Overall: This issue begins with Dick Grayson(Batman) and Robin defeating Reaper, even though Catgirl's interference nearly cost them the battle. Bruce Wayne(Batman) tells Dick to put an end to this Catgirl nonsense(I couldn't agree more!), which Dick is more then happy to do. Dick goes to Catwoman and tells her that Catgirl is going to get hurt, but Catwoman claims ignorance to the whole situation, telling Dick that she hadn't seen Catgirl in quite some time. After Dick leaves, we discover that Catwoman was lying and that she was still working with/training Catgirl. From there the story takes a terrible turn involving some woman named Peacock and the Sensei. I literally have no clue as to what that story was all about, so I'm just going to end this review here.
Maybe Tony Daniel should stick to what he does best, art, because he just can't seem to tell a logical story. I can't stand Catgirl, who is basically an untrained mobster's daughter who has suddenly become a crime fighter, and the main story, with this Peacock woman was just... unexplainable. This Peacock woman wanted to buy properties in Crime Alley for some reason, then she's attacked by assassins, and then this Sensei suddenly attacked her... Huh? Besides that, some guy with a Nazi insignia in his room was killed by a mystery figure, as was some Japanese guy, who was beheaded. Oh, and an assassin went to kill the Japanese guy, but he was already dead, and the assassin was blown up by some dynamite... Yeah. This comic was bad. Really bad.
Score: 2 out of 10.

The art? Really good. The story? Um, not so much...
Catgirl, huh? Is she a new character or something? I've never heard of her before. And given my feelings on Catwoman, I'm sure you can imagine that the concept of this other character doesn't sound all that interesting to me, haha.
ReplyDeleteWhat you said about Tony Daniel is the same thing I've been hearing about him ever since he started doing both writing and art with the Battle for the Cowl stuff. From what I've heard, his writing sounds like it's straight out of a mid-90s Image comic book.
Well Catgirl is new-ish. Daniel wrote a few Bat-books before issue #700(I think)where he introduced Catgirl, and brought back Reaper. It was def after BftC, but before #700. She's just so damn annoying...
ReplyDeleteI'd say striaght out of 1990's Image is being TOO nice to him! Try an even lower level company than that! :D
Issues 695-698 or something are when he introduced Catgirl, I remember because I reviewed them and thought it was a stupid as hell idea then too.
ReplyDeleteThe thing about Daniel that annoys me is we ALL knew Grayson was gonna win the cowl, so why not at least try to spice it up instead of making it obvious. Tim almost got killed right off the bat and was never a contender, plus he got saved by Damian and Squire?! Then of course, Jason's unnecessary heel turn just for the sake of having one.
Thanks for the numbers, JT. I knew it was around that area, but I couldn't remember the exact #'s.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'll always rememebr BftC for the full blown Jason heel turn. Before that he'd been a total tweener character, but that was the series that pretty much took him and placed him squarely in the "bad guy" camp. I mean hell, even at the end of the Robin series, there was a glimmer of hope that he might just repent his evil ways after Tim let him listen to Bruce's message in the Cave. BftC totally destroyed all of that though.
No problem, and I couldn't agree more. There was so much hope for him, hell even in Teen Titans after beating the hell outta Tim, he showed he still had that tweener type character in him, then all of a sudden Bruce is "dead" and he's insane. But Judd could take that and make it work, he could make it so having his own "death" then seeings Bruce's was too much. All he really needs is to see Bruce, break down and apologize and he'd be back as a good guy.
ReplyDeleteJT, amigo, this is one storyline where a wrestling style story line could do wonders! I mean it could be JUST like you said! Heel Jason breaks out of prison and does all sorts of nefarious things--steals candy from babies, unscrews the tops of salt shakers, kills people, etc--until he runs into Batman, who he immediately assumes is still Dick and attacks. But alas, Batman is actually Bruce, and the new lovey-dovey Bruce apologizes for everything that has happened to Jason, and offers to take him back in. Jason gets confused and gets away just as Bats is attacked by... let's say Killer Croc. Croc is about to eat Bats(because he's a dude with a skin condition)at which point Jason comes in and saves the day, taking Croc down. Bats can be down and hurt, and Jason can have the opportunity to kill Croc, but doesn't take it, instead helping Bats up and embracing him, giving you your Wrestlemania moment! And then Croc eats them both. Um, let's disregard that last part... But yeah, a face turn would be SO easy to accomplish with Jason, because you KNOW Bruce would welcome him back with open arms, especially the current lovey-dovey Bruce.
ReplyDeleteLmao @ New Lovey Dovey Bruce. It's so true though, it'd be SO easy to redeem Jason at this point, hell if they did it for Damian who was beheading people a year ago, they should be able to find some good in Jason.
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY! I mean DAMIAN has pretty much reformed, and he's a Hellspawn! There's NO reason Jason can't!
ReplyDeleteOkay, I honestly don't think Damian has reformed, but just has a temporary change of additude. I think that it is very possible for him to flip some time soon.
ReplyDeleteBut I would love to see Jason Todd (the character) be redeemed. I actually would consider him worthy of being the new Nightwing (not that that's in my power).
I'd actually love to see Jason Todd (the blogger) become reformed too. That guy is just out of control! :D
ReplyDeleteIdk, Cole. Damian has really been on his best behavior when it comes to not killing of villains as of late. I think he's mainly brought into Batman's no killing approach. That's not to say I couldn't see him going and killing somebody, 'cause I could, but I'd say he's mainly reformed. And yes, I'd LOVE to see Jason as the new Nightwing.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Marc... You and me both. :D
Yes for Jason being the new Nightwing, no for me reforming :P I'm JT: Air Marshall! If I can't be the giant jerk I am then I can't keep you all safe! :P Also... Boom.
ReplyDeleteHA!!! That's right, if you were to reform, you'd probably lose that edge, so yeah, you can't reform.
ReplyDeleteAnd that usage of "Boom"? Awesomeness squared!
Why thank you good sir. Speaking of which, Work was pretty damn awesome today and yesterday. And now I shall relax until Saturday. God...bless America.
ReplyDeleteWork was awesome? Great! Glad to hear things are working out for you, JT. Especially in light of that last job you had!
ReplyDeleteThanks buddy. Yeah, Im off the Lav job too cause I didn't like it so I'm back to working ramp and handling bags and such but it's fun.
ReplyDeleteThat's really great. Actually liking the job makes it a whole hell of a lot easier to get yourself up in the morning to go there. And who knows, maybe later on you'll get even better hours and then you'll be set!