Monday, May 24, 2010

A Random Scan...

So I was planning to post a review of Adventure Comics #11, but I'm just not up for it tonight... So instead, I figured I'd go the lazy route and simply post a random scan. Well, a not so random scan actually... See, I'm going to do a Young Justice week over at the pic blog, so I figured I'd get a bit of a head start here and post something from the predecessor to Young Justice, the JLA: World Without Grown-Ups mini-series. Hopefully I'll have at least ONE new review up for tomorrow night, but until then, here's that scan.Hmm, I could have sworn that I had posted this scan somewhere before, but I guess not... From JLA: World Without Grown-Ups #1(Aug. 1998).


  1. I remember reading some of these a while ago!! I instantly fell in love with them.

    They reminded me about the Justice League Unlimited cartoon episode with the world with no adults.

    Nice scan!

  2. There was a JLU episode like that? I've GOT to try to watch those shows one day...

  3. Yes, it was super cute, Batman, Supes, Wonder Woman and other of course. I really liked that episode.

  4. Can you post more scans of this? i really want to read some parts? :)

  5. I'll see what I can do for you my Anonymous friend. I'm currently in the middle of moving, so I packed away a lot of my older comics, but once I get to unpacking, I'll try to remember to post the next few pages.
