What Happened: This issue opens with Black Canary spiriting Cupid away from prison in an attempt to keep her safe from the insane Big Game, who wants to kill Cupid. Cupid and BC run from the cops, talk and fight the cops. Big Game eventually catches up to the women and claims to have killed Green Arrow back at the prison. BC and Big Game wind up battling in the streets of Star City while Cupid uses the distraction to escape. BC and Game are pretty well matched, with neither one of them managing to gain the upper hand, that is until the timely arrival of Speedy(!)who ties Game up with some rope arrows, ending his threat. BC and Speedy both try to get in touch with GA, and Ollie eventually answers them, stating that he is a bit bruised, but definitely not dead. From there we head back to Ollie's home, where we learn Mia and Dodger broke up, which is why she returned to Star City. After catching up with Ollie and Dinah, Mia decides to hit the hay, but is woken up by the sounds of arguing. Ollie decides that there is something wrong with him and his relationship with Dinah, so he packs a bag and leaves, ending this issue.
What I thought: UGH... What the hell was this??? This comic was pretty terrible, from cover to cover. The dialogue was awful, the story was nonsensical(why was Dinah running from the cops with Cupid? Why not stay at the prison with Ollie and take down Game together?)and the ending was ridiculous. The only good to come out of this issue was the return of Speedy, but not even she could save this comic. I honestly can't stand Cupid. Unfortunately for me however, Andrew really seems to like her, which means we'll be seeing more of her going forward in this series. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Andrew changed the name of this series to Green Arrow and Cupid, or better yet, Cupid and Green Arrow... Of course Black Canary couldn't defeat Big Game one on one, but that really doesn't surprise me anymore. Obviously Andrew can't stand Dinah, so far his entire run on this book has shown Dinah as either a screw-up or a damsel in distress... She once fought Deathstroke the frigging Terminator to a standstill in an issue of the "Birds of Prey"!!! Dinah should have mopped the floor with Big Game, but naturally she winds up getting stabbed in the leg and saved by Speedy... Sigh... So now Ollie has decided to leave Dinah... Who didn't see that one coming? Andrew has been setting up a relationship between Ollie and Cupid from practically his first issue on this title, and if/when that relationship occurs, this rant will seem like child's play compared to what I'll wind up saying then...
Score: 3 1/2 out of 10.

Wow....this sounds horrible...Im so glad I didnt waste my time reading this issue...which is sad cause it started so well and their two of my favroites in DC.
ReplyDeleteIt kills me that this series has become as bad as it has... I really like both Ollie and Dinah and all of the members of Team Arrow for that matter.
ReplyDeleteIn my spare time I've been reading through the Green Arrow series from the early 2000's, which was first written by Kevin Smith, then Brad Meltzer before Judd Winick took over. The first 20 or so issues of that series are just phenominal, which makes reading this series all that much worse. I miss good Green Arrow comic books!
I just picked up the Quiver Hardcover but hadn't got around to reading it, i see I'm gonna have to check that out after I finish JLA Act Of God
ReplyDeleteSo emo... Are you sure that's Mike Norton art? I thought his art was way more polished.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny you mention that Kello, this was one of those Double Feature books. The scan I posted was from the second feature. The first feature was pencilled by Mike Norton, and the second feature was pencilled by... Mike Norton(I think)! I can tell you for certain tomorrow, but I'm fairly certain Mike did both features, but with two different inkers. Like I said, I'm not certain, and I don't have the comic on hand right now(I lent it out to my sister), but once I get it back I'll let you know for sure.
ReplyDeleteJason- Quiver(by Kevin Smith)and Archer's Quest(by Brad Meltzer)were simply amazing. Quiver had some real lol moments, the end was a bit of a letdown, but that was one fantastic storyline. Archer's Quest was as good if not better than Quiver. If you liked Quiver I'd totally recommend Archer's Quest.
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely check out Archer's quest then, Im alread a big fan of Meltzer after Identity Crisis and Last Will and Testament
ReplyDeleteMeltzer is amazing. He also did the first couple of issues of the current Justice League of America series and those were naturally very good as well. Once he left that series though, it really nose-dived.
