Ultimate Spider-Man #3:
Summary: Miles'(aka the new Ultimate Spider-Man) friend, Ganke, stops by to tell Miles that he should probably head over to his uncle's place to see why Miles uncle had a radioactive spider wandering around his apartment. After some convincing Miles agrees to go, and the two boys discover that Miles uncle had cleared out. On the way back to Miles' apartment, they happen across a building fire and see a woman trapped in one of the upper floors. Ganke practically begs Miles to help save the woman with his spider-powers, but Miles doesn't want to make a scene. Once again Ganke gets his way and Miles manages to rescue the woman(sort of) and then enters the burning building and saves a little girl and her puppy. Miles makes a quick getaway, not wanting to draw any further attention to himself and after vomiting, swears to Ganke that was the first and last time he did something like that since he wasn't a hero. From there some time passes and Miles and Ganke end up becoming roommates at the charter school the two were accepted to. Everything is normal until one night the students at the school are woken up and told to evacuate to the school gym. It's there that they're told that there was a disturbance not that far from the school and that reports were saying that Spider-Man had been shot.
Thoughts: You know, a big part of me was hoping that this comic would have sucked so that I could say, “This comic sucked! I'm dropping it!” and be done with it... Instead this was a surprisingly good issue... My favorite of this series by far actually... And that puts me in a bit of a quandary... I'm still not sure if this series is worth sticking with... If this was one of Marvel's $3 series, I'd be more willing to keep picking it up, but for $4, I'm just not sure I should keep this series on my pull list... One of the problems is the writer, Brian Bendis... One issue he writes something that I could barely get through because of how boring it was, and then the next issue he writes something enjoyable... So I'm STILL at a crossroads with this series. I'd say more than likely I'll be dropping this series before #4 comes out, and when I get myself a job and have some more discretionary income burning a hole in my pocket I'll give it a shot again. Or maybe I'll keep picking this series up on an issue by issue basis... Who knows!
Score: 8 out of 10.

I am really wanting to like this series. I was really into Ultimate Spider-Man and I find this character likable. But this origin has been going on forever. I want to go back to the original Ultimate Spider-Man and see how many issues it takes before he puts on a costume. Right now Spider-Man has been shot, so there is probably another issue before he dies. Then by issue 5 we may be at the point we were at when the character was first introduced.
ReplyDeleteI've been following this series, and though I was a huge fan of Ultimate Spidey, I can't get behind the notion of replacing Peter Parker with a twelve-year old. That said, I'm going to pick up #4 because it features spider-woman. I'm looking forward to seeing how Peter Parkerette handles the new Ultimate U status quo!
ReplyDeleteLets get a review of arkham city up!! haha
ReplyDeleteGoing of topic here, but a was reading some old post of you and I notice that in a Superman/Batman 82 review you declare a bit of a fan of Klarion.
ReplyDeleteHaven't you read The Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers of Victory, already?
If not I dont know what are you waiting for, Klarion is at his best in that history.
Actually Sins Of Youth is where the Wiych boy is used at his best.
ReplyDeleteTRobb I get what you mean but at least Pete died a hero (unlike the so-called shit who sold his wife to the devil because the big fat Q hates Redheads. Why do you think Jean ain't back & was shat on in the most asinine manner?)
Cap the arkham city mini-series is just awesome! Check it out guys & trust me, it has the REAL JOKER IN IT , not the leatherface retarded cousin they foisted now! ( also X-factor forever really deserves a tpb treatment, it has Apoc, Essex , Baby Cable , REAL Cyclops, REAL Beasy , Archangel, Badass Iceman & BADASS Perfectly costumed Jean Grey!)
Thanks for the Tip Saidi, I´m goig to track that Issues.
ReplyDeleteAgreed Jermox... I mean I LIKE Miles. The one thing Bendis has done right is make him a likable kid. But yeah, the origin stuff has been DRAGGING! Maybe Miles won't don the suit until the start of the next storyarc... It's like I said, Bendis has the uncanny ability to take something that can be done in a page and stretch it out to 6 pages! Or take an origin that could have been done in an issue and drag it on and on...
