What Happened: We start this issue with Starfire, Donna and Raven preparing to move out of the Titans base. Beast Boy decides to make one final attempt to make things work with Raven, but she shoots him down(as usual). While Beast Boy is pleading his case, Donna walks over and pretty much puts an end to BB's attempts at romance. Cyborg tries to consul his friend, but BB doesn't want to hear it, and when Cyborg brings up Terra, BB really gets steamed. Eventually, BB's agent calls him and BB heads to a Sci-Fi and Fantasy convention, which just puts him in a worse mood. BB sits through the stupidity for a few hours before another guest at the convention(a z-list villain by the name of Dr. Double X)decides to wear Deathstroke's mask to excite the crowd. This doesn't sit well with BB and he forces the guy to take off the mask before he finally storms away. While flying through the air, BB spots the Teen Titans battling some villain named Cinderblock. BB swoops in and lends the Titans a hand, helping them defeat the loser, but taking off before the media arrives, so as to not steal the Teen Titans thunder. Later, we find BB back in his hotel room, watching a news broadcast detailing the Titans defeat of Cinderblock. The news broadcaster mentions that there seems to be no adults supervising the Teen Titans, and this issue ends with the listless Beast Boy looking out his hotel window at Titans Tower off in the distance.
What I thought: When I saw this was going to be a spotlight on Beast Boy issue I nearly didn't bother to read it! I've never been a fan of BB, he's always been a shallow annoyance to me. However, this issue wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. It wasn't like it was mind-blowingly good or anything, but the fact that it was readable made it WAY better then I thought it was going to be. So it looks as if Beast Boy is going to become the adult supervisor of the Teen Titans... That just seems wrong on so many levels... But, maybe that's just what Beast Boy's character needs. A change in direction. Maybe this will turn BB from an annoyance into a reasonably likable character... Or maybe not.
Score: 7 1/2 out of 10.

So I borrowed the entire Titans Arc up to this issue so far, and read em all today. I Have a LOT of free time, but I agree that this could be the moment Gar's character moves on. I have no idea what the deal with Donna is though, but overall I liked it and thought it was a good issue.
ReplyDeleteAlso, If I can take you back, remember around issue 9 or 10 when the titans told their secrets? What are your thoughts on the stuff like Roy saying he was using Heroin after he supposedly stopped, and the other Titans secrets.
Yeah, this issue definitely surprised me in a good way. Wow, there was actually somebody out there who collected this entire series besides me? Cool!
ReplyDeleteI can only vaguely remember the issue you're talking about... I remember the thing with Roy(but once again, vaguely), but it's hard to comment on it 'cause I haven't read that issue in a while. I DO remember being pretty pissed about the Roy/relapse thing though... After all the crap Roy's been through, I didn't think it was right for it to come out in such an offhanded way that he had relapsed. Now I know he was once drugged by some villains with Heroin, but to say he relapsed on his own I thought was wrong.
Yeah, I liked the series for the most part, some things sucked but I didn't feel like I wasted my time.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean, it was so random but I wanted more of an explanation. Cy's was something like he's not my son, Beastboy's parents didnt die in an accident or something, Kory wasn't the last survivor and Dick just said Bruce. I wanted to know more but I doubt they even mention any of it.
I don't remember much from that issue, but I do remember laughing when Dick simply said "Bruce". That just seemed so weird.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if I have some time this weekend(I've got myself a 5 day weekend coming up!)I'll dig that issue out and give it a quick reread.
Yeah, thats his secret?! "Bruce...okay I'm done, lemme outta this room."
ReplyDeleteAnd awesome, whats the occasion for the five day weekend?
Mid-semester break!!! I've got absolutely nothing planned except to sleep, eat, play video games and read comics(oh yeah, and if the mood strikes me maybe I'll do some homework)! One more day to go!
ReplyDeleteLol sweet, I look forward to the upcoming blogs, and when ya get a chance accept me on PSN, I added ya, if you're Xman75 and have a pumpkin thingy for your display pic.
ReplyDeleteSo what comics you gonna run through on ya break?
Jeez, I hope I'm Xman75, if not there's an imposter out there somewhere! :) I'll try to remember to add you after school tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, I'm going to try to catch up on the comics I've been buying(but not reading)the past three weeks or so. Other then that, I'm not sure... I have so many back issues laying around I don't even know where to start!
Sweet, I'll be sure to play you online if ya get the new Smackdown game on Oct. 20. Okay, done plugging that item lol.
ReplyDeleteSweet, I'll be sure to comment ya new posts on the stuff I've read, there's quite a few things I wanna discuss with ya but I've been biting my tongue until you get a chance to read them.
Sounds like a awesome break, then again until I find a job that's pretty much my life.
I'll def be picking up the new Smackdown game IF they tweak the CAW system... Since I'm not much of a fan anymore, I'm totally reliant on CAW's(which are of course CB characters)when I play. I'm hoping they make it easier to distribute attributes to CAW's this year. When you create 30 CAW's(I hear this year's game you can make up to 50 CAWs!)it takes forever to get the attribute points where you want for each CAW.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah dude, apparently now you can earn caw attributes in exhibition mode, as well as downloading other people's CAW's they upload. And yeah we get 50 CAW spots this year, Im downloading so many comic book characters dude.
ReplyDeleteI look forward to playing a match online with you, Super Boy Prime vs. Kid Flash lol.
Yeah, having to go through season or GM mode to gain attribute points would drive me crazy to no end! Let's say I'm making a Superman, it takes forever to get the streangth, charisma and durability to where I want them to be... Then having to do that 29 other times is a real pain in the ass! I miss the older games when you could just put CAWs attribute points to whatever you want.
ReplyDeleteThe other thing I hope they fix is how sucky/useless the women/divas are in the game. Let's say I make a Wonder Woman, she basically can't do anything except fight in single, submission, Iron Man or for the women's title, which sucks! I'd love to have WW and Bats battle it out in a Hell in the Cell match for the World Heavyweight Title!
Oh dude, I know exactly what you mean, and I believe when people upload them, you can use a keyword and search for people and just download a great Supes CAW with all the good attributes.
ReplyDeleteAnd you're in for some news dude, females can be in ALL the matches except first blood, I don't know if they can wrestle dudes but atleast you can have Hell in a Cell or Ladder matches with Wonder Woman vs. Black Canary.
Damn, this game is sounding better and better by the second! WW vs BC in a Cell match for the Women's Championship would be sweet!!!
ReplyDeleteHmm, I'm not sure that I'm totally sold on the upload system yet, I really enjoy making my own CAWs. I mean I'm super meticulous with my CAWs, plus some of my fav characters are pretty obscure and prob won't be created by anybody else. Then again, if I can get a CAW of somebody with the attributes at the levels I'd want them to be, who knows, maybe I would upload a few.
I'd watch that, actually there's an episode of JLU that had Black Canary and Huntress take on Vixen and Hawkgirl in Roulette's cage fighting scheme I guess, then the four of them fought Wonder Woman, who of course dominated.
ReplyDeleteSweet, if you do I'll definitely download your caws because I know you're gonna make an awesome Bart Allen and Inertia at least.
Hey, I actually remember that episode! That was a pretty good cartoon actually...
ReplyDeleteYeah, if I do decide to get that game I'll probably start making a list of my 50 CAWS about a day or so before I pick it up.
Yeah that show was awesome, I got all the DVD's during the summer, a great portrayal of the League.
ReplyDeleteSweet, If ya decide to let me know, I gotta pay off like 35 bucks on mine when I pick it up, If I had the money I'd get Uncharted 2 but considering how fast I beat games (Platinum on Arkham in a week, beat Ultimate Alliance twice in a week) I'm probably better off renting it.
I'm the same way with games! Whenever I get a new one I'll play it non-stop until I've beaten/mastered it. That's why I tend to favor sports type games, the seasons are long, and you can always pick/create different teams. I was flirting with the idea of getting Uncharted 2 when it comes out, but I think I'll be getting NHL 2010 instead.
ReplyDeleteI'm still on the fence with Smackdown. Last year's game was the first one of the series I didn't buy, and that was because of the idiotic way the attribute system worked out. I might just wait until a few reviews come out before I decide to get it.
Yeah the only game I haven't sold yet is Blitz The League 2 and thats because I play with my girlfriend online and It's never the same.
ReplyDeleteThat's cool, the few places I have seen reviews so far gave it like 85's, once magazine gave it a 90%, hopefully it's good though. I know you can only get Stone Cold Steve Austin if you reserve it at Gamestop.
Wow, there are already reviews up for Smackdown?!? The game isn't even out for like another two weeks, right?
ReplyDeleteYeah, but mainly Magazines have been reviewing it, I saw a few over at the IGN.com Smackdown board.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm def keeping my fingers crossed that this game finally fixes the CAW/attribute problems that have been plaguing this series for a few years now. I just want to be able to create people, put their attributes to where I think they should be and play!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I believe you still have to earn them in matches but you can do it in Exhibition, Road To Wrestlemania and Etc, and not just career mode. Also you can give them whatever Attributes I believe.
ReplyDeleteSo out of curiousity, are you going to get this game once it comes out or are you going to wait a while?
ReplyDeleteI actually put 30 bucks on it when I picked up Ultimate Alliance last month, which I sold a week later. Smackdown's one of those games I can play for a good 8 months and not get bored with, like Blitz II.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah I'm picking mine up next week on Tuesday, mainly because I don't have any other games to play at the moment, or... a job lol.
Great, I'll be counting on you to let me know how the CAW/attribute system works out. If placing attributes points sounds simple, I'll have to start scraping some money together to buy it. If not then it looks like I'll start saving up for NHL 2010.
ReplyDeleteWill do brotha, and probably DBZ Raging Blast I won't be getting any games until next year. (Mass Effect 2 and Heavy Rain)
ReplyDeleteSweet, I'd better start saving up!
ReplyDeleteYeah, don't know if you know but they completely revamped the Rumble and Ladder Matches I believe, as well as making it so your CAW can be in the Road To Wrestlemania Story Mode, as well as Edge, HBK, Orton, Mickie James and a Raw (Cena) vs. Smackdown (Triple H) story.
ReplyDeleteI've gotta say that I'm glad they've revamped the ladder and Rumble matches. I'd would be sweet if they'd allow for more than 6 guys in the ring at a time in the Rumble match. With all the power in the PS3, I've never really understood why the developers for the game couldn't get maybe 8-10 guys in the ring at the same time. I've got to say, so far everything sounds really good here.
ReplyDeleteI could be wrong about the Ladder match, but I did find a site that has a bunch of the stuff they updated, if you get a chance check it out, VERY informative.
I too wondered why its not more than six guy in the ring during the rumble but what can ya do. Other than that everything seems awesome.
Very good stuff on that board. I'm still waiting for the review from IGN or Gamespot though.
ReplyDeleteActually the IGN review is being posted tomorrow at 9 a.m. according to a post they posted today,
ReplyDeleteJust a heads up X, IGN gave SVR2010 a 8.5, and four pages worth of a review.
I just checked out the review, and I have to say, there seems to be A LOT of good stuff here! The review was pretty indepth about the attribute stuff, which sounds really good. BUT, I really didn't like the line stating there was no guy on girl violence in the game... That really bothers me a lot. If/when I get this game, I'm going to be playing primarily as my CAWS, so it def would suck if I couldn't even have Wonder Woman and Superman face off in the ring. WW would murder most of the other women, she would practically have to fight the other super strong men. Besides that(and the lack of CAWS in the story designer)thins game sounds WAY better then the last two Smackdown games.
ReplyDeleteYeah the no woman vs. man fights is pretty lame, I guess you could change her gender to man, that probably wouldn't matter and you'd be able to have them face off. Yeah besides the limitations in Create a Storyline everything seems awesome, I'm really pumped for when it drops next week.
ReplyDeleteI do love that you can edit stuff from matches and make your own entrance videos to go with your superstars, thats pretty awesome as well.
I'm pretty sure I'll be getting this game, it's just a matter of when. I don't think I'll be able to get a copy once it drops, but who knows, maybe I'll head down to Gamestop and trade in a few older games. If not for the no man/woman violence, I'd make sure that I had this game come Tuesday no matter what.