ReplyDeleteThats what I'd heard which Is why I didn't get into it, I also was gonna get into Cry for Justice but the first two issues were so boring I couldn't commit to it. Thats one of the worst ongoing comics right now in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteI'd def reccomend meltzer work too. There is nothing of his I havent read and enjoyed. Its a shame he doesnt do more comics
ReplyDeleteIt seems almost unanimous, Brad Meltzer rocks!
ReplyDeleteHey, that's finally something we don't agree on Jason, I've really been enjoying Cry for Justice. Most people seem to agree with you on the subject though.
Hm...I knew it was a matter of time until there was SOMETHING we didnt agree on, to me it just seems like everyone's always standing around talking, what exactly did you like about it?
ReplyDeleteIt's actually the standing around talking that I like! I should probably note that I am a huge fan of James Robinson, and that Starman(which he wrote)is my all-time favorite series. I love that James is revisisting Opal City, which is where Starman was set, and whenever there's a reference to the old Starman series I can't help but smile.
ReplyDeleteI think the dialogue is dead on, Ollie and Hal, Prometheus, Atom and Jay Garrick, they all speak/act exactly how I would expect them to. Plus the Shade appeared in the last issue, and in case you didn't know, the Shade is easily one of my favorite characters in either DC or Marvel.
Hm...I just can't get into it. I may try to check it out once i can read all the issues in order and not have to wait between them, I do remember in the first issue that the dynamic between Hal and Ollie was dead on but I hate how quickly Ollie sided with Hal over his wife, It seems like he's never on BC's side, sometime I wonder why they even had them get married.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Ollie def married the wrong person, he prob should have hooked up with Hal! I honestly don't know how BC tolerates him... She should have stuck with Dr. Midnite over in the JSA. They had good chemistry and more importantly, I doubt Midnite would be constantly cheating on her/running off with Hal all the time.
ReplyDeleteLol, right? Ollie's a weird dude, because I know if I was with Dinah, The last thing I'd be doing is cheating and running off with Hal Jordan. You'd think Ollie would appreciate Dinah more since being, ya know, dead. But yeah...Hell Dinah would be better of staying with Ras Al Gul.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I've been saying the same thing since I started reading GA comics. If I had Dinah on my arm, you can bet your ass I wouldn't be travelling the country with Hal!!! Hell, I'd be lucky if I even went out at night patrolling! Ollie, dude, wake up!!!
ReplyDeleteDinah sure does like her men older then she is doesn't she... Ollie's def older then her and Ra's is older than dirt!
Lol Good point, she does like them older...all the more reason that Ollie should appreciate what he has. The guy dresses up like Robin Hood and is able to land a young hot babe like Dinah and still would rather hang out with Hal. Maybe if she changed her name to Green Canary Ollie would hang out with her.
ReplyDeleteNah, I think Dinah could change her name to Green Canary Lantern, dress up like Hal and still wind up with Ollie ignoring her. Ollie and Hal's bromance is the stuff of legends!
ReplyDeleteLol Sadly you're right. I've never seen a man hang out so much with his friend over his wife...usually the wife puts a stop to that. You'd think that'd be easy for someone with fighting skills, a canary cry and a hot bod like Dinah.
ReplyDeleteEh, Dinah had to know what she was getting into before she married Ollie. Ollie and Hal are like a package deal, you marry one and you know you're going to have to deal with the other.
ReplyDeleteWell does that count as a three package deal considering how close Hal and Barry are? I can imagine the four of them arguing on where to go for the honeymoon.
ReplyDeleteGreen Arrow: Sherwood Forrest...
Hal Jordan: No Ollie, I think we should go visit Oa, I can recharge my ring while we're there.
Barry: I have an idea...
Dinah: For the LAST time Barry we are NOT going to the Speedforce!
LOL!!! And it's right around that time Dinah goes and hooks back up with Ra's again and Ollie, Hal and Barry spend their honeymoon on Oa(mainly because you don't want to piss Hal Jordan off!).
ReplyDeleteLol, I don't even know what they'd do. They can't play cards because Im sure Flash cheats and looks at everyone's card, they can't play twister because the minute yellow comes up Hal faints. (I know its not his weakness but I needed a joke...lol)