Young Avengers #1
Summary: This issue gets started with Kate Bishop(or Hawkeye, if you prefer), waking up in some guy's bed... Huh. While Kate tries to figure out what she was doing there and what she should do next, the guy in question strolls in the room. And that guy? Marvel Boy! Marvel Boy seems more... hippy, than last we saw him, and starts dancing like Mary Jane Watson circa 1970 to some oldies music(?!?). Kate and Noh-Varr(that would be Marvel Boy's real name, fyi) talk a bit before Skrulls attack his spaceship, because that's what Skrulls do. From there we head to the streets of New York where some punks are mugging a woman. Spider-Man appears on the scene to stop them, but ends up getting shot, much to the punks' surprise. However, "Spidey" hops up and attacks the two with shape-changing abilities before vacating the premises. It turns out that "Spidey" was indeed Hulkling, who had been secretly going out to do the superhero thing since his boyfriend(that would be Wiccan), had basically forbidden the two of them from being superheroes after the events of Avengers: Children's Crusade. Hulkling climbs in the window of Wiccan's parent's house(which is where he was living after the death of his mother), where he finds an angry Wiccan waiting for him in his bedroom. Wiccan rants about how "they" promised not to be heroes anymore because of all the deaths they had seen. Hulkling tells Wiccan that he was through living a lie and was a hero, and that he fell in love with a hero, not whatever Wiccan had become. With that, Wiccan realizes how selfish he had been, and promises Hulkling that he would support him with his super-heroics From there, Wiccan heads to his own bedroom and begins searching through other dimensions... Next we head to (the maybe evil, maybe not evil) Kid Loki, who senses that Wiccan was using his powers, and as such he had to do something about that... Kid Loki teleports to the roof of Wiccan's apartment and prepares to unleash a magic spell against the unaware Wiccan. Before he can though, he is confronted by Miss America, who warns Loki against doing anything to Wiccan. That leads to the two having a bit of a skirmish. Hulkling hears the disturbance upstairs and heads to the roof, just in time to see Kid Loki teleport away, while Miss America flies off, not telling Hulkling what that was all about. From there, we head back to Wiccan, who finds what he was looking for and manages to transport Hulkling's mother from an alternate dimension to his room. Hulkling heads back downstairs and is shocked to see his formerly dead mother standing in the hallway. The two embrace and eventually Hulkling heads back to sleep. Later on, Hulkling's mother tells Wiccan's parents that she didn't approve of Hulkling wasting his time on Wiccan, and proceeds to smother the Kaplans(not "Caplans", Kaplans!!).
Thoughts: Well, you know what? I really enjoyed this comic! Gillen did a really good job with characterizations(Although Wiccan and Hulkling could turn down the drama just a bit) and I have to say, I was thoroughly impressed! I'll admit, when I first opened this comic and saw that Kate was having a random fling with Noh-Varr, I was a bit... let's say taken aback. But the more I thought about it, the more it worked... I mean, why not? The hero she looks most up to is Clint Barton! Or Hawkeye, for those of you not in the know... Hawkeye is... well, he IS rather promiscuous On top of that, Kate is comfortably over 18, as is Noh-Varr, so why not? If anything, I hope this isn't going to end up a one night stand, because Kate and Noh-Varr actually work for me. Two of my favorite characters hooking up? Yeah, I can deal with that. Wiccan and Hulkling were also written very well, as you had Wiccan still acting up due to Stature's death at the end of Children's Crusade, while Hulkling was trying to keep the peace with Wiccan by sneaking around to help people, because that's who Hulkling is, a hero. And it was Hulkling who reminded Wiccan that he too was a hero. I mean Gillen wrapped up the whole, "Wiccan's self-loathing" storyline in a few panels. And he did it in a way that made sense to all the characters involved. The ending was also great, because while Wiccan may have though he was bringing back Hulkling's "mother"(actually a random Skrull who raised him), he was bringing over an alternate version of that woman, and alternate versions don't always equal identical version... I mean, this comic was great! Now the question is, is it perfect... And after literally sitting here for several minutes after typing that last sentence, for me personally, as a fan of these characters? Yes, it was perfect for me.
Score: 10 out of 10.
Those wacky dancing Krees...
I am not sure I would call it perfect but very promising. This was a setup issue for the series, which I give Gillen credit for because the back story of all these characters were left in a bit of a mess and it is nice when the writer takes the time to clean it up. This issue settled what was left hanging from the Children's Crusade and showed Marvel Boy after the Avengers magically changed into their movie counterparts and he disappeared. The next few issues will probably focus on what Loki is planning, whether old Loki is up to his old tricks or if he is truly serious about redeeming himself like he said in Journey into Mystery.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the perfect score was a total judgement call, Jermox... Although, honestly, every score I hand out is a total judgement call! It's not like I have some criteria when I read stuff, I just put whatever pops into my head at the time! The more I think about it, after being a day removed, the more I think this issue was more a solid 9, but, at the time, after reading it, I was just happy to see so many of the characters I really liked back again. So my head says 9-ish, my heart says 10. But I am definitely intrigued to see where Gillen goes moving forward here.
DeleteYea, I am not really questioning your score so much as giving my own take. I also want to point out that I really liked this issue because as it was coming up I was a bit anxious about how this would turn out. If Loki turns out to be a good guy I can see him teaching Wiccan about magic and how to be responsible with it (which is something nobody has ever done for him as far as I can remember). There is just a lot of potential here.
DeleteI'm actually questioning my own score, Jermox! :D Especially after reading Winter Soldier, which I enjoyed a bit more than this issue... Like I said, in retrospect, I'd probably go 9, but at the time, I thought 10.
DeleteI remember Gillen saying Loki had turned evil at the end of his Journey run, which I REALLY hope isn't true... The main thing I'm worried about is that we get Kid Loki inadvertently starting the Young Avengers, much like how Loki began the Avengers back in the day... That seems like such an easy way out. Loki on the team would give an interesting dynamic, especially in the eyes of the older Avengers. I doubt the likes of Cap or Iron Man would be okay with Loki potentially "corrupting" the YA's. Yeah, like you said, there are a LOT of ways this series could go... Along with this issues cliffhanger, I'm really looking forward to the next issue.
I am pleased to see this score. Now off to read I go! lol.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping you enjoy this issue half as much as I did, Lisha!
DeleteMe, too. Perfect. Maybe it's totally an emotional response to having back the gang, but I loved this issue. I never in a million years would've put Kate Bishop with Noh-Varr, but, man, just like, it totally worked for me. Plus, it's about time Billy realized that Teddy actually maybe also has some stuff happening in his life and focus on that. But, I love that he does it in a terribly impulsive, irresponsible way and brings back Teddy's mom. It's all just so great. I can't wait to see where we go!
ReplyDeleteYup, I was SO damn happy to have these characters back, JW! Agreed on Kate and Noh-Varr, it was a bit of a surprise, but after some thought I was fine with it. I definitely think it can work. And absolutely agreed on Billy and Teddy! I love Billy and all, but he REALLY needed to realize that Teddy has a life of his own! I mean, if Billy didn't want to do the superhero thing, why should Teddy have to sit on the sidelines too? And the twist at the end? With Teddy's "mother"? Loved it! I can't wait for Wednesday!