Review: We find out in this issue that Max Lord had indeed been the driving force between the former JLI members getting back together, and that he wanted them to remain a team and do good in the world, so long as they left him alone. Needless to say Booster doesn't buy Max's spiel, and Super-Perfect-Fake Beetle uses his powers of Mass Perfection to trace Max Lord's signal, even though it was established that Skeets(who is from several hundred years in the future)couldn't trace Max... Yeah, and then people wonder why I hate this series. Blah blah blah, stuff happens and Booster decides to take the fight to Max.
What I Thought: Yeah, I think it's safe to say that I won't be collecting this series anymore. I just can't stand the direction it's gone since the arrival of our Lord and Savior, Super-Fake Beetle. I mean come on! He's pretty much now used as a skeleton key to get the writers out of any sort of jam. You're being hunted by dozens of OMAC's? Don't worry, Super-Fake Beetle will shut them all down. Can't find Max Lord? Don't worry, Super-Fake Beetle can trace him no problem! Yep, that's enough for me, so long Gen Lost... See you in HELL!!! BWA-HAHAHAHAH
Score: 6 out of 10.

Lmao that dude died and you're so nonchalant. "It's an explosion. Whatever." I understand what you mean, I mean why couldn't it have been Skeets or Booster on the sly, it always comes back to Beetle. I see I'll have to keep ya posted then. :P
ReplyDeleteYup, you are now my official Gen Lost guy JT. I'll be DAMNED if I'm gonna spend any more money on another issue of, "Fake Blue Beetle Saves the Universe!!!"
ReplyDeleteLol alright then, I'll be your eyes and ... ears I guess? I bet when you stop reading something awesome happens. Like Ted Kord magically coming back.
ReplyDeleteI haven't read this yet, BUT, I will be back!! Lol.
ReplyDeleteWell, if that happens, you'll give that comic such a good review that I'll rush out to the CB shop and start reading again! :P
ReplyDeleteLol will do sir, will do. I'm still waiting for Max to kill off one of them, I mean he has to right? I want it too be Beetle but I'm sure it's Rocket Red.
ReplyDeleteYeah, you'd think so. And yeah once again, I'd have to guess that Rocket is the most likely member to be killed off... Although that would be kind of lame. You know, just bringing the guy into the book to kill him!
ReplyDeleteLol yeah, and I like his weird broken english, but I feel like Max has to kill someone to prove he's serious and everyone's died except Fire, Booster and Hai-Me.
ReplyDeleteSee, even if Saint Fake Beetle (your words, not mine) saves the day all the time, it's still a better read then Brightest Day itself. I might well give up on Brightest Day, but it's got Aquaman and Martian Manhunter in it. Damn it...
ReplyDeleteAnd you could justify Beetle tracing it and not Max because Max knows Skeets and knows how he (it?) works, but not the Scarab.