Friday, September 17, 2010

Quick Thoughts on: Superman #702

Superman #702: Writer: J. Michael Straczynski. Pencils: Eddy Barrows.

Quick Thoughts: Superman continues his seemingly aimless trek across America by wandering through Detroit. Supes wanders along, meets people(and some aliens)and helps the economy by making the aliens open up closed factories. Yeah...

Wow, so is it too early to come right out and say that JMS has lost his ever loving mind yet? Yeah, I think it is still a bit too early for that. I mean, this is all leading towards something, right? Right?!? Sheesh, I sure hope so...

Score: 3 1/2 out of 10.And Superman walked and walked and walked...


  1. God this was a terrible issue, I gave it a four and still feel too generous about it. I don't know what to expect from JMS, he has Morrison/James Robinson-itis now where some is good and some just sucks.

  2. HA! It's funny you gave this a 4, 'cause originally when I did this review I gave it a 4 1/2, but after proof reading it, I dropped it to a 3 1/2 'cause it sucked SO hard! I seriously don't get what JMS is going for here... I'll give him 2 more issues to make sense of this mess. If not, then I'll be busting out one of those infamous, "X bitches at everything!!!" posts!

  3. Yeah, you better watch out...JMS might stop by and scold your reviewing skills or something!

    God, this looks like the most boring and pointless thing ever. Someone should tell JMS that wathing Superman watch grass grow isn't any less boring than watching grass grow on our own.

  4. Lol @ Marc, or you may get quoted then commented at by ravenous fanboys!!!11!!1

    The thing that upsets me is I REALLY liked the first issue, then this second one was like, lets have Supes talk to aliens and heal old men and etc! Um...why?!

  5. Sadly that wouldn't be the first time with either of those scenarios! :P

    I think, "Um, why" is like the perfect thing to say about this storyline actually. I just don't get it... I didn't get the purpose of the first part, and I didn't get the purpose of this one. Maybe one day it'll all become clear... Hopefully!

  6. Hell between his work on this, what I've heard of his Spider-Man work and the reviews you give WW I want someone else to take over this AND Wondy's comic.

  7. I would not be opposed to that at all!

  8. Haha but who would you TRUST to write them both?

  9. Hmm, good question... Out of the current crop of DC writers? Maybe Tony Bedard or Bryan Miller. On the Marvel side though I could probably list like 8 or 9 writers who I think could pull off writing both Supes and WW. That says a lot about which company I'm enjoying more right now I guess.

  10. JT, Straczynski's work on Spider-Man is actually really, really good up until the point that Marvel editorial started screwing with his plans. That's when you get horrible stuff like the Goblin babies and eventually One More Day and stuff like that. But before that, when he was doing the series with JRJr, it was, in my opinion, far and away the best Marvel Universe comic being published.

  11. You know, I kind of, sort of agree with you here, Marc. His Spidey run was pretty good, although the One More Day stuff will probably always leave a bad taste in my mouth when I think about his Spidey work, which really isn't all that fair. Hell, I even liked the Gwen Stacy/Norman Osborn stuff too! I don't think I'd go so far as to say it was by far the best thing coming out of Marvel, but it was better than a lot of the other things coming out of the House of Ideas back then.

  12. I could see Bedard or Miller being pretty good at writing them, I'd also accept Gail Simone since she can write Wondy of course and I think she'd do a fine job writing Supes.

    Really Marc? I've only really read OMD and the stuff after that so I didn't read his earlier Spidey work.

  13. Ah, I forgot about Gail! Shame on me... Yeah, I KNOW she could write a great Superman. On second thought, I'd choose her over everybody else to take over those two series. Granted, sometimes her WW run wasn't as good as her BoP stuff, but hell, her time on WW was like 700% better than what JMS has delivered thus far.

  14. It wasn't the best thing Marvel was publishing for the whole run, but when JMS first started in 2001, ASM was probably the best thing Marvel was publishing until Morrison's X-Men started...and after that, those were probably their two best books for a while. I consider JMS's first issue to be a major turning point in Marvel's history, much like Heroes Return and Avengers Disassembled were turning points.

    I didn't mind the Green Goblin/Gwen Stacy stuff as much as others did, but part of that was because I knew Marvel forced him to change his plans partway through that story. And to his credit, he wanted his name off OMD but Quesada wouldn't let him and he immediately quit the book, so I don't blame him for that mess at all.
