Review: This issue begins with Black Canary and Huntress taking on White Canary, who had already trounced both women last issue. White Canary once again seems to get the upper hand in the fight until Huntress manages to catch White Canary from behind. This gives BC a few free shots on White Canary, and after a few good punches to the face, BC is stunned by the look of utter hatred White Canary shoots her. By this time, Lady Blackhawk, Dove and Hawk show up, which leads to White Canary getting free in the confusion and dishing out beatdowns on Huntress and Hawk. Oracle catches a news report framing BC for the death of the man she had saved last issue, and hears police reports that indicate several police cruisers were headed to BC's location. Oracle warns BC to get out of Dodge, but by the time BC gets the message the cops had arrived. Penguin, who was lying there the entire time after being stabbed in the neck last issue by White Canary, tells the women that if they take him back to his club he'd hide them from the cops, and with no real choice, BC and company flee the scene with the Penguin, which looks REALLY bad for BC's innocence. While the Birds are retreating from the cops, Oracle gets a transmission from Creote(an old enemy turned ally from the last Birds series)where he tells her that his partner Savant had been killed, and that White Canary was responsible. Creote blames Oracle for the death before blowing his brains out. The news continues to get worse, as Black Canary's secret identity is revealed to the news agencies, which leads Oracle to realize that whoever was behind these systematic attacks against her and her team was playing for keeps. This issue ends with the Birds on the run from the police, and Oracle deciding it was time to go on the offensive.
What I Thought: Well, whoever is behind the attacks on the Birds sure isn't playing games, are they? I'm not sure who the secret villain behind the scenes is yet, although I have to think it's a former ally of the Birds gone bad. As for White Canary, all signs seem to be pointing towards her being the girl BC nearly adopted, Sin. Even as a young girl Sin was a fighting dynamo, the only problem with that is Sin was a young girl, not a grown woman the last time she was around. I guess White Canary could also be the former Batgirl, Cassandra Cain, which would make a bit more sense since she had insider information concerning Oracle and the Birds. Or of course it could be someone I'm not thinking about. But that's the fun thing about this series right now, trying to dig into the mystery to see who hates Oracle and her team SO much that they'd be willing to kill and ruin the lives of anybody who was ever associated with Oracle. I will say that I was extremely disappointed to see that Savant and Creote died here, as I kind of liked them... Especially Savant. He was a real nutjob! Well, I think I've rambled long enough about this comic, X out.
Score: 9 out of 10.

Falisha said the exact same thing about that clump of hair. I think Sin may be a Red Herring so I'd go with Cass for now, and great review dude. Oh, and I just read a bunch of Savant and that dude is awesome, he had a ton of potential as a hero or a villain, It sucks to see those two go.
ReplyDeleteI think they're both red-herrings, and since it's a comic, it's a sped up clone of either Sin or Black Canary herself. But then I don't know how Gail writes, so I don't know whether she does the usual crazy comic plot, or clone plots...
ReplyDeleteYeah, Savant's death(especially off-panel like it was)really sucked... >:(
ReplyDeleteI could see it being a aged version of Sin, I don't think it would be a BC clone though, White Canary has a very Asian look to her. With Sin being SO obvious, I could def see it being Cass, maybe brainwashed or something. The real question is, who's pulling White Canary's strings, and messing with Oracle....
If it were a brainwashed Cass, that would be lame, considering how many times it's happened to her already. But I suppose she has been silent, which leads to her. I didn't think either Cass or Sin were as good as Black Canary or Shiva though?
ReplyDeleteCalculator? Though he's doing that in Batgirl, so, er, yeah?...
I say it's Cass and she's working with Shiva or something, or it's Sin which I doubt since she was like 7 last time. Could be Shiva but they said she doesn't punch that hard. I'm sticking with Cass, I don't think she's brain washed, I think she's just angry. Why? Don't know, but Brainwashed card has been played to death with her.
ReplyDeleteI could see Cass being brainwashed, because as you guys have mentioned, it's happened before. Plus if she's brainwashed it would be easy to say she wasn't responsible. I'm currently leaning towards a artificially aged Sin... Sure it seems SUPER obvious, but it does make some sense. The right villain could easily manipulate Sin into thinking BC deliberately got rid of her, which would lead to the total hatred White Canary seems to have for Dinah.
ReplyDeleteAs for the mastermind, I was thinking Calculator in the beginning too, but yeah, him already being busy in Batgirl kind of stymies that idea...
I could see that, I'm just hoping Gail wouldn't magically make her age. Hell I'd take almost anyone else over an artificially aged Sin.
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna go with... Brainiac? He has history with Babs and he's the only person who'd really want to mess with her since Calculator is already in Batgirl. But that is a good question.
Lol, here I am with my lateness again. But, I will say that I had to work yesterday afternoon, so ha! :) But I'm here sir and Birds of Prey is just fantastic. I want it to be Sin so bad, I don't know why but I do. And I REALLY hope they do some DNA type testing on that hair, I need to know who it is. Lmao, be funny if it was a wig. Haha. But once again great review sir. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :)
ReplyDeleteI doubt it'll be Brainiac, he's set to show up in REBELS, so I guess we can scratch him off the list of suspects... How about in a crazy swerve, Jason Todd! Yeah, I don't think so either...
ReplyDeleteIf that was a wig, that would be wild! But then again, why would Hawk hold onto the hair, so that might wind up being another dead end!
Um... maybe it's a swerve and it IS Savant? I don't know haha, we don't really have enough information yet, but I'm not complaining because the story is moving along fine.
ReplyDeleteLmao. I love just saying wild things that could be a twist in a story. Lol, but Hawk seems like the kind of guy to hold on to locks of women hair. lol.
ReplyDeleteFalisha - are you calling Hawk a macho sex offender?
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping it's not Sin or Cass, but who knows? Comic editors seem to always wanna annoy their readers beyond anything else...
Ummm....Nagash, lol, I said no such thing. Keeping locks of women hair doesn't mean something sexually happened forcefully or willingly.
ReplyDeleteIn any case, I was just kidding.
What other kind of holding on to locks of hair do ya mean then?
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ReplyDeleteI love how you jump to Sex related automatically lol. Maybe she meant he just fights dirty.
ReplyDeleteOr even if it were sexually, pulling hair while having sex hardly makes you a "sex offender."
I couldn't really think of a 'tame' way to say it really... Oh, but now I have. Imitating Doctor Light