Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New Comic Day! July 13th edition.

Another Wednesday, another New Comic Day. Last week was a very Marvel heavy week, with the Fear Itself books taking a large amount of my time, money and attention. Looking at the books I picked up this week, that trend seems to be continuing. But first, before I take a look at what's new this week, it's always fun to look back at last week and see how good/bad the comics I read were. First up will be my top pick from last week, the Pick of the Litter. That honor went to Fear Itself #4, and if I'm being completely honest with myself, that comic was disappointing. Granted, it received an above average score of an 8, but for THE major comic book event of the summer, anything under a 9 has to be considered a subpar. On the other side of the coin, last week's Runt of the Litter was Uncanny X-Men #540, and it was just about the worst comic I read last week, clocking in with a 5 1/2. Overall, the average score for the 13 books I reviewed last week was a 6.65. As I said last week, anything under a 7 overall signals a bad week, so yeah, even though we weren't THAT far below a 7, we were still under that mark, meaning last week's books didn't impress... Hopefully that's not the case for this week's comics...

Speaking of this week's comics, let's take a look and see what I picked up from the comic shop earlier today! Batgirl #23, Batman: The Dark Knight #3, Birds of Prey #14, Detective Comics #879, Red Robin #25, Superman #713, Teen Titans #97, Amazing Spider-Man #665, Black Panther #521, Captain America #1, Daken: Dark Wolverine #11, Deadpool #40, FF #6, Ghost Rider #1, Journey Into Mystery #625, New Avengers #14, New Mutants #27, Wolverine #12, Ultimate Comics Fallout #1 & X-Men: Schism #1... 20 books?!?! That's a ridiculous number, even for me! Damn, I'm going to have my work cut out for me this week when it comes to getting reviews for all of those books done by next Wednesday! So out of ALL those books, and some of them are amongst my monthly favorites, which one am I looking the most forward to reading? Believe it or not, that's actually a pretty easy decision... This week's Pick of the Litter has to be New Mutants #27. A word to the wise... If Nate Grey appears in the comic, there's about an 85% chance that comic will be my Pick of the Litter. As for this week's Runt, there are a couple of valid choices there, but I'm going to go with Ghost Rider #1. The ONLY reason I'm even picking that series up is due to the fact that it's a Fear Itself tie-in issue... If not for that, I would have just skipped it. Boy, I should probably end this post and start reading some of these comics or I'll never get through them all! As always, I'll end this post with a Random Comic Scan, and the customary cry of X out!

The Random Scan of the Week!Hit him again for me!


  1. Well, first off, wow @ 20 comics. That is INSANE!!! Lol, you're going to have your work cut out for you X hun. But I know you'll enjoy reading the majority of them. I cant' wait to read the reviews for: Batgirl #23, Batman: The Dark Knight #3, Birds of Prey #14, Red Robin #25, Superman #713, Teen Titans #97, Amazing Spider-Man #665( Lol can't wait for #666), Captain America #1 (I have a thing for #1 issues, lol) , Daken: Dark Wolverine #11, Deadpool #40, and X-Men: Schism #1 (Especially since JT picked this up today, maybe I can snatch his issue)

    Hope you have lots of fun reading!!!

  2. Yeah, I definitely have to get to work with these reveiws! In a perfect world I should have four reviews up tonight, although 2 would probably be more resonable!

  3. That's a heck of a lot of comics! Can't wait to hear how X-Men: Schism is... in fact, I'll probably go buy it because I'm really curious about what direction they're going with this event. Maybe I'll have it read by the time your review goes up!

  4. I doubt it, Marc, since I've already put the review up! :P

  5. Hey two comics is enough for me tonight! Can't have you over working yourself this soon in the reviewing lol.

    Which I'm heading over to read the first set of reviews now!

  6. You know me, Lisha... If I have the time, I'll put up the reviews! I can't help myself!!

  7. Aww X, you're such a sweetheart! :)
