books I read when I get home later on tonight.
ReplyDeleteUncanny X-Force #18 didn't drop this week! You scared me! I thought I missed it at the shop, but after checking a few sites, it looks like it comes out the 14th... I'd have never forgiven myself if I'd had missed out on that comic!
Really? On it says Uncanny came out today weird
ReplyDeleteNo avenging spidey? was the first issue that bad?
ReplyDeleteDude, I've been playing so much UMvC3, I still haven't finished spider island yet (oh, I changed my mind and bought select issues from that event - getting caught up on Venom was that fun). Your boy Hawkeye is the stuff in this game - he builds soo much meter for my other characters to burn it's not funny. His hypers aren't much to write home about (except his level 3 :D), but that's what THCs are for.
ReplyDeleteI actually saw that after I read your comment, Megaman. But it doesn't look like it came out, it def looks like it comes out next week, and you can be sure that'll almost definitely be my Pick of the Week!
ReplyDeleteI actually didn't get the first issue of Avenging Spidey. A Spidey/Red Hulk team up just didn't interest me enough. If I see Spidey teaming up with a character I actually like, then I'll def pick those issues up, but I don't think that's a series I'm going to collect regularly.
TRobb, Hawkeye RULES in that game! I mean his projectile attacks are just flat out amazing, mainly because they're so damned varied! Not only that, but he's a decent up-close fighter as well! I mean he's no Wolverine or anything, but Clint can string together some impressive combos when playing against inferior competition. See, not only is Hawkeye awesome in the comics, he's awesome in video games as well! :D
R.I.P. Jerry ROBINSON, creator of character like the Joker, Alfred, and co-creator of Robin and Two Face.
ReplyDeleteI'll second that. I saw that news as well. RIP Jerry Robinson...