Sunday, April 17, 2011

Outsiders #38 & Weird Worlds #4

Two DC comics to sludge through here. Seeing as that these two comics are among DC's lower selling titles, the reviews are a bit on the brief side, because let's face it, nobody cares about them anyway!

Outsiders #38:

Summary: Markovia is under siege by several of its neighboring countries as well as a few scattered super-powered mercenaries. Oh yeah, a group of Outsiders led by Black Lightning are there as well thanks to Amanda Waller, with orders to kill Geo-Force(I think...). While the streets of the country are full of chaos, Geo-Force simply watches from his castle while the Olympian practically begs Geo-Force to get out there and defend his people. However, Geo-Force is having a Hamlet moment, and instead stands there all broody and melancholy. Eventually the Black Lightning Outsides breech Geo-Force's castle and are met by Katana and the Olympian. As for Geo-Force, he manages to get out of his funk and heads out into the streets to put down the invaders. In the end, some weird guys who I don't know stand around and talk about how the old world order is nearly upon them... Oooookay then...

Thoughts: I was thoroughly enjoying this one right up until that bizarre ending. I mean there really wasn't much of a story here, Waller's Outsiders were fighting mercs, and the Outsiders who were still loyal to Geo-Force, while Geo-Force literally watched his country burn. Simple. And for some titles, simple is good. This series doesn't have much longer to go before cancellation(maybe one more issue?), but it's good to see that it's going to go out with a bang instead of a whimper.

Score: 7 out of 10.Geo-Force am sad!

Weird Worlds #4(of 6):

Summary: Ugh, do I HAVE to do this... *sigh* I might as well get this over with as quickly as possible... Three stories here, with Lobo starring in the first. After escaping from some planet last issue, Lobo decides to go back to collect his bounty, even though he killed the guy who originally hired him... That's some strange logic there... Lobo and his former bounty/current driver, S'Glayne try to hitch a ride underneath a larger spacecraft to sneak back on to the planet. However, Lobo's ship is attacked by organic parasites whose job it is to keep intruders off the larger ship. Lobo heads out to attack, but is overwhelmed, and we find out that S'Glayne was apparently a pumped up version of the parasites. The Garbageman story featured Garbageman fighting and defeating a werewolf, while the Tanga story has her drunkenly defeating a giant monster and earning the gratitude of an entire planet...

Thoughts: GAH! What happened here?! I mean usually at least one of these stories would be at least decent(usually the Garbageman story), but this month? No deal. All of the stories just didn't LEAD to anything. I mean last issue Lobo left the planet, this issue he inexplicably decides to head back to collect a bounty from a dead man, Garbageman fights a werewolf(for what reason I have NO idea), and Tanga was still drunk... Nothing really exciting happened in any of the three stories, so I can't really give this comic a score any higher than a...

Score: 4 out of 10.I also hoped it wouldn't come to this...

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