Thursday, October 16, 2008

Nightwing 43

Story- After escaping the dynamite explosion that closed the last issue, Nightwing and Nite-wing try to make a break for it but find the Bludhaven SWAT team waiting for them outside the mangled building. They escape the SWAT team, and Nite-Wing realizes he was set up by his benefactor, Police Chief Redhorn. After putting distance between themselves and the SWAT, Nightwing tries to convince Nite-Wing to give up the vigilante life. Nite-Wing vehemently refuses, and Nightwing on a lark decides it might be best to keep on eye on Nite-Wing by making him into his sidekick. Nite-Wing excitedly agrees, and they set to meet the next night for training.
Blockbuster, whose health grows worse by the moment, has managed to capture a Gorilla from Gorilla City, and is trying to bargain with the monkey as to giving him the whereabouts to Gorilla City, where they may be able to find a heart large enough to save Blockbuster's life.
Back on the personal front, Dick's landlady/"girlfriend", Clancy, joins him in his apartment looking to possibly take their relationship to the next level, but notices a photo of Dick and Barbara(Oracle) prominently displayed in his bedroom. Clancy leaves in a hurry, and Dick realizes what a bonehead move he made by leaving that picture up where Clancy could see it.
The following night, Nightwing begins his training of Nite-wing. What Nite-wing lacks in smarts, he makes up in enthusiasm, but Dick decides Nite-Wing needs a lot more training before he is street ready. We close out this comic with Torque holding a high ranking member of Intergang hostage in an attempt to join up with their criminal empire, so he can place himself as a mafia boss in Bludhaven.

Overall- Another good story here. A lot of story threads are coming together, with Blockbuster making one last desperate attempt to save his life, Torque trying to muscle into Blockbuster's turf, Chief Redhorn looking to eliminate Nite-Wing, as well as Dick trying to train the very temperamental, and possibly insane Nite-Wing. The next couple of issues could prove to be very interesting depending on the direction Chuck Dixon decides to take the story.

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