A Question for the People!
Before I get into the meat of this post(the comic books!!!), I just wanted to mention that I've REALLY been enjoying putting up those Quick Hits posts... WAY more than actually doing my usual long-winded reviews... So what to do... I'm going to open the floor to you guys, my(somewhat...)trusty readers! Do you mind me doing one to three Quick Hits posts a week, and cutting down the full reviews to maybe 3 to 5 major books? Or would you prefer just one Quick Hits post a week, with the rest of the reviews being my regular full-sized ones? I'm really curious as to what you guys think, so let me know, so I can set things up around here accordingly. On top of that, about how many reviews would you guys like to see in those Quick Hits posts? 4? 5? Less than that? More? Of course if nobody minds, I'll just do whatever I want! That sounds good to me too! :P
First things first, let's take a peek back at what I predicted last week... I promised 13 new reviews between last week and this, and... Well I KIND of delivered... I managed to put up 9 regular reviews, as well as 14 Quick Hits reviews. That's good enough says I! Last week's Pick of the Litter was Fantastic Four #587, and it didn't disappoint, getting my highest score of the week, a 9 1/2. Last week's Runt was Namor #6, which wasn't great, but wasn't terrible either, getting a middle of the road 6 as its score.
And that polishes off last week. Now onto this week. But before I get to the comics I picked up at the CB shop today, here are the subscription books that were released this week that I'll get my hands on... Eventually... Daken: Dark Wolverine #5 and Gotham City Sirens #19. Just two. My mail carrier will be pleased! Next up, here's what I just picked up earlier today: Amazing Spider-Man #653, Brightest Day #19, Captain America: Hail Hydra #2, Deadpool/Cable #26, Freedom Fighters #6, Invincible #77, Invincible Iron Man #500.1, JSA All-Stars #15, Secret Six #30, Superboy #4 and Weird Worlds #2. I also grabbed a Fantastic Four trade collecting issues #570-574 because I have NO impulse control... With all that said, this week's Pick of the Litter would have to be um... Hmm... None of these books really stand out, and the comic I'm most looking forward to is Daken: Dark Wolverine, which is a subscription book... Let's see, I'll go with Captain America: Hail Hydra, simply because the writer of that comic posted here to the blog. How's that for being biased! The Runt is easy, as whenever an issue of Brightest Day is released, that is ALWAYS my pick for Runt of the Litter! And that's that. Have a great rest of the week, and I'll finish this post off with THE Random Scan of the Week. X out.
The Random Scan of the Week!

Well sir, I am glad to see that you made it safely through all this hellish winter we've been getting. Lol. I was hoping the weather folk lied about all the snow. Lol.
ReplyDeleteBuuut, as far as your questioning about the quick hits vs. the norm reviews, in my honest opinion, I've been loving the quick hits. I feel I can hop on blogger in a short amount of time in between class and see what the X-man has reviewed. So I'm up for more quick hits less of the normy book reviews. I hope you don't find that mean....lol, I know you put so much work into your reviews but, take it from me, do something you're enjoying and having fun doing. Lol. Don't want your blog turning out to be like mine, a empty, quiet abandoned western town. Lol.
Whatever you decide to do, I'll still be here reading in the shadows. Lol. Even if I don't comment you know I'm always reading!
I'll be looking forward to hearing, well reading your reviews on Sirens when you get to it. As well as Brightest Day #19, lol I know this will be good. And I haven't forgot to get back to you on Wonder Woman and Zatanna, lol, I've been a bit busy, had 3 exams within the past week. Whew, enough of my blabbering. Lol. Enjoy reading ya comics X!
I feel the same way about the Quick Hits! I've been so busy lately that I've unfortunately had to skip a few of your reviews, which always makes me sad because I know you put a lot of work into them. But I always read all the Quick Hits because, well, like the name says...they're quick!
ReplyDeleteIf I had all the time in the world, I'd probably want more "normal" reviews...but since I don't (and since I know you don't either), Quick Hits might be the way to go. Plus, you can use that extra time to read more comics! Everyone wins! :)
Oh, and I think your reasoning for looking forward to Captain America: Hail Hydra is perfectly sound! I thought it was pretty cool of the writer to stop by and leave you a comment last time.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the input, guys! I think I may just do 2 or 3 full size reviews a week(how can I NOT devote a full post to Brightest Day?!), and just bunch everything else in to a Quick Hits post. You guys seem to like 'em more, they're WAY quicker to read than my normal mess of a review, and I can do like 5 of them in an hour. Hell, earlier today I polished off 4 comics in like 45 minutes!
