Wonder Woman #613:
Summary: As of the last issue, teenage Wonder Woman has come face to face with the threat that's been plaguing her these past 13 comics, regular Wonder Woman... Or is it??? It turns out evil Wonder Woman is actually the real Wonder Woman, but possessed by Nemesis, the Goddess of Retribution. Nemesis managed to get her agents, the Morrigan to lure Wonder Woman to her lair, where she was able to possess Wonder Woman with the intention being to use WW's awesome powers, coupled with her own godly abilities to wipe the world clean of humanity, since humanity makes murder, and all of the souls of the unjustly killed cry out to Nemesis. However, while Nemesis was in the process of possessing Wonder Woman, the gods managed to sneak away a small piece of Wonder Woman's essence, which became Wonder Woman: The Teenage Amazon, the best weapon against Nemesis possessed WW. Unfortunately for teenage WW and the gods, Nemesis WW is basically Wonder Woman WITH the added power of a god, which is something teenage WW is unable to overcome. The two battle, and after some spirited scuffling, Nemesis WW manages to impale teenage WW with her sword... But wait! That's exactly what teenage WW wanted, as she wraps the strand of WW's life given to her by Clotho a few issues back around herself and Nemesis WW, combining herself with WW and expelling Nemesis from their body. Now whole again, with Nemesis turned to stone, WW gloats about how Nemesis's evil plot had failed... Or at least she does until Nemesis turns back into flesh and blood and attacks WW anew with an army of souls crying out for vengeance.
Thoughts: Man, this is so weird... I mean I absolutely hated the beginning of this storyline, and with good reason... It was Wonder Woman, listening to an Ipod, carrying on conversations with a talking cat for god sake!! It was horrible! And then something happened halfway through the story... J. Michael Straczynski moved on to other projects and left Phil Hester to finish out the storyline from his notes. And from that point forward, the story really picked up. I don't know if it was Hester who should be credited with the turnaround, or if JMS would have done the same if he had stayed on the series, but I'll be damned if I didn't start to really enjoy this storyline! That just goes to show you, even when you're reading a storyline and have zero hope for it, it MAY just do a complete 180 and surprise you! Unless we're talking about Brightest Day, which, as we all know, sucked throughout.
Score: 8 out of 10.

Wolverine: The Best There Is #8:
Summary: We kick things off with Wolverine trying to battle a giant Phalanx-like spider that popped out of some woman while Monark Starstalker and some guy named Paradox(who I have zero knowledge about) stand back and watch. Monark and Paradox say helpful things like, “You need to make the spider smaller...” but do little. Eventually the spider becomes as large as the apartment building the woman was in, consuming Wolvie... I guess... I honestly don't know what the hell happened here and am basically guessing at this point... Monark and Paradox attack the giant spider as Wolvie cuts his way out of the wreckage that was the building. Paradox shouts to Wolvie to make the spider smaller, which Wolvie does with repeated slicing. From there, Monark tosses a space grenade at the smaller spider and, um... captures it in some fancy space metal. Paradox, who was infected by the spider, manages to burn the infection out of his system(as well as his clothes), and Wolvie realizes he was dealing with spacemen, which pisses him off.
Thoughts: My god, this comic was nearly unreadable! I mean, it was one of those deals where instead of actually understanding the story you're kind of making things up as you turn each page. I have NO idea if that review I typed up is even close to what was actually happening, but I am about 43% confident that I managed to describe(most) of what I read... In other words, this was a big mess. On the bright side, the first storyline of this series started off similarly, with me not comprehending anything, but by the conclusion, I was really enjoying it. Here's hoping something similar happens with this storyline.
Score: 2 1/2 out of 10.