-Starfire heads to a psychiatrist's office at the request of her friend Donna Troy. She's bummed because her Titans friends are all drifting apart and she is still traumatized as a result of Final Crisis when she gave in to the Anti-Life Equation. We get a quick look at her life and we also discover Vixen offered Kory a spot on the Justice League, but that Kory turned her down. The shrink tells Kory that her problem is the fact that she doesn't seem to have a purpose in life besides her Titans teammates, which is something Kory can't deny.
That's about all that happened here. First off, I have to say I am SHOCKED that Yost didn't just randomly begin to kill characters off in this book! Isn't that his MO? This book wasn't as offensive as some as Yost's prior books have been to me, it was just a boring look at a boring character. I've always found Kory to be annoying and one-dimensional, and this comic didn't change my mind about her at all. For a score, I'll give this comic a 4 out of 10. Hey, a 4 is a much higher score than I expected to hand out, but I'd never recommend ANYTHING written by Yost.

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