ReplyDeleteI dropped off of the original Ult. Spidey at around issue #75, TRobb. It was around then that it seemed that Bendis just didn't have anything new to offer... A new writer was really in order by that point... With that said though, I do want to pick up the storyline where Peter bites the bullet... I know the hardcover comes out tomorrow, but I'm going to wait on the trade. As for the age thing, it doesn't bug me that much. I mean a few of the X-Men weren't that far away from that age(Shadowcat, Iceman) when they started, so that's not a huge stumbling block for me. Now the cover price for this series... THAT is a bit troublesome...
HA! I still have WAYS to go before I can do a review for Arkham City, Cap! A video game review might be a fun change of pace though...
I still haven't read Seven Soldiers yet, Alien. Although I think somebody else once recommended it to me... Maybe that's something I should look into...
Marvel never collected X-Factor Forever in a trade? That seems so unlike them! I mean Marvel is usually GREAT when it comes to putting out trades... I only have bits and pieces of the Sins of Youth storyline. I've never been able to get my hands on a reasonably priced trade, and some of the singles are ridiculously priced! But that's something I've always wanted to complete.
After TRobb's comment I looked up Ultimate Spiderman #4 and it does look like he finally puts on the Spiderman costume and does run into Spiderwoman (who looks a lot older than the last time we saw her). I'll have to wait and see because that issue could be just those two talking the whole time.
ReplyDeleteYes Actualy I did recomen it Before, Cuz Zatanna is there too.
ReplyDelete"I'll have to wait and see because that issue could be just those two talking the whole time." HA!!!!! You know what the scary thing is? I bet Bendis would do something like that! :D
ReplyDeleteJust trolling around for some fear itself: the fearless summaries, and found this reminder that I need to go get USM #4. Looks like you dropped the series?
ReplyDeleteYep, I just couldn't rationalize spending another $4 for a Bendis book... It's weird because this was my favorite issue of the new Ult. Spidey, but I figured I'd switch that $4 to something else. I have to say, after being rather excited about the Ultimate Universe soft reboot, I haven't been that impressed by any of the titles. I could easily see myself dumping Ults and Ult X-Men down the road as well.
ReplyDeleteI hear ya X, I'm still waiting for the new ultimate u to take off as well. I want to get Ultimate spidey 4 because it brings back a couple of my favorites from the original ultimate spiderman - gwen and spider-woman. I was interested in ultimate x-men primarily to see what's happening with ultimate Jean, but she's been pretty MIA so far.
ReplyDeleteThe Ultimates shows the most promise to me so far, but I just haven't had a chance to catch up in that series yet. After wrapping up spider-island, I've been reading Christos Gage's recent story arc in Astonishing X-men. Great art, and I'm a big fan of the brood, so I'm pretty pleased with it.
Ultimate Jean actually had a role in the Ultimate Hawkeye mini-series, TRobb. That series kind of picked up with Jean where Ultimate X ended.
ReplyDeleteWait, Christos Gage was writing Astonishing?! DAMMIT! I had no idea! If I knew I definitely would have picked it up! I've been waiting for him to start Legacy so I could pick that series up again... Hmm, it looks like I'll be digging through back issues in the comic shop tomorrow...
Hah, that's so confusing! Why would they bury Ultimate Jean in a series about Hawkeye? Your reviews for the Ultimate Hawkeye series were lukewarm, so I can't say I'm going to rush out and buy the back issues, but I will keep an eye out and see if the Hawkeye series takes a turn for the better.
ReplyDeleteAs AlienDW said in the other discussion, Astonishing was alternating between Gage's story and a campy story where Armor fights Fing Fang Foom in Japan. Now Astonishing is in the hands of Greg Pak in some weird story that has Cyclops making out with Storm (from an alternate dimension or something). Seems murky, so I'm probably skipping the Pak arc. I recommend the Gage story - but be warned, it has a lot of Kitty-Lockheed!
The Hawkeye mini is actually finished(it was only 4 issues), and I def don't blame you for not rushing out to get it, TRobb... I've never hid the fact that I'm a HUGE Hawkeye fan, and if I was giving it lukewarm reviews, WITH Hawkeye in it, it'll probably be even worse to a non-Hawkeye fanatic.
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely look into Gage's Astonishing run. I've loved his Avengers Initiative and Avengers Academy work, and will be picking up Legacy the moment he's the regular writer. As long as he writes Kitty as an adult and not a perpetual teenager, I'll be okay with her in that... Probably! :P