Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Comic Day!

Hey there guys and gals, it's time for a very brief New Comic Day post. I just walked in the door after school and a quick stop at the comic shop, and I figured that before I begin what should be at least 2 straight hours of studying, let me get this post up and out of the way. So enough small talk, let me get to the books. I picked up Detective Comics #867, Return of Bruce Wayne #4(although since I haven't gotten an issue of Return #3 yet, I can't read this), Captain America: The Newspaper Strip #2, Fantastic Four #581, Teen Titans #85, Wolverine Weapon X #15, Outsiders #31, Fraken-Castle #19(which I can't read until I get the most recent issue of Dark Wolverine in the mail), Superman/Batman #73 & 74, and Batman: Streets of Gotham #14(which arrived in the mail today). So I'd be willing to review anything listed above with the exception of Return #4 and Franken-Castle #19, since I'm waiting for the issues before those two books. Okay, that'll have to do it for me, I've got myself some heavy-duty studying in front of me. X out.


  1. "Superman/Batman #73 & 73" Interesting :P I'd like to request Streets of Gotham buddy, and good luck on your test and your studying as well.

  2. Aww, this round I'd like to request.....Streets of Gotham!! Woooo. good luck on the studying and the test!!

  3. HA! Blast you and your sharp eyes JT! :P That should tell you right there how quickly I put this post up! Normally I'd catch that on the second read through, but oh well...

    So two votes for Streets. Can do. And thanks for the good luck wishes guys. I can't wait to be done with that test!

  4. Lol I'm the king of mistakes because I don't re-read until after I post for some weird reason, I just like bustin ya chops :P