ReplyDeleteAwesome, glad I could convince ya lol, so I don't know if this is a big deal to you or not but Stone Cold is a gamestop exclusive, one time code deal but only if you reserve it. I reserved mine but I'm not huge into SCSA like that, so I'll probably be selling my code on eBay. Just letting you know incase you're a big fan of him.
ReplyDeleteI was a HUGE Austin fan back in the day, but when/if I pick this game up I'll be playing almost exclusively with CAWS. With 50 slots, I can put together an awesome roster, so I don't really see myself using the current WWE guys. Here's hoping I can get my hands on this game before Christmas!
ReplyDeleteGot ya, Looking forward to playing ya online, and if you upload em I'll definitely download some of your caws. I'll be picking my game up tuesday if you have any questions about it,
ReplyDeleteCool, thanks Jason. The reviews I've read so far have been pretty helpful, but if I have any questions, at least I know I've got somebody I can ask.
ReplyDeleteHere's hoping they put out a patch that allows women and men to fight. I really don't understand the logic behind that... From what I can remember, men and women were/are always fighting in the WWE...
No problem, if I had to guess it'd probably be something about them going PG, but if I have to I'll clone a WW CAW, change the gender and have her rumble with the big boys.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I was thinking the same thing about the change to PG, but they still have blood in the game, which is something I'd read they'd banned from the shows. If they were really trying to go totally PG in the game, you'd figure there'd be no blood too.
ReplyDeleteI've got to ask, how can you create WW as a woman, change the gender to a dude, and still have her look like a woman???
Yeah I hate that they went PG, and good point, they would take the blood out. In that case I have no idea...I know in the mixed tag matches if a dude wrestles a woman its a Instant DQ but I'd assume you can turn DQ off.
ReplyDeleteIm not sure if its in 2010 but I remember you could always change the gender options to Male/Female/??? I never knew why they put ??? Maybe for Chyna? Lol But If that's still in I'd assume you could change it to ??? and she'd still have a woman's build. Don't know why I said male, must have been typing too fast for my brain to realize lol.
The idea of turning off DQ's in a mixed tag match sounds interesting, I wonder if that's a valid loophole.
ReplyDeleteChyna=??? It's funny 'cause it's true! Yeah, I do remember that as well, but I don't think that option has been in the game for a while... I didn't pick up 2009(because of the attribute problem), but I did play 2008 for a LONG time, and I don't recall ??? being an option. I know in the old days ??? was there, but I think it was removed. Of course I def could be wrong here.
I hope not, if so that sucks. I'm sure there's gotta be some ways around it though. I'm so hyped to play this years game it seems like Tuesday can't come fast enough.
ReplyDeleteAs for Wonder Woman, there's about two big buff diva's that may be able to put on a good fight with her if she can only wrestle women. I'd like to see the Glamazon Beth Phoenix take on the Amazon Wonder Woman.
Nah, there's no Diva in the WWE that could stand against WW in a match, I'd prob put WW's strength/durability at a 95-99(she is as strong as Supes), with her technical ability around the same range(she's prob nearly as good a fighter as Bats)she'd slaughter every diva on the roster in like 5 moves! I'll probably just have to make other ultra powerful women to deal with WW. Somebody like Namorita or Donna should be able to at least hang with WW, if not beat her.
ReplyDeleteOh well of course when you throw in her amazon abilities, but if she lost her powers...well yeah she's still awesomely trained. Good point. Who do you see yourself making when you get the game? Besides the obvious Bats/Supes/WW.
ReplyDeleteJeez, I think the better question would be who DON'T I see myself making when I finally get the game! With 50 CAW spots to work with I plan on making a whole slew of characters from both the DC and Marvel U.
ReplyDeleteJust a few more hours left Jason. Are you counting the seconds until the game is released yet?
Awesome, I'm sure I'll be downloading and making more Comic CAW's than anything else, especially Venom, Spidey, Nightwing and the rest of my favs. Hope I can find a good Jason Todd.
ReplyDeleteYou already know I am dude, got my day planned out like the nerd I am, Waking up, grabbing the game, a new earpiece for my phone, some random snacks and probably some food to go with my ice cold tea. Lol.
Now that sounds like a good day!
ReplyDeleteIt was dude, grabbed some Wendy's and whatnot lol. The game is pretty awesome, whenever you do decide to get it I'm sure you'll love it.
ReplyDeleteOnce school lets out(around the middle of Dec), I should definitely have the extra money to pick the game up(if not sooner). I'm def happy to hear that you like it, but of course I'm going to now pepper you with a ton of questions! Hope you don't mind giving me some quick answers.
ReplyDeleteExactly how do CAWS earn exp points? Let's say you create the Jinx, you have him face Triple H in a regular exhibition match, and the Jinx loses, but the match lasts 5 mins. How does the game tabulate how many exp. points Jinx would get and can you put the points where ever you want(ie: even if Jinx didn't do any highspots, can I fill up his speed ability?). Also, if I don't want to use the exp. points gained during a match, can I just leave them?(let's say I have Jinx exactly how I want him, can I ignore any extra exp. points he might have aquired?)
The other thing I'm curious about is if there is the ??? option when creating a superstar? Also, can you shut off DQ's in a mixed tag match, or is that not allowed? And finally, are the women allowed in all the matches, or are they stuck only fighting in Iron Man, regular and submission like the past few years? Any answers you can get me would help big time Jason.
Lol no problem, fire away.
ReplyDeleteI actually just finished making my CAW, so I'm gonna check everything you asked while this window is open. Also, you bringing up The Jinx so made my day.
Just did a match with my guy, basically, say you do alot of grapples, your grapple meter for exp. extends, but you can distribute the points to whatever you want, so if you wanna add points to your charisma, as long as the meter has enough space you can add exp. to that area.
Sadly there is no ??? option this year and you can't turn DQ off in mixed tag, BUT women can compete in all matches except First Blood, Hell In A Cell, Inferno and Last Man Standing. Everything else you can use them in.
Thanks a load Jason. A few more questions if you don't mind.
ReplyDeleteSo like you said, a lot of grappling will fill up your grappling meter, but you can take the points out of the grappling meter and place them elsewhere? That would be great if true. Also, do you have to use the points you aquire or can you just ignore them? Another quick question, are there limits to the stats like in past years? For example, a light heavyweight couldn't become stronger then a, 8 in strength, while a super heavyweight could never get their speed above a 7.
No problem at all, keep asking if you wanna know more.
ReplyDeleteWell, lets see if I can phrase this better. Say your grappling bar is at level 12 and has 60 points in it, if you do a match with alot of grapples, the bar will gain levels and get longer, If you choose to, you can add the points you get (from winning your match/Doing Finisher's/Etc.) to your grapple bar, or you can add them to your submission bar or striking bar as long as there's free space. I hope that't not too confusing to get, it's kinda hard to explain.
You can ignore the points and let them build up or just not use them if you're happy with your stats where they are. Lastly I'm not sure if there are limits, I haven't really tried to get my guy's speed up but he's tall and buff so he qualifies as a Super Heavyweight. I'll work on my speed/High-flying and get back to you with an answer.
Damn man, thanks alot for the info, seriously!
ReplyDeleteOK, I think I get it, if I'm wrong please correct me here. So if you grapple a lot, your grapple bar levels up(gets longer), but it doesn't actually fill up with points, you can pick and choose where you want to put the exp. points(like in Charisma or striking), so if you wanted to max out your speed, you could just ignore grapple(which leveled up)and put all the points in speed. If that's the case, that system sounds frigging great! I love the idea of putting the points where I want, not where the game wants.
Can you gain exp. points by playing against another human player, or do you have to play agianst the computer? It be great if you could just pick a guy with controller 2, put the controller down and then proceed to beat the hell out of player 2 to get a mess of exp. points.
From what you've been telling me, this game sounds great. I think once my student aid money comes in I'll be picking this one up! Maybe that's not exactly how the government would want me to spend that money, but too bad!
Exactly, you got it. Glad you understood my weird explanation.
ReplyDeleteAnd from what I understand any match you're in you can gain experience, I haven't tried playing anyone else but you can level up after exhibition matches, Career Mode Matches (Basically a tourny style mode), and there's a voiced Road To Wrestlemania (Story mode) specifically for CAW's but male only.
Sweet, glad you're interested, when you get it we'll have to play, if you ever add me as a friend. ;) lol, any more questions dude?
Thanks again for the info man. You've totally sold me on picking this game up. Now it's a matter of putting together the funds to buy it while not cutting into my CB buying. Oh, and you know once I get the game I'll be laying the smackdown on you! ;)
ReplyDeleteNo problem at all dude, all the comics you've recommended for me, consider it payback. And no sir, it is I who will layeth the smacketh down on you.
ReplyDeleteHow long ago did you stop watching wrestling regularly, I was kinda shocked that you knew about CM Punk.
Hm, I'd guess it was around Feb. this year(my classes were all SUPER early, which made it tough to stay up to watch Raw). Early classes plus the fact that(especially on Raw)it seemed every month was a different variation of the same match made it easy to stop watching. After school let out for the summer, I prob watched two weeks of Raw and was completely let down when it was the same three guys at the top of the card! After that I just haven't really felt like watching again.
ReplyDeleteNow, I'd love to watch Smackdown(I've been a fan of Punk since his indie days), but Friday night is just a terrible day to put on a wrestling program. I wish they'd move Smackdown back to Thursdays, then I'd almost definitely watch again.
Yeah, Cena/Orton/Triple H were always switching the belt so I see what you mean. Cena and Trips actually wrestled this week but it was a great PPV Quality match, and of course Orton and Cena are wrestling Sunday at the PPV in a Hr. long Ironman match.
ReplyDeleteMy girlfriend and I usually watch Smackdown if she's over here, she's a big wrestling fan, she also bought SVR2010. SD! Is much better than RAW in terms of having Punk, Jericho, Morrison, Matt Hardy, and alot of others. If you can DVR it or tape it I'd do it if ya got the chance, even though they sent Batista to ruin it. :| Lol
Yep, that's exactly what I remember, the ENDLESS matches between Trips, Orton and Cena. Over the past year or so those three guys must have fought in every possible combination of matches with each other! It's crazy!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I've got no DVR or VCR. Plus with all the rest of the money I put out, there's no way I could afford the monthly PPV's. When I was a kid growing up I at least could count on my parents to buy every single PPV for me, but now, with the money I spend on CB's, it wouldn't be possible for me to buy the PPV's, and it really sucks watching all the build-ups, but not getting to watch the blow offs.
Well, between you and me, I watch them online, i hope you don't think any less of me, lol but I refuse to pay to see the same match with Cena/Orton/HHH over and over.
ReplyDeleteBut I know what you mean about that. It seems like by now they would have pushed someone, especially someone who's good and connects with the crowd like Kofi Kingston or MVP, right?
Think any less of you? Of course not, nowadays unless you're rich, you almost have to watch the PPV's online! 13, 14 shows a year at $30-$50 a pop is crazy!
ReplyDeleteI think they really missed their chance with MVP, he was so over like 2-3 years ago on Smackdown, that's when they should have pushed him, now he's stuck in that mid/upper mid card level that's so hard to get out of. And I honestly doubt they're ever seriously going to push Kofi, he's not the typical type of wrestler the E likes to push, which sucks, 'cause he's exciting as hell in the ring.
I don't know about you, but Cena really bothers me(his promos come across as a guy desperately trying to act cool), he's needed a heel turn for YEARS now, Orton really bores me and Trip, well, he's OK, but he's been on top for SO long that I'm kind of tired of him, you know?
Glad ya understand dude, I love wrestling but no way I'm dropping hundreds of bucks per year on PPV's, that's insane.
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same thing about MVP, then even when they moved him to RAW and had him confront Orton and Legacy I was thinking they'd push him, but nope. And lately they've been announcing Kofi as being from Ghana (which he is) and not Jamaica, then on RAW he talked without his accent, I'd assume on purpose, But I hope he doesn't get de-pushed because of him not using that gimmick anymore.
Dude I agree 100%, I respect the hell outta Cena and I've been a fan since his debut, the guy always seems pumped and genuinely happy in the ring. But he needs a heel turn or they need to let him be his self. He was awesome as just a regular guy who was hype, now they act like he's this unstoppable phenomenon who's saying cheesy lines. Orton is a great heel but the guys so damn boring I can't get into him, and Trips is always squashing people and doing the same stuff he did ten years ago.
