Monday, December 21, 2009

A LAZY look at Teen Titans #76

Writer: Felicia D. Henderson. Pencils: Yildiray Cinar.

What I Thought: I really didn't think much of this story, but in my(and this comic's)defense, I wasn't able to read the prior issue(thanks to my STILL missing comic order...). Maybe if I had read the first part of this two part story things would have made a little bit more sense... Or maybe not. What do I know? Anyway, instead of actually giving this comic a number score like I normally do I'm going to take the cowards way out and give this comic a score of incomplete. When(IF!!!)I get the chance to read Teen Titans #75, I'll probably give this comic a proper review, until then, this is as good a review as I can give!Umm, stuff happens here... And then some more stuff happens.


  1. Lmao what even happened in this issue? I was gonna help explain but you didn't mention ANYTHING :P

  2. Yeah, even by my LOW standards this was a pretty lousy post... Oh well, the next post HAS to be better than this one, right?!?

  3. Lol meh, you made up for it with an extensive post for issue 77 so I won't hold it against it. :P

  4. Lol yeah, because my opinion matters so much. ;)

  5. Well that just made my night ^_^ lol
