Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Comic Day! June 27th Edition

Hey Todd Squad, It's Wednesday so you know what that means, it's New Comic Day! Before we jump into things I wanna make an announcement. Thanks to you guys being so welcoming of me replacing that guy who used to post here, plus me cranking out reviews like I'm not some lazy guy, which I am, you'll be seeing a lot more of ol' JT, since I was recently promoted by X-Man75 to an Admin! (Pause for applause) So basically, half of this blog is MINE! BWAHAHAHA! How's that for a patsy! It's like in Lion King, everything the son touches is mine... or something. But, yeah, just letting you guys know that since I appreciate you all being so welcoming.

Also, before I get into my books I wanna apologize for not getting a review up for Walking Dead #99 but I was pretty busy during the last few days, I'm sure ya all understand. With that said, let's get into this week's books that I'm picking up. Aquaman #10, Batman: The Dark Knight #10, Justice League #10, Amazing Spider-Man #668, and Spider-Men #2. There you have it, if you ever needed proof that I'm not X-Man, there ya go, only five comics. I'll probably end up reviewing all five of those, but still let me know in the comments what you'd like to see, and whatever has the most votes I'll get up first. And yes, Justice League will still be reviewed with Brightest Day Rules!  So that's it for me guys, until tomorrow, I'm your friendly co-owner (trying it out), JT, signing off!


  1. Hey congrtats for the promotion!! have discussed your sallary too? dont let that bastard of X-man make you work for free ;) haha

    ok, since we dont have any book in common this week my vote goes to Justice League #10 with Brgthest day rules!!!

    and since I wanted to like aquaman when it started but i couldn't stand the way Geof wrote it I wold like to see your opinion and maybe understand why it is recieving all that love from the internet..

    Happy reading week!!

  2. Looking forward to your Spider-Men review - so far, I've seen no reason to get into this series.

    I will be getting ASM for sure. May even get more books than you JT: Ultimates, Wolverine and the Xmen, and Xmen Legacy are all coming out this week.

  3. Aquaman, B-TDK, JL, & Spider-Men

    Also: While I really don't like Barry Allen himself all that much, I've honestly really come to enjoy his solo series over the past few issues (starting with the Captain Cold issue in #6). Francis Manapul is a very amazing artist on the Flash. I'd buy the book even just to see the art.

  4. Congrats on becoming an Admin! My vote will be going to Justice League as well :D Still is my favorite current series (And the Brightest Day rules make it even better!)

  5. Thanks guys!

    Alien - I've been enjoying Aquaman lately, here's hoping my review will show why, and we'll compare notes from there and see why I enjoy it and you don't.

    TRobb - Thanks dude, I'll probably have Spider-Men up tomorrow or Saturday, and I really hope this issue is better than the last one, or I probably won't stick around for the next three.

    Caz - Honestly, I don't dislike Barry as much as I just enjoyed Wally, and It bums me out that Barry has a comic and Wally is pretty much nonexistent now, and I'm hesitant to read a comic written by an artist.

    Dreager - Thanks dude, and I think you'll enjoy the review of Justice League... I know it sure surprised me!