The only guy who remains entertaining is HBK, I've been clamoring for a Michaels Title run for a long time. His matches with Jericho were amazing, his match with Taker this year at Mania may have been the best match in WWE History, and I don't think thats an exaggeration. Michaels is probably the best they have besides Jericho right now. Imagine Michaels feuding with Punk, instant money feud.
Dude, Shawn vs. Punk would be almost too good for words, especially if Punk was allowed to bring up Shawn's questionable antics before he found the Lord.
ReplyDeleteYeah, MVP's move to Raw was one of the last Raws I watched, and it really seemed like he was finally going to break through the glass ceiling... No such luck I guess. I didn't know Kofi had ditched the accent. I think that would help his character in the long run, that way he wouldn't seem like a one-dimensional gimmicky character.
Cena was so incredibly over a few years back when he was a heel doing the rapper gimmick. I mean he was RED-HOT back then. Then they changed him into this bland, Rock-lite kind of character. Some of the lines he was being fed would actually cause me to grimace! Whatever happened to the cutting edge/controversial Cena from back in the day? It just seems so natuaral to turn Cena heel, that one move would completely change the entire dynamic of Raw. Totally agree about Orton and Trips. Orton nearly bores me to tears, I mean he's solid in the ring and on the mic, but he's not a very interesting dude. Then again, that's not fair to say, I don't know if you remember, but Orton was really awesome a little after his debut, when he was injured and doing those RKO Update segments. And yeah, Trips is Trips. He'll continue to do what he wants as long as he wants. That's just a fact of life.
Oh man I'd love that, Punk could talk about all Shawn's vices, say he read them in his book and how Shawn turned to the lord and question if SHawn was really legit. That'd be a fantastic feud, may even be better than the Michaels/Jericho Feud.
ReplyDeleteYeah, MVP sadly dropped into obscurity, he got over again thanks to Jericho letting him get a few clean pins on him but now he's back where he was. I'm glad Kofi gets to be himself now, he literally just dropped the accent Monday the trips confronted him about it and Kofi just gasped. I think you're right though, but I didn't even think his accent was faked, he did it well.
I know exactly what you mean, I remember when Cena said a line about John Ritter after he died and the crowd erupted with boos. Thats why I wish Cena could script his own promo's like he used to do with his raps, but I remember reading he said the writers pretty much have to write all his promo's now and their so lame. I remember Orton's debut and after he broke his arm he did the Orton updates, those were awesome. Again It's not that he's stale cause I loved his Legend Killer gimmick, its just that these writers gave him such a boring lame persona. And yeah..I'm really not looking forward to Trips and Steph taking over when Vince steps down, because last week Shane announced he was leaving the Company, like for real, no storylines or anything.
I wonder what they're planning to do with Kofi? Even with a different gimmick, I wouldn't be surprised to see him still stuck in the same spot. Yeah, if that accent was faked, he did an awesome job with it, I was fooled.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I read the same thing about the promos. I think that's totally insane. I remember back in the WWE's heyday(the late 90's)the wrestlers were all allowed to pretty much do their own promos. They were given a guideline, and that was it. That's def how it should be now.
Yeah, I saw the thing with Shane, and I was pretty stunned. I guess he's going to help his mom run for the senate or something. I always liked Shane-O-Mac, he always came across better both on TV and behind the scenes than Steph ever did.
I think Kofi will be stuck as long as he's on RAW, because if he went to Smackdown he's have Edge, Morrison, Jericho, and his former tag partner Punk to work with which would really establish him. And if he went back to ECW after being on RAW he'd automatically look like ECW Championship material.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, then if the crowd likes/hates you its for you, not what writers think you should be. It's ironic that the last two years Jericho has had the best promos and feuds of the year (Rey - 2009, HBK - 2008) because they let him plan his own feuds. I mean that dude's been wrestling for 20 years, I'd trust him with the writing over any writers they have hired.
I thought the same thing about SHane going to help Linda, but I was always a big fan of Shane, he seems like a genuinely nice guy and very innovative. Looks like Triple H and Steph will be running the company, which does not bode well for how many times Trips will be world champ. He's like 13 times now, I can't believe he's gonna tie/break Flair's record.
Kofi on Smackdown would be great, 'cause like you've mentioned, he'd have a ready made fued with Punk upon arrival.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think it's safe to say we both agree that allowing some writers to script every line in a wrestling show is a bad move.
So what do you think, in 15-20 years we'll have 60 year old Triple H becoming the World Heavyweight Champion for the 41st time?
I'd love for him to go to Smackdown, Kofi's a hell of an athlete and could work great with some people on Smackdown. He had a few matches with Edge that were top notch.
ReplyDeleteYeah if it was up to me I'd have the wrestler who I know are selfless and just love the business like Jericho, Rey and some more people script the shows.
By that time it'll be the World Hunter-weight Championship. And yeah Trips is gonna double Flairs record. So who do you think outta the current guys will be the main eventers ten years from now?
I'd say that if a guy has been in the business for more then 10 years then they should def be allowed to script their own lines. By that point, the wrestler should def know how to connect with the fans.
ReplyDeleteLet's see, 10 years from now I figure Triple H will be in the main event scene(I'm only half kidding!), I'd hope Punk would still be there, Orton and Cena are prob in their early 30's or so, so they should both still be there... Huh, from the way I see it, nothing really looks to chanage much!
I agree, the guys like Mysterio, Jericho, Michaels and such should definitely get to write their own stuff.
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly Raw was REALLY good tonight. They have Kofi starting a Program with Orton after he lost the WWE Championship so this can only help Kofi's career, and the main event for the PPV was announced as Cena vs. HHH vs. HBK for the title, that should be a really good match.
I don't know, it can only help Kofi's career if it's booked right. A few strong wins over Orton would help, but if he can't beat Orton/needs help to beat him, it might do more harm then good.
ReplyDeleteCena vs. HHH vs. HBK? Well, at least they've added Shawn instead of doing the same old HHH/Cena match. It'd be nice if they gave Shawn one last title run before he retires.
Yeah, I'm hoping working with him will give him a good rub even if he doesn't win the feud. DX just feuded with Rhodes and DiBiase and DX of course won but they got one big win and now it helps them look better but I know what you mean. Hopefully it won't be Kofi getting destroyed weekly.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I like the dynamic that Trips and Shawn may break up again although I doubt it. I would like if Trips turned heel though because he's better as a heel, but I'd be ecstatic is Shawn won the belt again. He definitely deserves it.
Yeah, a Triple H heel turn is long over due, isn't it? It kind of doesn't make sense for there to even be a DX in the family friendly TV-PG WWE.
ReplyDeleteYeah, they never say suck it but the crowd says it for them. I still think they should go back to TV-14. Cena bled at the PPV and it wasn't planned, and they sent like, doctors out there to hurry and glue his head shut and wipe the blood off and stuff.
ReplyDeleteCena, Trips and I'm sure a few others are well due for turns. Batista FINALLY turned heel on Sunday and beat the hell outta Mysterio.
The image of an army of doctors racing out to ringside to glue Cena's head closed just causes me to laugh uncontrolably, I don't know why though.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Cena's been due a turn for like 2 1/2- 3 years now, Trips has always been a better heel as well. It's good that they finally turned Batista, the guy's look just says "monster heel" to me. Batista should be the type of heel who says little and just destroys people. Now let's see how long he can last before getting injured again...
Lol yeah they stopped the clock in the Ironman match for like 30 seconds so they could glue SuperCena's head back together.
ReplyDeleteYeah but they don't really have any other main sellers besides Cena so they can't really turn him heel which I understand. I agree that Trips should ALWAYS be a heel cause it works better for him. I love that you mentioned Batista's injuries cause thats EXACTLY what I said when he turned on Rey. That dude spends more time injured than on the road since he's been hired.
How can you stop the clock in an Iron Man match to patch somebody up??? That just sounds pathetic!
ReplyDeleteOn some level I understand the logic of not wanting to turn Cena because of the drop-off in merchandise, but if he was able to recapture his early heel work, I think he could STILL be a top seller. Back in the 90's, both Austin and DX were def heels, but their stuff sold like crazy. the Austin 3:16 shirt first came out when Austin was a heel and everybody brought it regardless, same with the early HBK, HHH, Chyna DX. IMO, with the right persona and shirts, heel Cena could sell as much, if not more stuff then face Cena.
For some reason they had 30 second intervals after pinfalls/submissions and they stopped the clock to patch Cena up but he played super face and oushed them away to fight Orton, then after the pinfall they patched him up during the 30 second interval.
ReplyDeleteHm...I never thought about that, Well when you're right you're right dude. I agree 100% on that. Sadly I think their closest seller to Cena was Jeff Hardy who recently took a break after not resigning his contract.
Yeah, I'd heard Jeff Hardy's merchandise was selling as well, if not better then Cena's, but with his troubles, I doubt he'll be back anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteIf I was Vince I'd give Cena a test run as a heel just to see how the fans react. You know, maybe a short program against somebody like HBK, who you know the crowd would never boo. Have Cena really play up the heel role for a month or so just to test the waters. If sales/ratings drop, then abort the turn, but at least give it a shot!
Yeah, but if Jeff doesn't end up going to Jail I could see Vince bringing back Jeff before Mania, or as a surprise entry in the Rumble.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you, I'd love to have them at least test the waters or tease a heel turn for Cena just to see how the fans react. I watched the rest of the Best of Smackdown DVD today and just to be reminded of his heel, Thuganomics gimmick was so awesome. I know he can't say the stuff he did then as long as its PG but that was still awesome.
Yeah, Jeff as a Rumble surprise actually sounds pretty perfect, or did sound pretty perfect at least. Even if Jeff is found innocent, you've got to think Vince will be a little scared off of re-hiring Jeff and getting burned. Then again, with Vince, who really knows.
ReplyDeleteA Cena heel turn would prob be the thing to cause me to try to watch at least a couple of Raws. That would really liven things up.
True, but this is the same guy that hired Sable after she sued him, hired Bischoff who tried to put him outta business and hired Hogan after he's left countless times. And gave Jeff the title while he already had 2 strikes. So It wouldn't surprise me.
ReplyDeleteThe day Cena turns its gonna be big, like when Rock or Austin turned just because he's such a white bread babyface character as of now.
Yeah, the day Vince brought Bischoff in was the day I realized he'd give almost anybody a second(third, forth?)chance. Although it's def weird that Macho Man seems to be like the only guy Vince just won't do business with...
ReplyDeleteSadly, it seems less and less likely that the WWE will ever go through with the Cena heel turn. They've already passed up SO many opportunities to turn him.
Yeah right? I mean did Randy bang Linda or something because Vince has given EVERYONE multiple chances. Say what you want about that dude but he will bring in ANYONE if it helps business. Remember he brought Matt back when the fans kept chanting "We Want Matt!!" at Edge and Lita?
ReplyDeleteYeah, it's gonna be a long time from now and be super unexpected like when Hogan joined nWo. Then he'll be face again like six weeks later.
Well, I have heard all sorts of rumors about Savage and a very young Stephanie, but I've never put much credence into those rumors. But then again, who knows?
ReplyDeleteI bet you're prob right about a Cena turn. He becomes an awesome heel and then the fans begin to cheer him like crazy again.
Really? I've never heard any of those rumors, and kinda don't wanna. Sounds gross.
ReplyDeleteYeah Cena would be cheered if he turned heel just because everyone would be happy he finally did it.
Raw was actually surprisingly good tonight, Ozzy Osbourne and his wife hosted and of course they messed up names and whatnot but it was an alright show. Kofi got a HUGE reaction from the crowd, so maybe this Randy thing will work out with him getting a nice push to a main event status.
Yeah, I'd always thought the Savage rumors were just some one trying to bury him, but still, you've got to wonder what he did do to piss Vince off so royally.
ReplyDeleteThat's great news concerning Kofi. Raw could sure use a new face in the main event scene, but I'm still not sold on the E really wanting to elevate him. If he's still being pushed after what I'm guessing will be a pay-per-view match with Orton then I'll start to believe Kofi's push is for real.
Yeah, sounds crazy but it makes enough sense to why Vince would hate him. But then again Vince also has Savage-like hate for Ultimate Warrior.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I hope they follow through but I wouldn't be surprised if they dropped the ball. Surely wouldn't be the first time. Then again Orton's the ONLY main heel on RAW so I wouldn't be surprised if this feud lasted til the end of the year considering Orton can't get any title shots til Cena drops the belt.
