Adventure Comics #2: Writer- The comic book GOD himself, Geoff Johns. Artist- Francis Manapul.
What Happened: Lex Luthor and Brainiac make their escape from Project 7734. We learn that Brainiac intends on killing Superman for defeating him and re-bottling Kandor, while Lex Luthor will be given the Earth for his assistance in Brainiac's escape. Lex also has some kind of experiment on Brainiac's ship called Project: Alien Farm, which Lex calls very "personal" and "family". Wonder Girl and Superboy have a date, and SB reveals to Cassie that he still has feelings for her and that he'd like to pick up their relationship from where they left off, prior to his "death". Cassie reveals that while SB was "dead" her and Robin(Tim Drake/Wayne)wound up dating for a while. SB forgives her since everybody thought he was dead anyway and the two share a kiss. This issue ends with Lex Luthor catching up on the news while he was locked up by Project 7734. Lex seems genuinely pleased by most of the bad things he reads, however he is struck speechless when he gets to the article about his "son", Superboy, returning from the dead. This issue also had a Second Feature story starring Lightning Lad from the Legion of Super-Heroes and his evil brother. The story was pretty good, but I just can't fully enjoy these Legion stories... I want MY Legion, the Three-boot Legion!
What I thought: I definitely liked this issue more than the last one, the main story, as well as the Legion back-up were both way better than last month's installment of "Adventure". Lex Luthor stole the show as usual for me, but as most of you probably know, I'm a big fan of Lex, and Geoff writes Lex better than anybody else IMO. The SB story was nothing more than an extended date between SB and Cassie... Although I did enjoy the date and the dialogue was very well done, I was a little letdown that nothing really happened on the date. Sure, SB and Cassie got back together and kissed and all, but I was hoping for something more. Now, next issue has the potential of being VERY interesting... Red Robin(Tim Drake/Wayne)and SB are set to meet up for the first time since SB's return from the dead(well, besides FC: Legion of Three Worlds #5). I'll be interested to see how SB reacts to Tim concerning his new moniker/look, as well as the fact that Tim, SB's best friend, was all over Cassie after SB's death.
Score: 8 out of 10.

So I just finished AC2 and I agree with your review full-heartedly, the dialogue was wonderful and I Love how it showed that Lex is so crazy he thinks he has to kill Superman before he can do any good.
ReplyDeleteAlso Im loving Conner's list but it's very one sided so Im expecting things to go sour with him and Tim, the way Tim's been acting since having the Red Robin suit and he's kinda a jerk so I expect him to brush off Conner and that to lead to Conner checking off more things on the Luthor side of his check-list.
I also love the way Lex blames Supes for monopolizing his time, thereby preventing him from curing all of humanities ills. Lex is awesome.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm also thinking the relationship between SB and Tim is going to be very different than how it was. Personally I hope SB manages to knock some sense into Tim.
I also love that about Lex...its like yeah, I'd cure world hunger, and all earth's problems if Superman weren't so busy making me hate him and find ways to destroy him.
ReplyDeleteIm also hoping for Superboy to give Tim a reality check, seems like Tim's surrounded by death though...I'd kinda enjoy him being away, meaning it won't result in my immediate death.
Yeah, now that you mention it, Tim is like this huge jinx! Dick should be breathing a sigh of relief that Timmy is on the road and not stationed in Gotham anymore!
ReplyDeleteThats probably why he replaced him, i mean sure Damien's a huge asshole but Tim's friends and family always die, Jack, Conner, Bruce, Spoiler, the guy's just bad news.
ReplyDeleteHA! Poor Tim, he just has this huge black cloud always hanging over his head! If I were him I would go crawl into a cave and never come out!
ReplyDeleteLol If I were Bruce I'd go send him to be partners with Joker or Two face or someone and make my job a little easier. Local headlines would read, "Joker killed by a stray comet, his partner The Jinx was three feet to the left of him and left unscathed." Lol
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! That headline had me rolling Jason! I'd actually like to hear the conversation between Bruce and Tim where he sends him to work with Joker... "You know how everybody who gets close to you dies Tim? Well I want you to go and hang out with the Joker until some random terrible thing happens to him... Or Two Face. Just stay the hell away from Catwoman!!!"
ReplyDeleteLol @ Stay the hell away from Catwoman. Next thing you know all of Batman's Rogue's are dead he's loaning Tim out to the highest bidding Superheroes and Arkham Asylum has become an amusement park.
ReplyDeleteTim Drake/Wayne, the ultimate super-hero weapon! Who knew?
ReplyDeleteLol Every Batman needs a Robin, every Superhero needs a ultimate weapon of destruction used to kill all of his enemies, Im sure Tim must've been somewhere around when Jason got blown up, probably taking a whiz behind the building
ReplyDeleteHa, yeah, it'd be funny to just place Tim at the scene of every super-hero/villain death. Tim was visiting Metropolis when Supes died, Tim was skiing past the building Ted Kord was shot, and he was taking a leak behind Jason's ill-fated building!
ReplyDeleteLmao, He was walking out of court when Captain America got shot..he's even jinxing other Comic companies. Damn you Tim Drake!!!
ReplyDeleteDamn, you'd think Tim was busy enough killing off DC characters! Where does he find the time???
ReplyDeleteExactly, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a time machine and killed Bruce's parents. He said every Batman needs a Robin but he REALLY meant every Robin needs a
ReplyDeleteI have it on good authority that Tim was born the very day Bruce's parent's died!
ReplyDeleteLmao that makes Tim about what, thirty years old? That relationship with Stephanie just took a WHOLE weird turn...Although I did hear that Tim was behind Doomsday playing hopscotch when Superman was killed.
ReplyDeleteTim Drake, scourge of the DCU!
ReplyDeleteIn some ways he's worse than Luthor and Joker combined. I believe they called him Lex Joker. If ya don't know what im talking about check out Superman Batman Issue's 60 & 61.
ReplyDeleteThey had amalgams of the Titans and the JLA, like Nightlantern, Dianna Troy, DoomStroke (Doomsday and Deathstroke) and the genius idea of S.T.A.Rkham
Ha, that sounds so ridiculous I may have to see if I can pick it up! "DoomStroke"?!?! Really???
ReplyDeleteLol yeah it was pretty awesome, off the top of my head I remember Metallo and Penguin being mixed into Penguello, I know how much ya hate penguin , Um...Lana Quinn, Jimmy Two-Face lol, Brainycat, lol but it was pretty awesome to read. Even if its just to see Wally Allen, Hal Grayson and Ravanna.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's def getting picked up in my next comic book order!
ReplyDeleteLol glad I could influence you, It's a good read, in fact that Superman/Batman series is pretty good, It's one of the best interactions between those two characters I've read.
ReplyDeleteI have a few early trades of the series, but(of course)I haven't gotten around to reading them yet!
ReplyDeleteAhh I should've known, do you ever just sit back, look at all your comics and sigh knowing that by the time you finish all those you'll have like twenty stacks at your door? Lol
ReplyDeleteHa, I've gotten to the point now where I doubt I'll ever finish all of the piles of comics I have laying around. I'll be 80 years old, sitting in a rocking chair still trying to read through the complete Robin series!
ReplyDeleteI can't even imagine how DC would be by then, Batman alone would be over 110 years old. That's amazing. I bet I'd still read your reviews too, lol.
ReplyDeleteHa!!! If I'm still writing reviews for this blog at 80 yrs old that's either the most awesome thing ever, or the saddest!
ReplyDeleteLmao, I'm gonna vote for awesome world renown site thats covered by the Guinness book of records. Lol