I like Hush a lot. Always have. He's such a nice change of pace from Batman's normal rogues gallery. So I had no problems with the Hush parts, I liked his interactions with Zatanna, Katana and Alfred, and I enjoyed his attempts at freeing Jane Doe(I also enjoyed Jane's utter confusion at why billionaire Bruce Wayne was interested in her). What I didn't enjoy was this boring backstory with the old mobster... So some old mobster, who thinks he was wronged by Bruce's parents, spends 30-40 years in prison, gets out and decides to kill Bruce, who he had never met nor had any connection to. Umm, why? Bruce's parents are dead, what satisfaction would killing Bruce give to the old mobster? I just didn't get that. I want to see more Hush, more Jane and less mobsters as this storyline goes forward.
Oh, and the Second Feature with Two-Face was really good. Surprisingly good actually. I especially enjoyed the end with the revelation that it wasn't Two-Face's coin that made him do evil things, instead his coin gave him a 50% chance to NOT do evil acts. The only thing keeping Two-Face from truly running wild was his coin. Nice touch there.
Score: 7 out of 10.

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