Thursday, June 17, 2010

Black Widow #1

Black Widow #1: Writer: Marjorie Liu. Artist: Daniel Acuña.

Review: We begin this issue with Black Widow meeting up with one of her old spy buddies, a man by the name of the Black Rose. Natasha shows Black Rose a rose she was given the prior day, and asks if he was behind its delivery or if he knew anything about it. Unfortunately for Natasha, Black Rose seems as puzzled by the rose as she was. Natasha leaves Black Rose and begins to walk home, until she realizes she was being followed by an elderly woman. Natasha confronts the older woman, and ends up taking the older woman down after the older woman pulled a knife on Natasha. Before Natasha can question the older woman, Natasha is shot in the side of the neck with a dart, and falls to the ground paralyzed. The gunman approaches, and has the old woman cut Natasha's abdomen open so they could remove something from inside of Natasha. After the two are done, the gunman kills the old woman, and leaves Natasha bleeding on the sidewalk. Eventually Natasha is brought to a hospital, where she remains paralyzed, but coherent of everything the doctors do to her. Tony Stark, Bucky and Wolverine arrive at the hospital and Stark sends Wolvie to the crime scene to see what he can pick up with his enhanced senses. Wolvie arrives at the scene, picks up a scent, and tracks down the gunman from earlier. The gunman tells Wolvie that what went down was between him and Natasha, and that if Wolvie killed him, somebody worse would come by to finish the job on Natasha. Wolvie decides to leave the fate of the gunman up to Natasha once she's feeling better, and leaves, ending this issue.

What I Thought: Not a bad first issue at all. We have a nice little mystery going on between the gunman and Natasha, plus the weird surgery the gunman had Natasha go through. I liked the art, I liked the story, what more need I say?

Score: 8 out of 10.Hmm, Black Widow vs a crazy old lady... I wonder who would win THAT battle...


  1. I'm glad you liked Black Widow #1. I haven't read a thing about her, and JUST recently heard about her since she's in Ironman 2. Lol. But I did enjoy this first issue. Nice set up of a story. :)

    First Marvel comic I'm religiously reading lol.

  2. "First Marvel comic I'm religiously reading lol." All right! We'll make you into a Marvel fan yet Falisha! :P

  3. Lol, if you can do that, sir I will personally blog and praise you two paragraphs worth. Lol. Promise.

  4. HA! I've got to get going with that then!

  5. Lol, it won't be easy sir. Lol...well hell I like Black Widow, I like Elektra...maybe I ran my mouth a little too much. Lol.

  6. I've got to think of a few more awesome female Marvel characters, that'll get you to cross over to the dark side!!! MWA-HAHAHAHAH!!!

  7. Scary thing is, I honestly think you can do that X. Lol, but I'm always up for a challenge. :)
