Last Issue: 6 1/2 out of 10.
Review: I'm going to speed through this review, so hold on tight. Wonder Woman and her cousin battle, and WW winds up talking sense into the girl, which doesn't please WW's aunt, who promptly has the girl(her own daughter)killed. That act makes WW angry(you wouldn't like WW when she's angry...), and she tears through her aunt's spaceship, until she gets her hands on her wayward aunt. Meanwhile, Achilles and the Amazons continue to defend Washington DC from WW's aunt's forces. WW trounces her aunt, which makes her the new leader of the space invaders. As commander, WW orders the aliens to move to a uninhabited planet and live in peace. WW also decides to take her evil aunt back to Themyscira so she can be reformed by the Amazons. With that the invaders leave the Earth, and WW and the Amazons go about the business of helping rebuild the damaged city of Washington.
What I Thought: Meh. I never really got into this story, but for what it's worth, this issue was better then the other parts of this storyline. I will say I'm glad it's over, and I'm looking forward to the next issue, which is issue #600. Only in comic books do editors count 42, 43, 44, 600...
Score: 6 1/2 out of 10.

*sigh* I'm so glad this story line is sooo over. It was interesting to see Diana had an aunt and a cousin, but they just didn't write them how I wanted it to be done. Can't have what we want all the time right? you were generous with the gave it a 4.
ReplyDeleteI'm totally excited about issue 600 though. I really hope its great. Lol.
Even better than the numbering on Wonder Woman is how Marvel released Wolverine #600 a few months ago...and then Wolverine #900 not too long after. I'm still confused...
ReplyDeleteWait so you're telling me they went through 300 issues that quickly after #600 Marc? Lol....that's just odd. lol. They would've had to put two comics out a day, I think? lol. Maybe one a day...whatever the case that's strange.
ReplyDeleteThis all just proves my theory; if you ever want to be a comic book editor then you need ZERO understanding of basic arithmetic!
ReplyDeleteMarvel has actually done it with a few comics(Wolverine, X-Factor, Daredevil, Captain America, off the top of my head), I think the WW series is the first one DC went and radically re-numbered... Could be wrong though.
Sometimes I just think people throw in numbers to hype up the 600th or 700th issue just for the money. Lol.
ReplyDeleteSad they did that to quite a few comics. I wonder if we bring that to their attention what would they say? lol.
I don't know how they went from 600 to 900 so quickly...I think they just added up a bunch of Wolverine miniseries or one-shots or something and decided that it came to 900. Oh, and in September they're coming out with...wait for it...Wolverine #1! Ugh...
ReplyDeleteOh yeah Falisha, it's ALL about the Benjamins! Milestone issues and number ones always sell better then your regular random comic, so there you have it. I remember joking a while back that I;m surprised Marvel didn't just number every issue of the Punisher series #1, since they always seem to be rebooting that title. In June you'd have Punisher #1, in July Punisher #1, in August, Punisher #1, etc.
ReplyDeleteHmm, the fact that a new Wolverine #1 is coming out makes me worry for Dark Wolverine...
They're messing with the numbering of that series September, they'll be releasing Daken: Dark Wolverine #1.
ReplyDeleteLmao, well I wish I could get some of those benjamin's. :( Lol. I say we start all over with Batman #1
ReplyDeleteWhew, consider me relieved Marc! If Dark Wolverine would have went, my recently renewed love of Marvel would have taken a BIG hit!