Captain America #5:
Summary: We start off with Cap and Ian on their way to Zola's castle and a way back to Earth. However, Cap notices smoke from his camp and realizes that Zola's forces had found the Phrox and would undoubtedly be trying to kill everybody there. Cap heads back to camp and engages Zola's forces, with Ian right at his side. Jet Black spots Cap and attacks him, since both her and Zola were under the mistaken impression that Cap had killed Ian. Jet beats the hell out of Cap, and is preparing the killing stoke when Ian jumps in, distracting Jet, who rapidly realizes that Ian had to be her thought to be dead brother. Ian strikes Jet in the throat, knocking her down, and Cap forgoes killing Jet, instead diving back into Zola's forces. Jet telepathically tells Zola what she had seen, so Zola tells his forces to back off, since he didn't want Ian harmed. Once that is done, Zola attacks Cap himself, since Cap did kidnap his son and all. Cap is no match for Zola by this point, and Zola has his way with Cap. Jet seems like she wants to let Cap live, since he didn't kill her when she was down, but Zola has no interest in mercy as he blasts Cap off a cliff. From there, Zola tells his men to kill all of Phrox men and children, while taking the women for experimentation. A short while later, Cap wakes up to the taunts of the Zola virus that had embedded itself in his chest. Tired of having to hear it, Cap stabs himself in the chest, which causes the virus to ooze out. This issue ends with a bloody and beaten Cap swearing that he would take his son back.
Thoughts: Bravo! That's really all I have to say about this issue... I enjoyed it from the front cover to the back, and can't wait to see what happens next issue Hell, forget about next issue, I can't wait to see where Rick Remender takes this storyline! What a great series this is...
Score: 9 out of 10.
Zola smash!!!
Loving this series! This issue was great. I love that Remender can write such a zany sci-fi story but not sacrifice his characters in the process. Looking forward to Cap's revenge next issue!
ReplyDeleteRight!? And to think I was worried when Brubaker left this character! This series is totally different from the stuff Brubaker did, and yet I'm still loving it! Go figure.
DeleteI'm going to include one nitpick here, but in no way is it meant to at all detract from how AMAZING I'm finding this series. But, I thought it was a little weird at the end that Cap just sort of dug Zola from his chest. I mean, he's had him in there for 12 years. Wouldn't he have tried that already, particularly since it didn't seem to cause much harm? If I were going for a No-Prize and had to explain the error, I would say that he only decided to do it once he knew that Jet would take care of Ian and that discovering that he could survive without, like, a chest was a happy accident. But, it seems a bit of a stretch. Still, though, amazing overall.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny, 'cause my sister had the exact same reaction you did, JW. She was also questioning why Cap would suddenly stab Zola out now. All I could say was that he finally had enough of Zola's big mouth! I mean, if I had to constantly hear Zola babbling on and on in my head, I'd stab myself in the chest too! Plus I think Zola had almost taken control of Cap, so maybe he decided it was now or never? Idk, the suddenness of it all was really weird...
DeleteYeah, that's totally valid, where it was just now or never. It was just the "Wait, why now?" aspect? combined with the "Um, Cap has a gaping hole in his chest, right? Does anyone else see that?" factor made me raise an eyebrow (or two).