Brightest Day #0: Writers: Geoff Johns & Peter Tomasi. Pencils: Fernando Pasarin
We get started with Deadman heading to his tombstone and smashing it since he obviously has no need for it anymore. After doing that, he spots a bird that recently died and picks it up, which returns the bird to life. From there, Deadman hears a voice coming from his White Lantern ring asking for help, and with that, he teleports away. After that, Deadman begins to teleport to each of the heroes and villains who were returned to life at the end of Blackest Night, where he can see them, but they can't see him. Aquaman is spending time with Mera, but feels something is amiss, while the Reverse-Flash is locked up at Iron Heights Penitentiary. Next up on Deadman's magical mystery tour is a visit with Captain Boomerang, who is being warned by SAINT Barry to remain in prison and not bother trying to escape. Hawkman and Hawkgirl are busy getting reacquainted, even as some mystery villain is locating their first dead bodies. Maxwell Lord is trying to boost his powers for what I'm sure is some nefarious reason, as Guy Gardner and Hal Jordan head to Mars to pay the Martian Manhunter a visit. Jade is undergoing tests on Oa to make sure that everything checks out with her powers, which leads to a bit of friction between Jade, her ex-boyfriend Kyle Rayner and his current love, Soranik Natu. The recently returned Firestorm, Ronnie Raymond and the current Firestorm, Jason Rusch, meet up and come to blows, which causes Ronnie to become Firestorm with Jason stuck in his head as his advisor. Osiris heads back to Kahndaq, and lets the citizens of that country know that he had returned before heading off in order to find a way to return his sister and brother-in-law(Isis and Black Adam respectively)to life, while Hawk brutalizes some arms dealers, which upsets Dove. After his trip around the universe, Deadman appears in the devastated Star City and somehow causes a big star shaped forest to grow in the center of the city. Needless to say Deadman begins to get upset by his unasked for travels, and demands answers from his ring, with the ring simply responding, “Help me live”. This issue ends with Sinestro going to New Mexico in order to get his hands on the White Lantern power battery that appeared there.
Uh-oh, I get the feeling I'm about to be VERY unpopular! I didn't care for this comic in the least. There was no real story here except for Deadman being jerked around the universe to spy on people, and for the most part, I found the little mini-stories that we did get to be kind of boring... Captain Boomerang tells the Flash that he intends on breaking out of prison... What a shock!!! Who'd have guessed he'd try to break out for like the 700th time? Aquaman was feeling melancholy. OOOOOK then... Hawk is still a jerk. And this is important because? And then the coup de grace, the star shaped forest in the middle of Star City... While it made for a nice visual, what exactly was the point? Yes I know this was only the set-up issue for things to come, but I've got to say, it really wasn't much of a set-up issue... For me it was all just boring. Here's hoping things really pick up with the next issue...
Score: 6 1/2 out of 10.

Lmao. I Saw that comment coming. I am SO hoping he pull's a Blue'fer Twofer and kills off Jaime. I loved this comic. The aura of mystery around Deadman and his powers, him bringing back Star City, Wondering why J'onn had his skin off, the stuff with the Firestorm's. I just really really liked this comic man.
ReplyDeleteI feel pretty much the same, X-Man, as I too was quite put off by this hodge podge.
ReplyDeleteI think this series feels like it has too much going on already. It feels like Countdown did when that started, but I know for sure this will end up a better story in the end. At least it has interesting characters.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Martian Manhunter looks like Swamp Thing in this comic! lol
ReplyDeleteI loved reading this, I'm going to have to disagree with your score sir. Why because everything you say is wrong and my opinion matters and is correct. If you catch my drift sir. ;-) Lol, okay I went to far. Lol.
ReplyDeleteBut I did enjoy reading this. As always i enjoyed the art the most. I also enjoyed following Deadman around. I couldn't stop turning pages seeing what he would bring back to life. Also, I have a new found annoyance for Capt. Boomerang. Ugggh he's just so over rated and not needed at all. Lol. And ass for Max Lord, omg this man has me so anxious to see what he's going to do next. He's like my fav. villain.
But sir, I also disagree, you could never get unpopular in my book. You're the coolest. You're just keeping it real and giving your opinion. Screw whoever doesn't agree with you. :D They got a problem, send em my way.I'm not 6'0 for nothing!!!