Yeah, they did some kind of hatchet job on Warrior on some DVD about Warrior they released a while back. Then again, Warrior seems genuinely insane, so maybe Vince figures it's smart to just keep a safe distance from him. Didn't he legally change his name to Warrior or something crazy like that?
ReplyDeleteI bet they hotshot the title to HHH(or in a perfect world, HBK)due to some kind of shenanigans, which would put Orton smackdab in the middle of the world title picture, leaving Kofi stuck in the mid-card again.
Yeah, that dude may be nuts. And yep he changed his name to Ultimate Warrior. Chyna recently made that her name too, I guess the WWE Trademark expired on it.
ReplyDeleteThat would suck, But I wouldn't be surprised. They virtually have no heels for Cena to feud with which is why he's wrestling DX. The top four heels on the brand are Orton, Dibiase, Cody Rhodes and The Miz...so yeah.
Wooooo coming up on 100 comments again for the 3rd time.
May be nuts? Nah, Warrior is certifiable Arkham material!
ReplyDeleteMaybe they'll turn Hunter back heel, which would give more HHH-Cena match-ups. I could very easily see Trips turning on HBK and pinning him for Cena's title. That way Cena has the claim that he wasn't pinned for the strap, and HHH could feud with Cena or HBK.
We'll easily reach 100 by the end of this weekend!
Who's crazier, Ultimate Warrior or Zsasz?
ReplyDeleteI could definitely see that. Then again I totally won't be surprised WHEN Cena wins. Hell he's beaten HBK & HHH at Back to Back WrestleMania's.
They need to have a draft or something, switch around Orton, Christian, Punk and Taker and get some new feuds going.
Warrior, hands down! And if you don't believe me, just go back and check out some of Warrior's old promos! Now Warrior is crazier than a bedbug! :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, nothing would really surprise me when it comes to super-Cena. Vince seems hellbent on turning Cena into the new-age Hulk Hogan, so he very well may keep the strap. I could still see HHH turning regardless though. Even if he doesn't win, he could always blame HBK and do an EPIC heel turn the next night on Raw, you know, totally beat the living hell out of Shawn(or since the E is PG now maybe I should say beat the living heck out of Shawn!)and leave him laying in the ring. With how over HBK is with the fans, that act would totally catupult HHH to the #1 heel spot again. That way you've got HHH vs HBK, Cena vs whatever midcard heel they want to elevate for a month or two(until they match him up with HHH who should be a moster heel by then) and Orton vs Kofi as your top three Raw feuds.
I recall seeing one about a plane crashing and that plane being the feud ending event of Warrior vs. Hogan or something very confusing. And Kudos on the bedbug resurrection, it fit this situation perfectly lol.
ReplyDeleteI could see that, plus H is SO much better as a heel it works. But in all honesty just like the Orton/Cena/HHH thing I'm tired of seeing HHH vs. HBK. Hopefully when this Orton/Kofi feud ends if HHH is a heel we could see HBK/Orton and Kofi/HHH. Sounds like Trips would bury him but remember he did put Shelton Benjamin over clean three times.
See you could easily book for WWE...hell or TNA. Dude you know what I read today? They out Jim Neidhart over Jay Lethal on impact this week. JIM THE ANVIL NEIDHART! The guy who's so old his DAUGHTER wrestles for WWE...man, TNA makes me wanna hurt someone with how dumb they book sometimes.
Warrior's promos were just totally insane. He'd mainly babble incoherently for a while before carrying on a conversation with his hands. What a psycho!
ReplyDeleteCena/somebody, HBK/Orton and HHH/Kofi actually sounds pretty good. Granted we've had a HBK/Orton feud before, but not for a while, so it would at least be fresh(ish).
Yeah, I remember the Shelton Benjamin matches, but even when HHH puts somebody over clean it still seems like he's burying them in a way. I'm not even saying that Kofi HAS to beat HHH, I'd be happy with HHH making Kofi look like he belongs in the main event scene.
As weird as he is the crowd loved him...so maybe Shelton Benjamin should babble like an idiot then he can finally get a Push for once.
ReplyDeleteYeah, we've had the HBK Orton feuds but I don't think they've culminated in any big matches like a Street Fight or a Hell in a Cell which would be cool to see with those two.
Hopefully Trips wouldn't bury Kofi in their feud. But i know what ya mean. Last year Trips beat Jeff Hardy like eight different times but the matches were so great it made Jeff look like he could hang with the top dogs, so I'd love for Kofi and Triple H to do that. I hope that's what the feud with Orton does for Kofi. I can't believe he's only been wrestling for four years.
100 Posts!!! Wooo, usually you get the honor. Lol, somebody crack open the champagne and caviar!
I think part of Warrior's appeal was the fact that he seemed so wacked out. You had to laugh at the crazy stuff that would come out of his mouth! Somebody should def act like the Warrior. THAT would be a great gimmick.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's what Kofi needs more than anything, not so much a win, but a really strong showing. Have him lose after interference or something like that, that way you can always make the arguement that if not for the interference he would have won.
Champagne and caviar? How very highbrow of you. How about the pepsi and potato chips!
I know there's this guy on the Indy's who's a Warrior impersonator. he's Big like him too, then again Warrior's so damn crazy it's probably him imitating himself.
ReplyDeleteI could see that happening. The only way I can see him winning the feud is if Ted Dibiease turns on Randy and Cody. Then they go after Ted, thus ending the Kofi feud.
Lol yeah, I'll settle for Pepsi and Chips anyday. Or you can treat to some NY Pizza.
Ha! I wouldn't be surprised if it was Warrior! Like I said, that guy has got a few screws loose!
ReplyDeleteYeah, even with help, I doubt Kofi's going to win the Orton feud, it's too soon for him to take down a former multi time champ. With that said I think it would be awesome if he did win it, but knowing the WWE and their booking practices, I just don't see it, even with a face turn by Ted.
Oh yeah, Pepsi and pizza is even better then Pepsi and chips!
I just can't even imagine him going to the DMV or something and his license just says Warrior, Ultimate on it. That guy is very very touched in the head.
ReplyDeleteYou may be right though. They are building this feud right for once. At survivor Series Kofi is leading a team against Orton's. It's Team Kofi with Kofi, MVP,Mark Henry R Truth and Christian vs. Team Orton with Randy, Cody, Ted, Regal and CM Punk. So that should be interesting.
Pepsi and Pizza should be an American past time, and replace Ice Cream and Cake at Parties and weddings. Lol
It be so awesome if on Warrior's drivers licence photo he had the face paint on.
ReplyDeleteSounds interesting, except I have to ask, what is Punk doing stuck in this feud? Shouldn't he be gunning for the championship on Smackdown or something instead of playing second fiddle to Orton at the Survivor Series? He seems like a strange choice to be in that match.
Hell, that was my dinner tonight! I could honestly eat pizza with a nice can of ice cold pepsi every day!
So in the irony that is this conversation, it was reported Warrior may be joining the WWE Hall of Fame next year.
ReplyDeleteWell after he got screwed in his Undertaker feud, he lost the belt and they made him look MEGA weak to the point where he's LITERALLY feuding with Referee Scott Armstrong. Who he wrestled two weeks ago...so last week he wrestled R Truth, and the ref fast counted so yeah..R Truth has a win over the 3 Time World Champion CM Punk.
Damn posted too quick. And I envy you because I stopped drinking pop this year, I've maybe had a combined liter since January so I'd kill for some pizza and pepsi right now.
ReplyDeleteJeez man, I don't know how you could stop drinking soda. I'm totally adicted to the stuff, I HAVE to have a can with dinner every night.
ReplyDeleteI won't believe a Warrior HOF induction until I see it with my own two eyes. Then again, I never thought Bret Hart would get in, so who knows, maybe time(and insanity)does indeed heal all wounds.
Damn, has it really gotten that bad for Punk? Why the hell do they have him feuding with a ref for? I REALLY hope that leads somewhere good(like the world title!).
So was I, I still crave it. When i was getting into shape for wrestling I lost ALOT of weight coupled with stopped drinking pop and working out, now I just drink Iced Tea that I make at home. But I may go back to pop soon lol.
ReplyDeleteWarrior probably won't even realize he was inducted until a year later. And you KNOW he'll have on a suit and the facepaint.
Well short story is they had a PPV where all the main matches were submission and he was facing Taker. Taker has NEVER lost by submission so...they re-did the screwjob for the billionth time and they were in Montreal. Taker wins the title a month later, Punk treies the screwjob again and the ref won't do it. So now he's beefed out with the ref and Batista, Big Show and Jericho are ALL ahead of him for title shots so he's stuck in upper-midcard purgatory much like Matt Hardy and Kane.
Warrior in a suit and facepaint, babbling incoherently would be just about the funniest thing ever. I hope Vince does it just so we can see the utter insanity that is the Warrior one more time!
ReplyDeleteJeez, why have all of Punk's title reigns been booked so horribly? I mean, it's great that he's been champion a few times(when he first signed, I would have never thought he'd be a multi-time champ), but he always comes out looking like crap. His face championship run was just horrible, and his heel run doesn't sound much better... When is the E going to realize that Taker probably isn't their future? The dude's OLD now! A good program with Taker where a heel Punk comes out on top(even with shenanagans)would have helped Punk's standing SO much, and I doubt it would have hurt Taker in the eyes of most of the fans. He's already a legend, he could lose every match for the rest of his life and the fans would still worship him. *sigh*
Yeah JR mentioned in his blog today that he thinks Warrior belongs there...I just wanna see his insane ranting.
ReplyDeleteI know what you mean man...sad thing is his feud with Jeff may have been the best of the year, it was greatly booked, they made each other look fantastic, just a top notch 5 star feud. Then Taker came along and they destroyed ALL of Punk's credibility. They could use him on RAW with them only having one main heel.
That's whats so sad, its like no one wants to put young talent over clean. I can't remember anyone doing it more than once this year, meanwhile Jericho is a 6 time champion, and one of the best and has put over Kofi CLEAN 4 times this year at least, as well as JTG from Cryme Tyme, and MVP. Jericho should be booking that damn company.
I don't know, as funny as Warrior's insane ramblings would be, it would be crazy if he got into the HOF before Randy Savage did... Jeez, Savage must have REALLY pissed Vince off something fierce!
ReplyDeleteKnowing the way Raw is, if Punk moved to Monday Nights he'd probably wind up becoming HHH's nightly whipping boy! It's probably best for him to gut it out on Smackdown and wait until Taker takes one of his months long breaks, then hopefully Punk can go back to the top of the card(where he belongs!).
That's why I have so much respect for Jericho. The guy is a great worker, he's fantastic on the stick, and he's actually willing to put over young guys. Guys like HHH and Taker should think back to when they were trying to break through and older wrestlers put them over. Jimmy Snuka and Jake Roberts put Taker over in back to back Wrestlemanias when he was still rising, and they really let Taker pretty much squash them. And who knows where HHH's career would be if not for the way Mick Foley put him over during his first retirement. HHH beat Foley in a street fight, then next month in the Cell. Those matches really helped solidify HHH as a real main event player. It would be nice to see HHH or Taker return the favor to a few of the younger guys today.
Dude he HAD to do something with Steph because what other reason would Vince have to hate him so much. Vince has sided with NUMEROUS enemies just for the sake of making money.
ReplyDeleteGood point. Deep down I just wanna see Punk and HBK go at it. But yeah, you're right because Taker will take a break after Mania, Batista's bound to get injured again, and Punk will be back at the top of the card with Y2J.
Exactly, I couldn't agree with you more. The sad thing is, the best workers were the selfless ones. Jericho, Eddie & Benoit, frigging Kurt Angle. Those guys are some of the best to step in the ring bar none and they put over guys ALL the time. Trips and Taker need to realize they wont be around for ever and help putting more guys over. Because there's no way those two who were main eventing ten years ago (almost 20 for Taker) should still be main eventing for belts. They should be putting guys like Morrison, Shelton, Kofi and Swagger other for the sake of the business.
Yeah, what else could it be with Savage? Vince has buried the hatchet with practically everybody else who jumped to WCW except Savage. Weird situation there.
