Right off the bat let me emphatically state that the voice acting is GREAT! Kevin Conroy(Batman), Mark Hamill(Joker), and Arleen Sorkin(Harley Quinn)all reprise their roles from the old "Batman: The Animated Series" cartoon, which is just so cool. Mark Hamill's Joker is especially well done, his lines and delivery had me laughing out loud at times! Paul Dini co-writes the story, which helps give the game an authentic, Batman feel to it.
Since I own a Playstation 3, I also get the added benefit of getting to play as the Clown Prince of Crime himself(Ha, take that X-Box fanboys!), but I probably won't play as the Joker until after I've defeated the game as Batman. I doubt I'll be able to get much game time in tomorrow(damn school!), but Friday is my lightest day schoolwise, so I should be glued to my controller for all of Friday afternoon as well as most of the weekend! I'll end this by posting a scan from the mini-comic that came bundled with the game. The mini-comic pretty much gives the story of everything that led up to Joker's masterplan in Arkham.

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