Weird Western Tales #71: Writer: Dan Didio. Artist: Renato Arlem.
This issue begins with the Ray(working for some guy named Simon Stagg)bringing a Black Lantern ring(the one that was supposed to have gone to Don Hall)to a Josh Turnbull. Stagg wants Turnbull to find a way to use the ring as an alternate power source, which Turnbull insists he can do. Stagg leaves, and the facility is attacked by a small army of DC's long dead wild west stars, in Black Lantern form. The BL's seem to want the ring, so Turnbull and his assistant grab the ring and make a run for it, leaving Ray and Turnbull's security men behind to hold off the BL's. Turnbull betrays his assistant since he wants to keep the ring for himself. Upon escaping the facility, Turnbull comes face to face with Black Lantern Jonah Hex. Turnbull fires a bazooka at Hex, but Hex shrugs it off and shoots Turnbull in the knee, downing him. Turnbull's Black Lantern great-great grandfather arrives on the scene, which causes Turnbull to feel hope, and you know what happens when you feel emotion around a Black Lantern! This issue ends with Turnbull's great-great grandfather gunning him down and taking the black ring away.
Meh. Over the past two years, I've read A LOT of DC books, to the point where I almost consider myself an expert of all things DC... Almost. One major blindspot in my DCU knowledge is DC's old western characters. With the exception of Jonah Hex, I can't recall ever reading anything with any of these old western characters in it. That fact lead to my biggest problem with this comic; since I didn't know anybody outside of the Ray and Hex, I found it real hard to care about anything going on. The beauty of the Blackest Night storyline is that it's enjoyable to see a formerly dead character return to pseudo-life again. It was great seeing Aquaman return from the grave to attack the Atlantians. Dick Grayson and Tim Drake being forced to face their dead folks was emotional as was Deathstroke being forced to contend with his dead friends and family. This comic lacked that impact for me because I really didn't know(or particularly care)who any of the characters were. Fans of DC's western comics probably loved this issue(I guess...)but for me, I could have done without it.
Score: 5 out of 10.

World's Finest #3(of 4): Writer: Sterling Gates. Pencils: Jamal Igle.
This issue opens with Oracle calling Supergirl and requesting her assistance since Oracle had lost contact with Batgirl. Supergirl saves Batgirl and Catwoman(who ran into Batgirl earlier)from a watery grave, and Batgirl and Supergirl decided to go after the two villains responsible for Batgirl's predicament, Mr. Freeze and Toyman. SG and BG find Toyman's lair, and are promptly attacked by toys... Seriously, who thought TOYMAN was a good idea for a villain?!? Anyway, SG and BG take care of the deadly menace of the toys, and make short work of Toyman and Freeze as well, but not before Toyman is able to power up an enormous robot with the duel appearance of Superman and Batman, and fueled by the Kryptonite Man. Batgirl sends Oracle an SOS of the highest priority, and Oracle ends up getting in touch with Batman, who in turn sends a distress signal to Superman, ending this issue.
You know, I give the Penguin a lot of grief for being the most useless villain I've ever seen(he's a short, fat, bald dude with an umbrella fetish!!!), but I've got to say, Toyman might just take the cake when it comes to useless villains... I don't know why Geoff Johns decided to pull this loser out of mothballs a while back, but I wish somebody would send him back... If not for Toyman, I'd have mildly enjoyed this comic, but come on, how can I enjoy a comic where the main villain is the frigging Toyman!?! Anyway, Toyman aside, I'm definitely looking forward to the final part of this series, which will give us our first(and probably only)Superman/Dick Grayson Batman team-up. Not even the Toyman can ruin that one for me... I hope!
Score: 6 1/2 out of 10.

Watch Smallville to see a good Toyman. Or Justice League/Justice League Unlimited. Both made him very creepy.
ReplyDeleteActually, he's very creepy in Justice (the Alex Ross 12 issue limited series) too...
I can vaguely remember the Justice Toyman... Wasn't he working for Brainiac or something similar?
ReplyDeleteDude I was just gonna say the Toyman on Smallville is excellent, actually made me like the character and everything.
ReplyDeleteHe worked for Lex before, you know, he went all blamy and sky high :D
ReplyDeleteVery creepy, good character, needs to make more appearances :D
Alright, I've got to ask you guys, what makes the Smallville Toyman so great? After reading all of these comments, I've GOT to know!
ReplyDeleteI recall Nagash, he was working when Lex was trying to get the hard drive back that chick stole.
ReplyDeleteAnd X to answer your question he's eccentric and overdoes everything. He's I wish I could find a good video on youtube to show you, the dude's awesome.