Overall: The adventures of late 1940's/1950's Captain America, Jeff Mace, continue here as he deals with the aftermath of his partner Bucky(actually the second Bucky I believe)getting shot by some gangsters. Jeff suspects that his on-again, off-again girlfriend may have had something to do Bucky being shot, since she had become increasingly jealous of Jeff's young partner. Jeff decides to hunt down whoever shot Bucky on his own, telling the All-Winner's Squad(that generation's Avengers)to give him 24 hours to solve the case before they begin looking into things(since he wanted to handle the situation on his own in case his girlfriend was involved). After some sleuthing, Jeff learns that it wasn't his girlfriend who was responsible for shooting Bucky, but some crazy dame(sorry, I got carried away with the whole 1940's vernacular)who was leading a group of gangsters. Jeff is nearly defeated by the evil woman, but is saved by the last minute appearance of his FBI liaison, Betsy Ross, in the guise of the Golden Girl. Jeff decides to take Betsy under his wing while Bucky heals, which is exactly what the FBI wanted to happen, since they had unfounded suspicions that he was a communist.
I'm really enjoying this series. It's probably not the type of comic that somebody unfamiliar with the history of the Marvel Universe and the many Captain Americas/Buckys that appeared after the original two “died”/disappeared would want to take on, but for me, a self-professed Marvel history nerd, I'm loving this mini. It's a fun look back at the 1950's Marvel U, and the way things worked back in the day. My only real complaint is that there is only one more issue, and I have NO idea where this story will go, or how Jeff's saga will end...
Score: 8 out of 10.

That crazy dame must be off her trolley!
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