Taskmaster #1(of 4): Writer: Fred Van Lente. Artist: Jefté Palo
We begin this issue with Taskmaster being stalked by numerous villains at a diner. It seems there is a one billion dollar bounty of Taskmaster's head since he is thought to be assisting Steve Rogers.
The villains attack, and Taskmaster dispatches each and every one of them with ease.
After the battle, Taskmaster grabs one of the AIM agent's handheld devices to see what was being said about him and he learns that he wasn't the only one who was a part of the bounty anymore...
This issue ends with Taskmaster heading to the home of the waitress who was serving him at the diner to warn her that thanks to her speaking with him, she was now thought to be assisting him and was a part of the billion dollar bounty.
What I Thought: Well, I don't think I'll be picking up the rest of this mini. It just didn't deliver what I was hoping for here. Instead of a straight-forward Taskmaster story, we instead have a story where Taskmaster has amnesia(for some reason...)and is forced to save a waitress. It sounds more like a bad summer blockbuster movie than a Taskmaster comic book. Oh well, it was worth a shot...
Score: 4 out of 10.
You missed Out! It's explained he's always had amenisa just was good at hiding it due to the powers allowing him to fake his way through remembering people as his powers delete his normal memories as he fights & only remembers things by memory triggers or movements . He can't remember last Tuesday but he can remember Shang chi's kicks