Overall: We kick off with a flashback to the Qwardian known as the Weaponer creating the first Sinestro Corps ring for Sinestro. From there we head to the present, where Kyle Rayner is saving lives on Sinestro's homeworld of Korugar, while some disgruntled members of the Sinestro Corps watch. The Sinestro Corps members want to fight with Kyle, but are forbidden by Sinestro to start any trouble with Green Lanterns. After some smack talking back and forth, one member of the Sinestro Corps is prepared to attack Kyle when the Weaponer appears and kills the Sinestro Corps member with ease. He then goes on and squashes Kyle, which brings Soranik Natu(Kyle's girlfriend/Sinestro's daughter)into the fray, where she is also easily defeated. The Weaponer tells Kyle that he wants Sinestro to go to Qward, or else he'd kill Soranik. With that the Weaponer teleports away with Soranik, and Kyle rushes to Earth to tell Sinestro what had transpired. Sinestro listens and tells Kyle that he refuses to help because he wants Kyle to try to rescue Soranik himself(and fail), that way Soranik can see how unworthy Kyle is of her affections. With that Kyle rears back and pounds Sinestro in the face, ending this issue.
I definitely enjoyed this comic. It set up a new threat(the Weaponer), put a Lantern in jeopardy(Soranik), and is forcing Sinestro and Kyle to put beside their(MANY)differences to work together to defeat the Weaponer. I really can't say much more than a Kyle/Sinestro team-up will be flat out awesome.
Score: 8 1/2 out of 10.

So remind me again, WHY do we need Hal Jordan around?
Dude... please excuse my language... But The Weaponer is the shit. That dude is freaking sweet haha. I really like this character and I hope he sticks around. The way he just smashed that nerds head in was so epic.
ReplyDelete"The Weaponer is the shit." HA! If you say so, JT... Who am I to argue with logic such as that? :D
ReplyDeleteHaha that's all I need to prove that he's awesome. Also, I was looking back over my who need their own series poll, for the record, Lex won and has one, Jason was second and had a mini, and Deathstroke was third and has Titans. Last was Sinestro, who's been in everything.
ReplyDeleteHmm, are you insinuating that somebody who works for DC might just be a regular at your blog? But... who could that be...
ReplyDeleteWell... YOU live in New York... so it's either you or Landry... :P
ReplyDelete"so it's either you or Landry" *looks back and forth* No comment.
ReplyDeleteAh.... got ya. *whispers* It's X-Man isn't it? The Marvel-esque name is just to throw us off your trail.
ReplyDelete... I neither confirm nor deny that comment, JT...
ReplyDeleteThat explains why ya have so much money for comics, they're frigging FREE!!!
ReplyDeleteDamn you, stop picking away at my secret identity!!! Before you know it you'll have guessed that I'm actually a very crafty Grant Morrison! ... Hmm, disregard that last remark...
ReplyDelete:O You're Grant Morrison?! Come here so I can punch you in the mouth. Batman Inc... more like Batman Stinks...
ReplyDelete" Batman Inc... more like Batman Stinks..." :/ Keep it up and I'll send the deadly menaces known as the Box and the Can after you. Trust me, you DO NOT want to mess with the Can!
ReplyDeleteLol @ :/, and The Box and The Can can bring it! I'll get The Rock to take their title belts and throw em over a bridge. Man wrestling used to be violent as hell...lol.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but that also made it kind of fun. The violence was almost comic book-esque. Rock tossing SCSA off a bridge, Rock being crushed in a ambulance, Big Boss Man getting hung... Yeah, stuff was def crazier back then...
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Rock, have you seen the commercials for his new movie? Not once is he called Rock in it, he's just Dwayne Johnson. What do you think about that?
Haha, I'd forgotten about Bossman getting Hung/Hanged(?) Man that was outrageous... but I agree, it was so overdone that it was great.
ReplyDeleteI know he dropped the name a while ago and just went as Dwayne Johnson but then picked it back up, I think it doesn't really matter since everyone calls him The Rock anyway. And the movie looks like it may be pretty fun.
Exactly. Sometimes doing stuff REALLY over the top, if done correctly is a good thing. Vince blowing up in the limo still makes me chuckle, because it just came out of nowhere! Now Triple H screwing a corpse, that wasn't good. But Vince exploding? Awesomeness!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think that no matter what he goes by, he'll always be The Rock. I mean he could win like 5 Oscars and be like 70 and if I saw him in the street I'd be like, "Hey, it's The Rock!!!" And totally agreed, that movie DOES look really good. I'll prob never see it naturally, but still, it does look good!
Lol I still laugh at the amazingly huge smile that London had before Vince blew up, that was so damn great.
ReplyDeleteI agree, no matter what he does he's ALWAYS gonna be The Rock, simple as that. That's like if Hogan told people to call him Terry Bolea...
HA!!! THat smile is probably what got him fired down the line too! The best was the double take Vince did when he noticed he was smiling!
ReplyDeleteYeah, exactly. If you see Hogan, you're not gonna go, "Hey, how's it going, Terry?" The Rock is now, and forever, The Rock.
Lol that double take was amazing, and yeah, he got MAD heat for that smile which eventually DID get him fired. Oh, WWE recently released Festus aka Luke Gallows when he rolled with Punk, Shad of Cryme Tyme, Jillian Hall even though she's gonna be FCW trainer, and two other less important people.
ReplyDeleteYep, I wouldn't even wanna change it. Hell, I'd say even before he became a movie star, 8 outta 10 people knew who The Rock was anyway, so why even change it.
Ah, so that must mean it's time for some of that famous Spring cleaning that happens in the E every now and then. I remember it would be like 6 guys get cut, then 6 more and then a couple more, and then the cuts are over.
ReplyDeleteExactly! You say "The Rock" to somebody and they instantly know who you're talking about. But Dwayne Johnson? Not so much. I guess I can kind of see that it might be a bit annoying to be constantly called by your nickname, but hey, that nickname was a part of what made you famous, so I say just go with it!
Yep, as of now it's just been those guys, but I'm sure it's on the way.
ReplyDeleteExactly, if you became super famous from this blog I doubt you'd get upset or want people to stop calling you X-Man right? Comes with the territory when you take on a new alias, haha.
Yeah, I'd be worried if I was in the lower portion of the card... It always seems to come in waves.
ReplyDeleteExactly! I mean hell, when ever we talk, I STILL call you JT, and you still call me X! I don't even think about it! If(when!)I become famous from this blog, I'd be fine with everybody saying, "There goes X, the greatest reviewer of comics the world has EEEEEEEVER known!"... I guess that's what Jericho would say about me at least... *shrugs*
Definitely, especially for like Curt Hawins and JTG and some of the other guys they barely use.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more, and that Jericho thing made me laugh, then stop, then laugh A-GAIN! ;-) Btw, he stole Wolverine's gimmick and says he's the best he is at what he does.