Deadpool #38:
Summary: I love comics that are really quick and easy to review... Having blown a small nuclear device up in the Hulk's face last issue, a suicidal Deadpool continues to try to provoke the Hulk to kill him. Deadpool taunts Hulk by telling him he had more nukes lying around, and that he'd happily blow them up just for kicks. While this is a blatant lie on Pool's behalf, Hulk buys it and hits Pool so hard he momentarily dies, and meets up with his ladylove, Death. Death tells Pool he wasn't completely dead yet, and that his healing factor would soon pull him back to the land of the living, and sure enough, Pool wakes up, having landed in a construction site. Hulk charges in, and Pool manages to wrap Hulk's legs up with some of the construction machinery and literally uses Hulk as a wrecking ball, smashing the Green Goliath through buildings, the street, pretty much anything he could. Eventually the Hulk gets free and uppercuts Pool far away from the construction site. Pool comes to and spots the Hulk, now in full blown, Hulk Smash mode, moving in for the kill. Unfortunately for Pool, he realizes that he landed right in front of a preschool full of children, and that by this point, there was no reasoning with the Hulk...
Thoughts: What can I say? I liked this one. It was funny, the action scenes were well done, and the story is moving along logically(or at least logically for a Deadpool comic). So Pool has his dream in sight, being murdered by the Hulk, but with Hulk in full berserker mode, in the process of killing Pool, he'd probably kill several innocent children as well... So much for Wade's best laid plans! Next issue should have a VERY injured Pool now trying to calm down the Hulk to save the kids, even though doing so will ruin his best chance at dying and meeting the woman of his dreams, Death.
Score: 8 1/2 out of 10.
Fear Itself: Fearsome Four #1(of 4):
Summary: The Serpent's influence is increasing fear across the globe. And in doing so is driving the Man-Thing, who's powers are partially based on fear, kind of crazy. The crazed Man-Thing is wandering through NYC, burning everything that he touches to death, since all who know fear burn at the Man-Thing's touch, and right now, EVERYBODY knows fear! To deal with this, Howard the Duck(......), She Hulk, Nighthawk and Frankenstein's Monster join forces and begin to hunt for the Man-Thing in New York... Yes really, THAT'S the team... The foursome eventually meet up with Man-Thing, and Man-Thing uses his mastery over the Nexus of Realities to warp the four “heroes” into deformed alternate dimensional version of themselves.
Thoughts: Man... You'd think that by NOW Marvel would realize that putting Howard the Duck in ANYTHING is a BAD move, but alas, they haven't. What can I say here? I like She Hulk(most of the time, it depends on the writer), I HATE Howard the Duck, he seems more like a character that belongs in the more childish DCU, with all of their talking animals, I don't have strong feelings towards Nighthawk, and Frankenstein's Monster is exactly what it sounds like, a one-dimensional character taken from a classic story. So yes, for me, THIS was a bad comic. However, I WILL stick with it and pick up at least the next issue just to see where exactly things are going. But I definitely wouldn't recommend this one to anybody...
Score: 4 out of 10.
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