ReplyDeleteMan, I'd just love to see Punk and Jericho have like a 20 minute promo against each other. No script or anything, just the two of them throwing down verbally. Plus imagine the sweet match they'd have as well.
I put more of the blame on Vince and the bigwigs when it comes to who is main eventing. I def don't blame HHH or Taker for trying to work their way into the main event slots, who doesn't want to be the headline guys? Vince should put his foot down and say, "We need to create new stars, put(whoever)over strong tonight." Let's face it, if Vince doesn't begin to build up new stars, he'll def pay for it 3-5 years down the road.
I always wondered why they never brought Sting over to the WWE...but yeah Savage must've did something bad, besides that horrible rap cd.
ReplyDeleteThey'd tear it up. And the promo would be amazing, especially if Jericho was face and Punk worked as a Heel. Man...that's Mania caliber right there.
Oh most definitely, I can't blame Taker or Trips but I don't exactly see them putting over young talent. I read an interview with Trips and he's like, no one ever put me over...I earned it. WTF is he talking about?
Yeah Vince needs new stars for at Mania 30 we'll be seeing Show, Trips, Taker somehow and Cena and Orton in the main events.
I remember reading a while back that Sting never wanted to go to the E because he didn't like their "raunchy" product... And yet he winds up going to TNA where Vince Russo headed up a group called "SEX" *coughHypocritecough*.
ReplyDeleteThat would be an awesome Mania main event from the Smackdown side, of course the Raw side would give us some variation of HHH, Orton and Cena...
HA! It seems that HHH has developed a severe case of selective memory... Sure, I remember reading that Austin wasn't too keen on putting HHH over back in the day, but what about Foley, Rock and like everybody else?!?
WrestleMania 30's main event, Championship Scramble match between Taker, Show, HHH, Cena and Orton. You might as well book it now!
Lol meanwhile the WWE has gone super PG with their Leprechauns and John Cena as Superman routine.
ReplyDeleteYeah it's funny because at Wrestlemania 19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24, 25 (and probably more) all the main events from RAW have featured either Cena, Trips or Orton, and 22, 24, 25 each had a combination of the three.
:| If I post too quick ONE more time! Lol
ReplyDeleteYeah that's what I thought, especially Foley, like you said put him over at back to back PPV's in a great Street fight and an amazing Hell in A Cell. That statement made Trips come off as a jerk.
Lol of course Taker would win because he never loses at Mania. Hell he's beat everyone in that match AT Mania except Cena. Now that I think of it Taker has beaten every member of Evolution at different Mania's.
That's just insane that those same three guys are ALWAYS in the Wrestlemania main event. How much longer can the E continue to ride the same three guys?
ReplyDeleteEh, I just chalk HHH's statement up to HHH being HHH. Obviously the guy seriously thinks he's like the greatest wrestler of all-time, and that his success has nothing to do with politics(the Kliq)or the fact that he married the bosses daughter!
Oh yeah, that's right, if Taker is in that match, you already know who's going to win! I could see it too, a like 50 year old Undertaker winning the strap and then proceeding to squash any young wrestler with the audacity to get over with the fans!
Yeah, I'm hoping they atleast switch it up this year at Mania, Cena/Taker, HBK vs. um...no idea. Trips, Orton and HBK have all wrestled each other tons of times.
ReplyDeleteYeah and now he's gonna be the one that runs the company with Steph now that Shane is stepping down. Needless to say I'm not looking forward to watching that or hell, possibly working in that environment.
Oh yeah, Taker will probably hit 20 - 0 and retire but I would NOT be surprised if they just brought him back every year at Mania to squash the Kofi Kingston's and CM Punk's of the WWE.
Cena/Taker actually sounds pretty good, I really can't recall any program between those two guys before. Honestly, I think Cena would probably be the only guy Taker/Vince would even consider allowing to end the streak. Of course the chances of that happening are slim to none, but still, if anybody would be allowed to end the streak it would be SuperCena.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the HHH/Steph era is going to be all kinds of horrible... You just know HHH is going to give himself like 10-20 more World titles, just so that he puts the record SO far out of reach that nobody else could ever threaten it.
HA, yeah, Taker will come back every year and squash any promising young wrestler. He'll be like 60, and just stand in the middle of the ring, let the other guy bump all over the ring before pinning the poor guy.
They had one pay per view feud that was before Cena was a main eventer, he was still rapping and whatnot but he hadn't even won the US Title yet, so it would be good now. I could see Cena winning but it would just make everyone hate him more, so if that happened a heel turn would be inevitable. I'd also love to see CM Punk vs. Michaels or Jericho at that pay per view. Or Michaels or Jericho vs. Edge. Those three matches alone would make a great PPV.
ReplyDeleteYeah but you know Edge is RIGHT up on him, as a nine time champion. The Fact he's had it nine times since January 2005 just shows that the belt moves around FAR too much.
Lol one thing I will say about Flair is that dude was old but he can still work his ass off, bumped like crazy and made his opponents look great.
Man, that would be an AWESOME way to finally turn Cena heel. Have him go into the match as a pure face, so it's face vs. face, and have Cena flat out cheat to defeat Taker and break the streak. I mean like pull out all the stops, KO the ref, blast Taker with a chair, and pin him with his feet on the ropes while pulling Taker's tights! Then have Cena go out on Raw the next night and throw this really wild celebatory party to gloat about his "accomplishment". He'd be like the most hated man in wrestling history! Unfortunately I doubt the E would ever have the guts to go through with something like that.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt about the belt moving around WAY too much nowadays. Now if you hold the strap for like 6 months, that's practically an eternity! Back in the day a guy like Hogan would be champ for like 3-5 years at a time. Now it's more like 3-5 months at a time!
That would be amazing. The one thing I hate is they had Cena lose already at a Mania because if he was Undefeated still, it'd be awesome to have him have a streak and beating Taker would add to the mystique even if he did cheat. Because eventually someone would beat Cena and that'd put them over. But if he turned heel like that it'd be one of the best heel turns ever.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Jeff Hardy had the belt three times, when you add it up it's for a combined two months. Thats just outrageous. I remember not too long ago JBL was champ for a year, Cena and Batista for 10 months a piece, so what happened?
Yeah, that would be such an awesome heel turn, which means it will never happen!
ReplyDeleteI remember JBL's title reign, and what a big deal everybody made about him holding the strap for about a year. It's kind of sad that a one year title reign is considered amazing nowadays. I can vaguely remember reading an interview from Vince some time ago where Vince pretty much said that fans nowadays have such short attention spans that he can't have the same guys stay as champs for too long, 'cause then the fans would get bored. He said it in much nicer terms, but that was the gist of what he was saying. I have to disagree, if you have good writing/booking, there's no reason you can't have a guy hold onto the title for a good 2 years.
Yeah of course they'd never do it. Man...If You could book three main event Mania matches, two world title and one Money in The Bank who would you book and have win, and why?
ReplyDeleteI really disagree as well, the longer a heel holds a belt the more challengers he beats makes the fans want him to lose more and cherish when he does, Then when someone does win it they look very credible. And when a face holds it for a long time then loses it by being screwed over by a heel the fans hate them even more.
Ah, fantasy booking. I used to do this all the time back when I watched the WWE every week. Hmm, for the Smackdown side I'd go with Jericho(c) vs. Edge. For Raw, let's say HBK vs CM Punk(c). As for money in the Bank, I'd go Kofi, Orton, Christian, Swagger, Bourne and either Dibiase or Rhodes. Let's see I'd have Jericho barely hold onto the belt, I'd give Kofi the MitB win, and I think I'd have HBK go over Punk in the final match of the night to send the fans home happy. I hate to job Punk out, but I can't resist giving HBK one more championship at Mania. I'd swap the belt back to Punk really soon(like the next PPV)so we could build towards Kofi cashing in against Punk eventually.
ReplyDeleteI've ALWAYS loved the strong heel champion retaining the title by hook or by crook. The more he goes over, the more the fans hate him, and the more over the face who eventually overcomes him will be. Best example of that I can think of was the Honky Tonk Man and the Ultimate Warrior back in the day. Honky held the IC strap for well over a year and he wound up losing to Warrior in like 10 seconds! After that one match, Warrior was a made man. I'm in total agreement over the way you describe the ideal face champion as well. It seems so simple, why can't the WWE figure this stuff out?
Those sound like awesome matches and I love the feuding of Kofi and Punk because they both debuted in ECW, both held the IC title, were tag champs together, Both would be former MITB winners. That stuff writes itself.
ReplyDeleteExactly what I was thinking. Or when they built up JBL by beating people like Eddie, Taker, Big Show then lost to Cena and it put Cena over big time. I love that to make the champ look credible. I'm with you, I can't understand why they can't figure that out because thats basic wrestling 101.
Just for the record I'd book Edge vs. Christian for the World Title on Smackdown with a face Christian going over his Heel Brother Edge, for Raw I'd have Jericho vs. Punk vs. HBK and have Jericho go over HBK, keeping Punk credible but Undefeated at Mania and the MITB would be Kofi, Morrison, Matt Hardy, Orton, Swagger and The Miz.
I'd have Kofi win the MITB as well and eventually feud with Y2J who i know wouldn't have a trouble putting over Kofi as well as making him look like a true main eventer. And I'd have Kofi announce his MITB match weeks before like RVD did so he can win it fair and square.
Ha, we've pretty much got the same people in those three matches, just in different slots. Notice how we both left HHH, Taker and Cena out of the big three matches at Mania? Hopefully the E follows suit next year!
ReplyDeleteWith regards to Kofi, I was thinking the EXACT same thing. Before he announced his title shot though, I'd have him tease his cashing it in for a few weeks. I'd have Punk defending the strap with Kofi coming out to ringside to watch Punk's matches. I'd probably tease the match until around Summerslam, that way the fans are just rabid to see those two guys finnaly get in the ring together.
Lol yeah, i think it's cause we wanted people who regularly deliver and don't phone it in. Well Cena always seems amped but Trips and Taker are known for saving it for game day so to speak.
ReplyDeleteGreat minds think alike man, just teasing it to get the fans hungry or pumped for the match. Now that I think of it this could also work to establish John Morrison as a main eventer. That dude's like the closest version to a new HBK I've seen in a while.
My mind would probably change if Cena was a heel, that dude needs a new character pronto! As for Taker and Trips, at this point in their careers(especially regarding Taker)they shouldn't be ANYWHERE near the main event scene!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I've heard alot of people say that about Morrison, but I just don't see it... He can def go in the ring, but he just doesn't have the same level of charisma that HBK does/did. Morrison's promos just never did much for me. Maybe he's gotten better since the last time I've seen him, but back then, he was pretty sad on the stick.
Taker is FAR too old to still be champion. I mean, it's one thing if you're HBK and you give it your all, but at this point Taker is obviously getting slower and you can see it. You can tell some of his steps are off and you want a champion who is at the top of their game.
ReplyDeleteWell I think he was his best when he was in ECW cutting palace of wisdom promo's, they always entertained me. He is cheesy sometimes but that's more on the writing team than him, I think he'll improve though.
BTW the Kofi push continues tonight, he was the sole survivor of his team, won the match, and pinned two former champs, Punk & Orton within 11 seconds of each other. Hopefully it continues, the sky is the limit for Kofi right now..let's just hope Triple H's jet isn't anywhere near him.
I remember those promos from Morrison. He always comes across as shaky and boring when he talks. He's great IN the ring, but out of it is a different story. The Miz always seemed way more comfortable cutting promos then Morrison when they were teaming up.
ReplyDeleteWow, good for Kofi. I guess next up is a singles match to blow off the feud with Orton at the next PPV. Hopefully HHH will stay away from Kofi until at least after the feud with Orton. Then again, you've got to think HHH is dying to squash Kofi and ruin everything he's built up so far.
Yeah Miz was definitely the mouth piece of the group, although I loved when they did the Dirt Sheet. But hey, if Jeff Hardy's proved anything you can have subpar mic skills and still become champ. Btw Miz has REALLY improved in the ring since his debut year.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Kofi is on his "To-Squash List" along with Morrison, Swagger and Jericho again just because.
Really? If the Miz can up his game in the ring, the sky is the limit for him. He's already got the mic skills and charisma, all he was missing was in in-ring ability.