ReplyDeleteNow for the next question... how many reviews should I put in each Quick Hits? If I'm going to be doing WAY more QH posts, I think I should maybe put a max of 4 reviews per post. My only problem with that is that you'd think it may be harder to find specific reviews without having to slog through like 3 or 4 posts... I mean if you're looking for a Deadpool review, do you really want to dig through like 4 QH posts before you find the DP comic you were looking for? Maybe a name change? Or perhaps I should put the name of each comic in the title? OR of course just keep it as is and let people find what they want through the tags. Any advice would be appreciated!
OUCH, 3 exams this past week, Lisha?! You need to tell your professors that since this is your last semester they need to take it easy on you! :D
HA! How could I go wrong choosing Hail Hydra as my Pick of the Litter this week, Marc? Man, I can sure be bribed easily...
Lmao, that pic reminds me. Read Brightest day, asap... it will make you laugh. Or Cry, or rant. I will enjoy either.
ReplyDeleteI also vote quick hits, even though you're jocking my style which I stole from you, but either way. :D
Ugh. I haven't even been able to force myself to read the last issue of Brightest Day... Now you want me to read the NEW one?! Are you trying to drive me insane, JT?! :P
ReplyDeleteBut is it stealing if I steal from the guy who originally stole from me? :D Anyway, your R&R posts are WAY longer than my dinky little QH posts. That plus the basic way we format our posts make them WAY different, meaning we won't have to bother the Supreme Court over who stole whose review style! :P
I see you took my advice. And the post was so successful it spawned ten replies overnight! All hail JT!
ReplyDeleteYou'd lose anyway against the Legal Eagle, ya dig? So I guess I can not call Johnnie Cochran Jr. and take this to the Supreme Court... for now!
Yep, now all I have to do is bust out like 12 issues of Gen Lost and I'll have done everything you've commanded of me. And then I can finally rest...
ReplyDeleteDamn it, he's right again... How could I take the Legal Eagle himself to the Supreme Court... We BOTH know how badly that would work out for me. Hell, they'd probably offer you a spot on the bench due to your otherworldly legal knowledge...
I use your site to link reviews to books I own in my database. If your longer review is for a book I do not collect, I tend to skip the post. With the Quick Hits, if I am linking for one of the reviews, the odds are pretty good I will read the others, too, and maybe find something worth picking up...
ReplyDeleteBetter get to work then buddy! Then you can have your seventh day to rest, until I command you to do more stuff... which will probably be next week.
ReplyDeleteExactly! I'd get on the board, then I'd extend the court case with a bunch of musings, for example, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but if you don't see a doctor for regularly scheduled visits, you're bananas!"
Thanks for the input, Mock! So far everybody has been pretty in favor of the Quick Picks sort of reviews, so I think I'll stick with them. I'll save full sized reviews for special books, or something I really enjoyed.
ReplyDeleteYou are a harsh taskmaster, JT... Harsh and unfair...
UGH!!! :D
Lol don't you "ugh" the great wisdom of Peggy Hill and her amazing musings! And I am a harsh Taskmaster, and speaking of Taskmaster. Galactus is also in that MVC3 game as the final boss.
ReplyDeleteHmm... Galactus as a boss actually sounds pretty cool... Most likely, like a year from when it comes out and the price has dropped, I'll probably pick that game up. It's def not a first day buy, but I can see myself playing it eventually
ReplyDeleteYeah, I could see that. Also, have you still been playing Borderlands until DA:II comes out or nah?
ReplyDeleteYup, all day, every day. Well not quite ALL day, but pretty much every day. It's the only game I've played since I DLed it on Dec. 26. See, I told you once I get a game a play the HELL out of it!
ReplyDeleteLol, so as time counts down to DA:II have you made your choices about if you wanna be a Warrior, Rogue or Mage first? Good guy or Bad guy or neutral?
ReplyDeleteArcher/Rogue/Good guy. Yup, I have it all planned out already! :P
ReplyDeleteNice, I'm gonna go Warrior, Good guy (basically my own choice since I'm pretty much Superman good.) Damn I get more anxious for this game every day.
ReplyDeleteHA! You keep talking about it and the anticipation keps getting worse and worse! :P Most likely after the good rogue I'll go for an evil mage. I do loves me some magic spells!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I'm kinda shocked that you didn't start off with an evil character, considering your whole.... evil personality. :P
ReplyDeleteI like that you just called me evil... Evil street trash. That's all I am to you... :P
ReplyDeleteLmao, that's all because of what YOU said to me, and your entire lack of respect. This is how I make you pay for insolence, Street Trash! Haha, I feel like Sinestro. You're X Rayner.
ReplyDeleteAlley rat, street trash, it's all the same.