Well first the positives. This issue was WAAAAAY better than anything that's been happening in this series for the LONGEST time! Hell, I haven't really enjoyed this series since... Jeez, probably since like issue #55 or so... I liked this issue. I didn't love it, but I did like it, which is a start. So there's the good. Now onto the bad... BEAST BOY and RAVEN!!! Why oh why are they on this team? Seriously. Why are they here?! What do they add? Beast Boy has always been a boring loser of a character, while Raven is an enormous walking joke... She either turns evil due to her father's influence or disappears. It NEVER fails! Every 30 issues or so Raven either turns on the team or disappears, leading to the Titans inevitably searching for her. And finding her. And then starting the whole process all over again. As for Beast Boy, he's useless. Especially on this team. Bart is the comic relief, which makes Beast Boy totally redundant, since all he's ever been about is comic relief(and to me, not very funny comic relief). I guess he also has the unrequited love thing going with Raven, but that's been going on since the mid-1990's, so to say that storyline is played out is an understatement. I'll be honest, I'd happily welcome Damian onto the ranks of the Titans if Raven and Beast Boy went away, and I hate Damian! But at least he actually adds something different to this team as opposed to those two has-beens. So there are a few pros and cons to this comic, but hey, at least for once there are actually some pros to mention!
Score: 7 out of 10.