ReplyDeleteDamn that Triple H! I had to laugh at the comment on Jericho, 'cause you know it's true! Jericho has been HHH's designated whipping boy for like his entire WWE run!
Yeah, I agree with you. He and Morrison had a program where they kept arguing on who was the Michaels and who was the Janetty, but I think they both may be successful in an Edge & Christian sorta way. Miz just needs a better finisher (he's using the Stroke that Jarrett uses) and a better name for it. He literally calls it "The Skull-Crushing Finale."
ReplyDeleteLol I don't know what it is about Trips but I get the feeling he honestly hates Jericho sometimes. Trips tore his quad and was gone, Jericho had more title matches than EVER before AND became first Undisputed Champ. Trips comes back, beats up Jericho at Mania (2002) and Jericho doesn't get the belt again until 2008. Man...Trips is like the anti-christ of wrestling sometimes.
I don't know, I think the Stroke can be a pretty good finisher. It can be used on much larger guys and can be used from almost anywhere in the ring with little set up time. That's what I've always liked about moves like the SC Stunner, or the RKO, they can really come out of nowhere. That name seriously has to go though... WAY too long for my liking.
ReplyDeleteOh man, and the program HHH and Jericho had leading up to that Wrestlemania was just AWFUL!!! The whole build was about Steph and HHH, with Jericho just some minor little nuisance. He was the frigging CHAMPION for crying out loud! Shouldn't the Wrestlemania main event be built around HIM!?! Not only did HHH treat Jericho like a bitch in the ring, Steph treated him like one outside the ring during the promos... Ugh, that was just horrid...
I never cared much for the stroke, It looks akward to me. Now if it was the Full Nelson face buster thing Jericho used to do for a while that'd be cool but the Stroke doesn't look like it has enough impact. I agree that moves that can come outta anywhere like the RKO, Sweet Chin Music, Trouble in Paradise and Carlito's Back cracker are awesome.
ReplyDeleteYep AND the main even was overshadowed by Rock vs, Hogan. No one really even remembers that which sucks cause it's the only time Jericho main evented Mania. Man that was a lame feud.
Yeah, I can def see your point about the Stroke. I think I just tend to be OK with it 'cause it seems so easy to deliver to a much bigger opponent. That's probably the thing I don't like about CM Punk doing the GTS. There's no way in hell he can bust that out against a guy the size of the Big Show. At least you can use the Stroke on a guy as big as the Show, even if it does look weak.
ReplyDeleteDamn, they should have just put Rock/Hogan on as the main event for that show! With the way they booked Jericho in that feud, they should have just had him go out and jerk the curtain, 'cause there wasn't ANYBODY out there who thought he had a snowball's chance in hell to beat HHH at that Wrestlemania.
I do agree with you on that. Because unless you're Cena or Lesnar a normal sized guy like Punk or Orton can't hit a GTS, F-U, F5 on big guys like Show or Khali. Altough I did see Punk lift up Viscera on his back for a GTS but he didn't hit it.
ReplyDeleteI agree, cause no one really had any steam left by the time Trips and Jericho started. Apparently Trips lobbied that the Title should ALWAYS main event but I disagree in that case. Lol yeah, Trips won the Rumble three weeks after returning from a year long absence so it was VERY obvious Jericho wasn't gonna win.
Yeah, I remember Punk almost breaking some guy's nose(maybe Mike Knox)with a GTS. It just looks really awkward trying to do that move to a guy almost twice your size. IMO Punk should just use the Anaconda Vice as his finisher, and the GTS as a set-up move on guys he can lift.
ReplyDeleteI remember that, that was HHH's big return after the first torn quad I think. You know HHH and Steph probably thought HHH winning the title from Jericho would be the big, happy Wrestlemania moment, but that sure wasn't the case that year!
I agree. To be honest Punk can get away with a Superkick. I know mainly Shawn uses it but considering they build Punk's kicking so much. Or a shining Wizard.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Trips is the only guy in the world that can tear both his quads and still be considered a viable person to hold the belt. I'd be too afraid he's win it and tear something else.
That's another reason a feud between Punk and HBK would rock, Punk could steal the superkick as a result of the feud.
ReplyDeleteI guess those are some of the perks to marrying the bosses daughter! HHH could probably tear every muscle in his body and STILL be a permanant fixture in the main event scene!
Exactly man. I was thinking that when I typed it. Punk could go after HBK's past, Shawn could say he changed and Punk would disagree. He could mention the screwjob, the DX acts and everything. That feud could easily go about four months or longer if booked correctly. Start it at the Rumble, have HBK eliminate Punk and it could go to Mania or Backlash.
ReplyDeleteYeah Trips is truly the boss. Apparently he's into this dude Sheamus and billed him as the next star. He debuted on ECW at the end of July right...was moved to Raw a month ago, his first PPV match was at Survivor series, and now at this next ppv he's wrestling Cena for the title. Really?! You guys give up on Swagger, got Christian wasting away on ECW and won't push Matt Hardy or Shelton but Trips pushes a glorified Rookie in less than six months to World Title status?
Yeah, a HBK/Punk feud could last for at least four months if done correctly. Besides the wrestling, which would be great, imagine the fantastic promo work those two guys could/would have. That's probably one of the few current dream type feuds I can think of right now.
ReplyDeleteWow, that really goes to show you HHH's power. I haven't even heard of this Sheamus dude, and he's already getting a title shot ON a PPV?
Oh man, imagine those two having Ladder matches or an Ironman match. I could easily seem them having the chemistry that Shawn and Bret had. I hope we can get that feud before HBK hangs up his boots.
ReplyDeleteExactly dude. Already. That guy hasn't been in the WWE for 6 months and he's already wrestling Cena for the strap. That also shows you how in desperate need they are for Heels on Raw.
Oh man, a ladder match between HBK and Punk would be FANTASTIC! Now that's one match even I'd be willing to pay to see.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess HHH hasn't turned heel yet... What's he waiting for?
I honestly believe those two would have MULTIPLE match of the year candidates. If WWE is smart we'll get that at a Mania because lately they've been giving away matches on TV like idiots.
ReplyDeleteYou know Jericho and Taker had NEVER wrestled in the ten years Jericho's been with WWE, they gave it away on Smackdown free twice in the last month. That's easily a money match they could've saved.
It sounds like the E is getting desperate to lure people into watching their programming, why else would they give away a money match like Jericho and Taker on free TV? Hell, they could have at least built it up into a quick 1 month feud for one of the lesser PPV's.
ReplyDeleteYeah the sad thing is it's just being wasted. The best thing on WWE TV right now is this Kofi/Orton feud, so I'm hoping they don't screw that up.
ReplyDeleteJericho/Taker had potential to have a big build, they could've done that at Mania, with Taker being undefeated but never having beat Jericho. Instead he's already beaten him twice. (once by DQ)
Well, from the way you tell it, so far so good with the Kofi/Orton feud.
ReplyDeleteJeez, is Chris like EVERYBODY'S whipping boy now? The top guys seem to really love beating him.
Yeah, hopefully everything turns out good with it...Raw on the other hand has been awful. Mark Henry was "rapping" and Verne (Mini-Me) Troyer was the guest host. RAW was so bad I didnt even watch it this week. Two hour show apparently had less that 20 minutes in-ring time.
ReplyDeleteYeah Chris is the designated Main Event loser. Gladly he hasn't become Kane yet, whereas people still take Chris seriously.
Damn, sometimes you've really got to wonder what the hell Vince and co. are thinking... Garbage like that is why I'm not watching the E anymore.
ReplyDeleteThe E should really watch what they do with Jericho a little bit more. The guy def deserves better then what he's been getting. It's not like Jericho REALLY needs to wrestle, he seems like one of the few guys who has some outside interests in case the wrestling thing falls through.
Yeah, I don't blame you. I may just read the results from now on if stuff doesn't improve cause this is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteYeah because the guy has a band, he's been on tv shows and a few low budget movies as well and he's been wrestling for twenty years, he doesn't need the money. But he's a fantastic asset to have, they better realize that instead of just trotting Taker and Trips around.
I keep hoping things will turn around, but whenever something good happens(like CM Punk getting elevated)the E manages to screw it all up again(having a nearly 50 yr old Taker squash Punk for the title).Hopefully Kofi can be the guy to finally burst through the glass ceiling that's currently in place.
ReplyDeleteMan, I used to be such a fan of both HHH and Taker back in the day. When I was a little kid/mark, I thought Taker was the most awesome thing EVER. And when Trips broke out from under HBK's shadow and became the leader of DX, nobody was happier then me. But that was like 10-15 years ago! Enough is enough already... It's WAY past time for those guys to be putting over the younger talent. IMO, CM Punk should have defeated Taker and retained the title during their feud. How the hell does jobbing Punk out to Taker help the company going forward?
I really hope so man. I'm almost positive either him or Morrison will be winning the MITB this year. Hopefully that helps them break out and become huge stars.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you man. Thos eguys were great in their day but now it's time for new blood. Imagine where Austin and Rock and Trips would've been if Hogan and Flair and Warrior were hogging all the top spots back in 96-2000. Gotta build new stars man.
Oh, I'm sure you've heard by now that Umaga passed away Friday. I don't think they know how yet though. Dude was only 36.
I def would prefer Kofi get the MitB suitcase, I think he's better all around then Morrison at this point in both their careers. Hopefully the E won't give us Mark Henry or the Great Khali as the MitB winner... Nothing the E does anymore surprises me.
ReplyDeleteThat's a great point. That's probably a large part of why WCW folded up, because they were so piss-poor at making new stars. Sure, they had the NWO, and they made Goldberg into a superstar, but the late 90's-early 2000's was a time when the E was builing up new guys(Austin, Rock, HHH, etc), while WCW was just promoting the same tired old dudes. By the time they finally tried to build up new stars, it was WAY too late, because the E had the wrestlers everybody wanted to watch. The E should seriously think about that. You keep pushing the same guys in the same positions for 10, 15, 20 years, and the fans are going to get bored, just like they did with WCW.
Yeah, I heard that... Sad news. I heard heart attack, which is just horrible, 'cause the guy was only 36 years old...
I agree I'd prefer a Kofi win but their pushing Morrison hard on SD too so that's the only reason I could see him winning it. They have a good past of giving deserving guys the MITB though. (Edge, RVD, Punk, Kennedy at the time he won it.)
ReplyDeleteExactly man. I mean even if you gotta steal some stars from TNA do what you gotta to keep fans interested. Because WCW had Eddie, Benoit, Jericho and Rey and so many others that weren't getting pushed and came to WWE and became stars.
They gotta remember this business is a revolving door, new stars in old stars out. Not to be disrespectful to the guys who put the business over but you gotta step to the side. Especially Taker who you can see is losing his edge. Now if he was still going all out stealing the shows like Shawn Michaels or something then thats one thing. But I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say.
Yeah, they actually released him because they wanted him to go to rehab and he wouldn't. Sadly if he did he might still be here. I don't know if it's drug related or anything but thats crazy for such a young guy. Seems like we just lost Eddie not too long ago, can't believe it's already been four years.
Hopefully by then Kofi will be in a fued for the championship. Sure it's unlikely, but who knows.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Just look at WCW's roster around 1995-97 and compare that to WWE's. The E had Bret, Owen, HBK, Mankind and Taker, while WCW had pretty much everybody else! Man, that just shows you how badly managed WCW was to have such an awesome roster and still screw it all up!
Yeah, I totally get what you're saying. There comes a time when it's time to step away from the limelight. HBK hasn't reached that point yet, but I think Taker probably has. I'm not even saying Taker should retire yet, I'm just saying that he shouldn't be within 100 miles of the main event/championship.
Yeah, I saw the same story and thought the exact same thing... If only he had tried rehab, who knows how things would have changed.
I'd definitely go for a Kofi feud. I'd love to see a championship feud with Kofi and someone like Jericho, Punk or Edge as a Heel.
ReplyDeleteYeah those guys had talent and couldn't get the job done. Not unlike TNA who had a buncha young guys who they neglect for Steiner and Rhino and Hogan and Nash and so many other names.