A "Blue'fer Twofer"? HA! I love that! My sister is in the same boat as you and Falisha, JT. She also loved this comic and couldn't understand why I didn't. But I've got to say, Kello prob summed it up best, there was just too much going on... I don't think we needed to touch on SO many characters. I mean did we really need to see what Hawk or Capt. Boomerang were up to? And more to the point, does anybody really care what they're up to? ;-)
ReplyDeleteFalisha, you had me cracking up with your comments! Your words sound vaguely familiar... Where have I heard them before? :p And I'm def looking forward to Maxwell Lord's part here the most actually. Out of everybody who was shown here, he was the only one who seemed to be doing something interesting!
The Martian Swamphunter?
Lol thank ya :P I agree we didn't need to know what Hawk and Captain B were doing but it would've seemed weird to just leave them out, and make them seem like less important characters, especially when we don't know why Cap is younger and what effect coming back had on him.
ReplyDeleteAnd this comic was already getting at least a 7 from me just for Gardner saying, "Damn right I brought Milk, Mama Gardner didn't raise no fool!" I like Guy even more everytime I see him now.
Lol. I was laughing while typing every word sir. And I'm glad to have made you laugh. And I do agree with you and Kello about a lot going on. But I like to have a lot going on sometimes, keeps me very interested.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hope somehow Max makes a return in the WW series, I mean come on now, he's Max Lord. He HAS too.
"And this comic was already getting at least a 7 from me just for Gardner saying, "Damn right I brought Milk, Mama Gardner didn't raise no fool!" HA! It sure doesn't take much to please you, does it JT? :p
ReplyDeleteMmm, you're def not the only one looking forward to that confrontation Falisha! When Max and WW get together again, it's going to be EPIC!!!
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ReplyDeleteLol not at all X, it really doesn't at all, that line made my day. And considering what a jerk Guy was, as the scan you posted shows, Guy making me laugh = instant 7 or up.
ReplyDeleteEpic indeed sir. I can already see her angry, but being the person she is, she'll prolly feel some type of relief. She took killing him really, really hard. But then again, WW sometimes have mixed emotions about things. lol.
ReplyDelete*damn typos, had to delete my comment can't have JT in here correcting like Microsoft word spell check. ^_^.*
Yeah, I guess it IS nice to see Guy not acting like a complete jerk every now and then.
ReplyDeleteIt would be so awesome if once WW saw Max again she walked over and snapped his neck again and was like, "This time STAY dead!!!" That first meeting between the two of them though should REALLY leave WW shaken though.
Hmm, that's right, I'd better check everything before the human spell-checker does! :P
Lol that's so gonna be my new nickname now, then I'll have more nicknames than you two, and Triple H, Combined!! Bwahahah
ReplyDeleteLol. That would be awesome. But not after their first encounter. I want him to stay around for a while. Cause some havoc and chaos then she can snap away at his neck lol.
ReplyDeleteLol.He's good at his job of checking errors and typos and grammatical errors as well. Lol.
Ah, there we go, the King of Comedy, Jason Man, the Attention Whore and the Human Spell-Checker... JT, you def need some better nicknames my man!
ReplyDeleteHonestly I don't want to see Max die at all this time, I think he has HUGE potential to be a monster super-villain with his powers and knowledge. Still, it would be funny is WW was just like, *snap* and then that was that!
Oh I completely agree with you sir. He is the FIRST villain that I instantly liked after being introduced to them for the first time.
ReplyDeletePlus WW doesn't have many enemies/villains so Max is definitely someone I want to see hang around for a while.
I mean we haven't seen an appearance from Cheetah in some time now. Circe either.
UGH, if Circe never showed up again it would be too soon! Cheetah is really like WW's only non-god/Amazonian enemy it seems. Sure she has the likes of Dr. Phycho and Gitanta, but there pretty lame opponenst for somebody with WW's skills. I personally would LOVE to see Genocide return, but this time under Max's power! THAT would be eleven shades of AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteI kind of like Circe. I really liked her in the "Amazons Attack" arc.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah me and JT were discussion the other night the fact that WW has all this talent and super powers, but wasted on lame villains.
Oooo sir when Genocide does return, let the heavens open and the lord shine light on me lol, I'll be a happy woman. Lol.
Eh, Circe kind of annoyed me. I don't really know why... Although I SYILL haven't read the Amazons Attack mini yet, so maybe that would change my tune.
ReplyDelete"when Genocide does return, let the heavens open and the lord shine light on me lol, I'll be a happy woman." Wooo, you and me both Falisha! Umm, except for the "happy woman" part...
I love Circe, she has attitude. Plus she's like the only one I've seen give Diana a challenge. And Amazons Attack made me like her even more. I think you should try and give ol Circe a chance lol.
ReplyDeleteOh, and lol of course minus the "Woman" part...I would hope. :-P