Agreed. Because Flair could still steal a show, HBK can and Taker can with the right opponent but none of them need the title. I'd love to see Shawn get a title run but he doesn't NEED it and he knows that. He doesn't want it because he believes the champ should be on the road doing house shows and he doesn't do them alot. That's instant respect from me, doing whats best for the business. If it was up to me Jericho would've been champ for the last two years, putting people over but still looking strong then losing to a newer star like Kofi after the MITB that instantly makes him a star. Plus the crowd would be salivating for a Jericho loss.
The somewhat akward thing is, both he and Eddie wrestled their final matches against Mr. Kennedy, and both had heart problems and died within a week after. That's kinda an eerie coincidence.
I still say Kofi vs. Punk for the title is instant money! Nobody can convince me otherwise!
ReplyDeleteYeah, that's the thing with TNA. I'm cool with them occasionally bringing in an older star like a Foley or Hogan, but only OCCASIONALLY, and only to put over some of the younger talent. How the HELL can anybody take TNA seriously when they've still got broken down wrecks like Steiner and Nash wasting time and space?
Wow, good for HBK. Although he may not want another title run, I wish he'd get one last run with the belt, as a thank you from the company, think about it, Shawn's been with the E for even longer then Taker!
Man, that's def weird...
I agree with you, I'd definitely be interested in seeing those two steal the show.
ReplyDeleteExactly...I mean you think they'd use the older guys to put over the younger, instead they put all the old dudes in the "Main Event Mafia" and had em squash the youngsters and win all the titles. Just stupid.
Yeah I agree, he definitely deserves one last run at the top, with a nice six month title run. Shawn has been consistent every since he returned and is definitely the guy to got to for a great match.
Yeah I gotta wonder how Kennedy feels about that.
Ugh, when I first heard about the MEM idea I was like, "Are you kidding me!" Now I hear that TNA is going to go head to head against the E on one Monday in January... They think Hogan is such a big draw that they'll be able to cut into the E's audience... Boy are they in for a rude awakening!
ReplyDeleteI'd be cool if HBK only had the strap for a month or two. I'm not sure if there's anybody currently in the company that deserves a title run more then Shawn does.
Yeah I'm predicting that TNA flops miserably, especially with Hogan and Sting heading up their show. TNA is nowhere near ready to go against Raw. Man TNA is just getting worse by the minute it seems.
ReplyDeleteThe only reason I'd like a longer title run for Shawn is because his last reign was only for a month before he dropped it back to Trips. I'd be happy if Shawn had a fresh feud for it with someone he hasn't feuded with alot like Edge or Christian or hell even Cena. They put on good matches with each other.
Honestly, I don't know what TNA is thinking by going up against Raw at this point... They can't possibly think Hogan is THAT big a draw still, can they? Maybe if it was like 1985 or something Hogan would draw huge numbers, but come on, it's gonna be 2010, hardly anybody still cares about Hogan anymore.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I see your point, it would be nice to see HBK as the champ facing down new challengers. Of course you know full well if HBK was to win the belt one last time, he'd be locked in a months long feud with HHH, and you just KNOW HHH would be walking out of the feud as the champion!
Lol @ 1985. Man Hogan has been around forever, but yeah no one cares about Hogan. Now if they had The Rock showing up some how then it'd make sense. I know I definitely won't even be thinking about TNA the day of that "Monday Night War."
ReplyDeleteSadly you're right, and now it looks like their gonna beat Jeri-Show for the tag titles this Sunday at the pay per view. I can't picture them dropping the tag titles to ANYONE in the WWE.
Woooo, if Rock showed up on TNA, I'd be watching that show every week! The Rock is one of those guys that can make anything interesting, prob even the train wreck that is TNA.
ReplyDeleteHa, you know if DX does win the straps, the only way DX loses the titles is for HBK to lay down, because you KNOW HHH won't be taking the pinfall!
Yeah I'd definitely watch if they somehow got The Rock to show up..but sadly TNA will continue to be underwhelming for a long time to come.
ReplyDeleteEXACTLY. Shawn will take the pin because no one is gonna pin HBK. Or he'll leave Shawn to defend them by himself. There's no "team" of people on the roster I can see beating DX for those belts unless its like Taker & Kane.
Yeah, TNA will continue to suck until the day they finally run out of money, ala WCW... Sad but prob true.
ReplyDeleteHmm, yeah, Taker and Kane or Big Show would def have a legit shot at beating DX. Besides that... Hmm, huh, I can't think of any other team with a snowball's chance in Hell at beating DX.
Yep then WWE will pick the scraps and probably bury Joe and AJ as apart of their tag divisions and push Abyss to the main event to feud with Kane, Then Taker, Then Batista then fall back to obscurity.
ReplyDeleteWell Big Show's got one half of the titles now with Jericho, and everyone calls em Jeri-show, I honestly can only see Kane and Taker taking them from DX or like if Orton teamed up with Batista or something since their both heels.
HA!!! I could totally see that!Of course they'd all have to hit the minors first to learn the "WWE style"... You just know AJ would be jobbing to The Great Khali within weeks of debuting!
ReplyDeleteEh, if DX does win the gold, I'd think the most likely scenario will be for HHH to betray HBK for some reason which leads to DX losing the belts to some random team. That way nobody but HHH really gains any heat, and we all know that's the really important thing!
Lol yep, then he'd move around, maybe grab the IC Title, put on great matches with Rey and Jericho and Punk but get the Shelton Benjamin curse and never elevate at all.
ReplyDeleteLol I laughed at that mainly because it's so true. The Trips turn would completely over shadow the other team's win, and no one would even remember that DX lost the belts. Good call on what is undoubtedly the future Mr. Rip Hunter.
Yep, so true. AJ would def get a token IC title run before he gets perminately trapped in mid-card hell.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I didn't even have to use my Timesphere to figure that one out... Who wouldn't see that coming!
So the ppv was last night, Sheamus who debuted the last week of July 2009 is now the WWE Champion. Orton beat Kofi but I think they may continue the feud, and DX won the tagteam titles. So yeah...the whole Sheamus winning thing was so stupid, I mean it's not even like he got the Lesnar push or something, he just showed up and won the belt.
ReplyDeleteDude, after reading what you said, I went over to Wiki and checked out Sheamus' entry, and I can't believe they gave this guy the title!!! Is he like amazing in the ring or something? The guy's look really kind of sucks... Well, I guess at least he's something different then Cena/Orton/HHH...
ReplyDeleteDX won the belts... Wow, I'm totally shocked(note the sarcasm there!). We should place our bets on how long before HHH turns on HBK and costs them the belts. I say HBK eliminates HHH from the Rumble, setting up the HHH heel turn. What's your guess?
No dude...not AT ALL. All he's done since his debut was job to Goldust, have a quick feud with Shelton, "Retire" Jamie Noble with a powerbomb to the floor, and beat up King. Somehow that makes him viable to hold the WWE Title. But yeah that's Sheamus, The Human Piece of Chalk as he's referred to.
ReplyDeleteThat's the most perfect guess ever. I say they lose em to Taker and Kane just because Michaels apparently called out Taker tonight. Also yours is so right I can't even dispute it.
Huh, so over the course of a few short months the guy has gone from jobbing to Goldust to becoming the champion... Wow, how the WWE title has fallen.
ReplyDeleteI hope they don't drop the straps to Taker and Kane, because then you've got the same problem all over again! Who would be able to take the belts off of Taker and Kane? I'd prefer DX loses them to a real team like Legacy or... Or whoever I guess.
So that's it then, the Triple H heel turn clock has officially begun.
Yeah it's sad what people are no forced to endure. They had a 3 hour show last night, which I skipped, and There was less than 30 mins in ring time. Punk got Squashed by Cena in a minute and forty seconds and Randy beat Taker by count out in less than three minutes.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'd think Legacy was next in line if they hadn't already feuded with them and destroyed all of Legacy's credibility. I would love is the Hardyz or Edge and Christian held them again though.
Yeah it's coming, I predict you're right and it's at the Rumble or in February. Also their hinting at a Taker HBK rematch at this upcoming Mania, since Shawn issued a rematch Challenge.
How do they give away Punk/Cena and Taker/Orton on free TV, and then give the matches practically no time?!? Jeez, that's just weird!
ReplyDeleteWell, I doubt we'll be seeing the Hardyz getting the belts anytime soon. As for Edge and Christian, why not? That would have worked out perfectly if Jerishow still had the titles, since Jericho and Edge already have a built in feud upon Edge's return. I say give the belts back to Jerishow and then have E&C challenge for them at WrestleMania!
Huh, I'm not sure why they'd want to redo the HBK/Taker match again. It's not like HBK is going to beat Taker, and I doubt they could match what seemed to be an awesome match from last year. You'd think another match would almost definitely disappoint. I was thinking HBK/HHH at Mania, maybe with some kind of stipulation like HBK's career on the line or something.
Exactly dude. But the big news for today is Bret Hart signed a contract between January to April 10th, meaning he may work Mania, and may be hosting the head-to-head show on Jan. 4th with TNA.
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% that's why I hated to see Jerishow lose. For a guy that quit watching earlier this year you're still pretty up on the storylines.
Yeah that's what I thought, if they redo it Shawn like HAS to win. Plus last I heard they were gonna go with Cena vs. Taker at Mania, But If they got someone better for Cena to go against like Rock I'd be all for it. Either way only time will tell, I just know I don't want anyone who's won the rumble before to win again so no Taker, Cena, Orton or HHH!
Yeah I'd heard about the Bret thing, and I have to say, I'm totally puzzled by that one. I don't really see why either side would bother. When Bret was in his heyday I was in the midst of my biggest WWE fan days, so I know Bret really well, and the guy has never been much on the mic. Since he's also suffered a major concusion and a stroke, he can't wrestle, so I'm not really sure what Bret can bring to the table. I'd guess that most of today's fans either don't know who Bret is or only know of him thanks to the Screwjob. I will say this though, when Bret does show up I may have to try to watch that one out of morbid curiousity. It would be so awesome if Bret took a live mic on Raw and just started shooting on Vince, HBK and HHH though. Oh, and one more thing, the E should DEF have Bret debut up in Canada, 'cause the reaction Bret would get from the Canadian fans would be off the charts INSANE!!!
ReplyDeleteWell I don't watch anymore, but I usually check out a few of the wrestling sites about once/twice a week, so I'm at least conversational about what's going on in the world of wrestling nowadays. I'm hoping I'll read something one day that sounds so awesome that I'll want to start watching again.
Cena Taker would be REALLY interesting. If I had to pick one guy on the roster who I thought could break the streak I'd def say Cena. The E wants desperately to make him this generations Hogan/Austin/Rock, so I could see him getting the win. The only thing would be Cena beating Taker could possibly turn the fans against him even more then they already are.
Yeah I agree that Bret isn't the best on his mic, and I'm not one of his biggest fans, I believe he should have dropped the belt when he was told and the Screwjob wouldn't have happened but yeah, I'm hoping he's doing something that won't take up too much time at Mania. He can't really wrestle, if he does it'd probably be a tagteam match or something but I wouldn't mind him and Orton with his Legend Killer gimmick returning. As long as it doesn't wind up with HBK anywhere near Bret.
ReplyDeleteYou may be waiting a while for that day to be honest. Hell I barely wanna watch nowadays. I'm hoping if the Mania card comes through we can see Edge vs. Jericho, Cena vs. Taker and HHH vs. HBK, if not Cena vs. Batista and HBK vs. Taker II since they hinted at it.
I'd LOVE for Cena to end Taker's streak and just bust out the biggest Heel turn since when Austin sided with McMahon. Better yet have Cena cheat to end the streak that would be awesome. Like he's thrown everything at Taker and can't win so he cracks him with a chair and ends the streak. But I agree no one else on that Roster is gonna end Taker's streak if not Cena.
Yeah, I totally agree with you about the Bret thing. There's a lot of stuff you can say/blame on Vince, but the Screwjob was DEFINITELY Bret's own fault. Come on, how could Vince allow his CHAMPION to leave the company as the champ? Supposibly Bret was going to forfit the strap on the Raw after the Survivor Series, but still, he'd be entering Vince's greatest competition as the man who was never defeated for Vince's title. How would that make the E look? I could almost hear the WCW announcers, "Here's Bret Hart, the man who left the WWE as the WWE champion because there were no more challenges there." Plus what if Bret had shown up on WCW TV and dumped the title in the trash ala Alandra Blaze and the women's belt?
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't think Bret CAN wrestle. The guy is seriously messed up. I can't imagine Vince allowing him in a ring, the guy has already had a stroke, and I don't think you ever fully recover from one of those. The last thing Vince needs is for Bret to take a bad bump in the ring and wind up paralyzed... Or worse.
I completely agree about keeping HBK and Bret apart, at least on TV. Like I said, most of today's fans prob don't know much about Bret, so if the E puts him out there in some kind of confrontation with HBK I guarantee the crowd will instantly turn on Bret. I think HBK is at the point of his career where he'll probably never be booed by the entire crowd again. I don't think the E would be able to resist putting HBK and Bret on the screen at the same time though. Even if they just pass each other in the hallway, you know they're going to wind up meeting up eventually.
I'm telling you, if they turn Cena like that they'll be raking money in hand over fist! I say do it EXACTLY as you said, have Taker kick out of all Cena's finishers and everything, and have Cena cheat to win(a chairshot with his feet on the ropes would be my choice), then have Cena celebrate like he won the Super Bowl or something. The next night have him come out and act like he didn't do anything wrong, have him act like he beat Taker fair and square. Have him attack anybody who claims he cheated to win, and man, you'd have one hell of an awesome heel on your hands. The only thing is I don't know if Taker would ever let that streak be broken. It's such a part of his mystique that I doubt he wants it to be broken.
Exactly dude. I don't see how anyone can dispute it. I've heard rumors Bret was just gonna lose it the next night...no Screw that. He'll lose it when I tell him to If I'm his boss. As long as he's under contract he has to do what he's paid to do. He's lucky they let him go out with a title match instead of making him job to Billy Gunn or something. That always bothered me, where do you get off not wanting to lose the title in your home country? I've seen JR get his ass beat in his home city at least five separate times!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you again dude, they definitely would cheer HBK unless it happened in Canada because they boo him there anyway. And it's inevitable they run into each other at least once, I just don't want some crappy gimmick messing up Shawn's Mania match like them making Bret the referee. That seems cheap.
That'd be golden. Cena just believes he won fair and square even though he's cheated. That would be great. I think Taker would actually...because he has been around forever but he will do anything for the business if the right person says it. If some writers pitch it, hell no, but if Vince does you better believe Taker would just outta respect. I remember in HBK's book he said that Taker had his back because Bret wanted to do things his way and not the right way.
Better yet, I'd read that the plan Vince gave to Bret when Vince realized that Bret wasn't going to do the right thing in Montreal was that Bret was going to go out on RAW the night after Survivor Series and forfit the belt, say goodbye to his fans and then go to WCW. So he wasn't even going to lay down for ANYBODY on his way out. I gotta say, that's the biggest load of BS I've EVER heard of. When you're leaving the company I'd always heard it was customary to put somebody over on your way out. For somebody who is supposed to be old school like Bret, the way he did business seemed pretty disgraceful to me. I know there were a couple of things Vince did, like sign Bret to a crazy long contract, and then reneg on it, but still, Bret was def in the wrong here, I watched that show live, and I thought then, and I still think now that Bret did the wrong thing.
ReplyDeleteSee, even if Vince asked Taker to do the job, I don't know if he would... I think Taker would def have the last word, and I think if he told Vince he didn't want to do it, I think Vince would back down. Taker has stuck by Vince FOREVER, so I think Vince would probably leave the final decision about the streak up to Taker.
I agree with you, because if Bret honestly believed he wasn't gonna put anyone over on the way out he's a damn idiot. It's ALWAYS customary to put over guys on your way out, Hell Rock came back and put over Brock Lesnar, and Foley put over Orton in a match that showed Orton could be a main eventer. I don't care who you are, you always put someone over on your way out, hell even Flair did it for HBK. Not that HBK needed it but still.
ReplyDeleteSo we both agree there's a respect factor there, we just don't know who'd back down first. I honestly don't wanna see the streak end but if it ever does it should be with a Cena heel turn win. Or for someone who's career would really benefit from it.
You know what I never realized until the other day? Trips has been in 8 Championship matches at Mania yet he doesn't have ONE Wrestlemania moment thats synonymous with him like the Rock/Hogan Staredown, or HBK and the ladder match, or Austin beating Shawn for the Title.
Damn right man, that's the way I always thought it was, especially if you're a big name like Bret was back then. If you're leaving, you put over the guy it would most benefit the company, in Bret's case, HBK. If you don't like it, tough, go cry into the millions of dollars WCW paid you to do jack. I can remember Rock putting Brock over STRONG! If I remember correctly, that match was practically a squash! That's how you show repect for the company and the business. Bret was always been a phony, and when he finally does show up again, that will just prove it. After all the crap he's said about Vince and the E, him coming back for a quick payday and to promote his book makes him a hypocite, period. Anyway, I always thought Bret was overrated. He always put on good matches, but his offense consisted of the same junk match in and match out, and he had the charisma of a dead fish. IMO, and I honestly mean this, Owen was the most talented Hart by FAR.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't believe the streak will ever end. It almost doesn't make sense to end it now. If Taker loses, then the streak is meaningless. If he retires with it intact, it's something that nobody else will probably ever touch.
You know, there's a simple explanation for that one, HHH just isn't as big a star as he might like to think he is. I'm sorry, but in the annals of wrestling history, I probably wouldn't list HHH in the top 25 all-time, no matter how many titles he gives himself. IMO, HHH is a solid guy who is pushed to the moon because of his connections.
Dude, my sentiments exactly, Owen was WAY better than Bret, a better performer, in ring, all that stuff. Bret is just like Hogan in the sense of only giving a damn about himself and not the company. Bret is highly overrated in my book.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the only other person who was undefeated at Mania's is Edge and Taker beat him, so I think you're right and he'll retire with the streak at 20-0.
Agreed again. Trips is a good performer but he's not one of the best. He's never been top guy material, Austin, Rock, and so many others were top guys with HHH in second to them and he's a hell of a worker, works his ass off but I agree that he's definitely not one of the best. Nowhere near as good as Eddie, Benoit, Jericho, Michaels, Rock and alot more people.
Yeah man, Owen is one of my all-time favorites. He could work the mic better then Bret could, he could work as either a heel or a face with no prob(and his heel work was some great stuff!)and IMO he was a MUCH better rounded wrestler than Bret was. Owen could do stuff Bret couldn't even dream of doing. Bret could work a very good match, and get you involved/engrossed in the match and all, but his his moveset was just SO limited.
ReplyDeleteHa, MAYBE Taker will retire at 20-0... Then again, maybe he'll come out of retirement once a year to squash some up and coming superstar at Mania!
Yeah, HHH is definitely a good wrestler and all, the guy can work a good match, and his ring psychology is sound, but I just don't see him in that upper echelon of guys. Like you said, there have always been better guys in the ring, and more charismatic guys then HHH. He's never been THE guy. Even when he's held the gold there's always somebody else more over than HHH is.
Dude one of my favorite Owen moments was when he "knocked out" HBK with an Enziguri. And when he held the tag titles with the British Bulldog, man they were an awesome team. Owen was definitely one of a kind, and probably the best of the Harts.
ReplyDeleteI could sadly see that. Taker comes back to squash Kofi for the belt at Mania then gives it up the next night because he doesn't want it. Lol.
Yep, Trips should just be happy where he is as one of the top guys but he's never been or will be THE top guy in the company. When someone passed him he squashed em too, remember RVD, Booker and Jericho's popularity in 2003-2004 before squashed them?
The "enziguri of death", the awesome matches he could have with anybody, and one of my personal favs, the arm injury that wouldn't heal, ala Bob Orton. Wearing a cast to the ring as a heel is such a great(and easy)way to gain heat from the crowd. I'm kind of surprised we don't see that more often.
ReplyDeleteUgh, yeah, HHH squashed EVERYBODY who was gaining any momentum back then. Not only didn't he make himself look any better, he prob wound up hurting the company more in the long run thanks to his actions.
Actually Matt was using the cast gimmick earlier this year, he had a legit injury for a while though but he still cheated with it. But yeah Owen was amazing, I'd love to see him and Eddie or Benoit go at it, hell I'm sure there's a Owen Benoit match out there somewhere.
ReplyDeleteYeah imagine if RVD and Booker got elevated back then, they probably wouldn't have left and would have stayed to put over more guys and it would've meant more. Damn Trips.
Ah, that's right, I forgot that Matt had the cast for a while. My only complaint there would be that he didn't keep it on after he healed up from the injury. I used to love the way guys like Owen or Bob Orton would be wearing the cast MONTHS after they were healed up. It also led to some funny commentary from guys like King and Heenan as they try to explain why a guy would still have a cast on well after they should have healed up.
ReplyDeleteExactly! HHH won't be wrestling forever, even 5 years ago the company should have been looking towards the future instead of allowing HHH to run roughshod over every popular face in his path. When pretty much everybody in the company has been shown to look weaker than guys like HHH and Taker, what's going to happen when those two retire?
Yeah, I'd love to see Striker take that role of sticking up for a Heel who was wearing a cast that clearly didn't need it, like Swagger or someone. Too bad King has to play the role of laughing idiot with Michael Cole now.
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha, Triple H retire?! You are HILARIOUS!!! But nah really, you're right,the only stars they've built since 2003 are Brock who left, Cena, Batista who's already 40-something and Orton. So...really only two guys have been built when it should be SO much more by now.
Yeah, see I think Striker would actually be perfect in that role of heel apologizer. A great heel anouncer is such an easy way to garner heat for a heel. It really is too bad King has transformed into... What ever the hell he is now...
ReplyDeleteWell, HHH has to retire someday? Right??? Hmm, I think you may very well be right. I can easily see a 60 year old HHH(now the CEO of the company or something)winning his 49 world championship!
Yeah, like you said, the E has only really elevated 2 guys who will be around into the future lately. That's a really bad track record!
He's more of a Jester than a King (heh heh) yeah i stole your type laugh for my bad jokes, and yeah Striker is probably my favorite announcer not named Jim Ross.
ReplyDeleteYep, I feel like he's gonna destroy Flair's record or just tie it just to show he could, I think Flairs record should remain untouchable like Taker's Mania record.
Right? and people are getting tired of Cena and Orton, Hell Cena's a 7 time champ since 2005. That shows the belt moves too much as well, Edge is a nine time champion and didn't win his first til 2006. Now I like Edge but that makes no sense.
Man maybe I should try to catch an episode of Smackdown sometime soon just so I can check out Striker's announcing style!
ReplyDeleteI figure HHH is going to completely obliterate Frair's record before his career is through. Once HHH turns heel, wait. I bet within 3 months he's got the strap again.
That is something that drives me crazy about wrestling nowadays! You might as well pencil in #8 for Cena, I'm sure he's going to take the strap back from Sheamus soon. There used to be a time when the titles all meant something... Now they seem to get passed to pretty much anybody.
Even if its just for a quick main event or something, I'd advise it, because Striker is awesome.
ReplyDeleteYou're right, then we'll be forced to suffer between more Triple H vs. Orton/Cena for the hundredth time.
Remember JBL had it for a year? I was like what the hell?! Then Cena and Batista had theirs 9 months a piece and now they get passed back bi monthly, its sad. Belts should be held and have prestige be built up.
Well, I missed Smackdown tonight, so maybe next week I'll try to check it out. Maybe...
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, as long as it isn't Cena/Orton again, I'm OK... Those guys just fight WAY too much!
Yeah, that JBL reign was definitely not the norm, it was def the exception! Like you said, holding the belt for 2 months is like some kind of huge acomplishment!
Lol, I missed it as well, heard it was pretty good though, apparently the main events were Taker vs. Rey and The Hart Dynasty vs. DX.
ReplyDeleteI wish you'd seen the BRUTAL match between Orton vs. Trips at Mania, they built it as a blood feud then they go on last. And they say Trips can't use any weapons or he gets DQ'd and loses the belt. Now if Orton beat up your family, and your wife and kissed her in your face, why would the belt even be a factor? It just made no sense and couldn't match how good Taker and HBK's match was.
Everything about JBL's title run was weird, I mean how do you go from being a beer drinking tagteam wrestler to beating Eddie Guerrero for the title? I will give him this, his promo's were excellent and he's not the best wrestler but he worked his ass off. Plus it all went towards building Cena up so he gets a A in my book. Also 200th post! Lol it's not even a milestone anymore.