Hey yo X-Maniacs, it's your beloved blog master X here with a special little bonus post. See, back in the day(you know, like five whole months ago!)I used to do these “Let's Talk About...” posts where I, you guessed it, talked about comic related stuff! Man am I creative or what?! Anywho, school, life and blog-related duties got in the way(as they often do), which led me to forget all about those “Let's Talk About...” posts. That is until DemonHunterCole reminded me about the forgotten “Let's Talk About...” posts, AND gave me a topic for one of the posts! So with the hard part out of the way(actually thinking up a post subject), I promised that I'd get a “Let's Talk About...” up and posted once I have some time. Well guess what, I finally have some time!
Which brings us to today and this post. I don't think there is ANYBODY out there who is pleased by the current incarnation of the Justice League, DC's #1 super-team. I mean, Congorilla is on the team!!! So, what would be my ideal DC teams? And why would I put said characters on said teams? Before we start, a few ground rules. I'm going to try to keep the teams to sensible numbers, so don't expect to see teams in excess of seven characters. Also, no doubles! Sorry, but Superman can't be on EVERY team! As always with these “Let's Talk About...” posts, feel free to voice your opinions in the comments section below.
Let's start off with DC's premier team, the
Justice League of America.
Leader: Batman(Bruce Wayne): Um, he's Batman, how could he NOT be on this team?
Superman: See above, and simply replace “Batman” with “Superman”.
Wonder Woman: You've GOT to have DC's Trinity on the JLA.
Flash(Wally West): I like Wally and the humor he brings to a team, so he's in.
Green Lantern(Kyle Rayner): I like the banter between Wally and Kyle, so Kyle gets the nod here.
Green Arrow(Oliver Queen): If nothing else, Ollie brings some headaches to any team he's on.
Gypsy: Why not? Give Kyle a love interest on the team.
Next up is the
Justice Society of America.
Leader: Green Lantern(Alan Scott): You NEED Alan if you're doing a JSA team.
Flash(Jay Garrick): See above.
Wildcat(Ted Grant): Once again, see above.
Green Arrow(Connor Hawke): As a legacy hero, he fits the bill here.
Liberty Belle: I like Jesse. I just do. *shrugs*
Mr. Terrific: I like Terrific. If Alan was to become incapacitated, Terrific could fill in as leader.
Dr. Midnite: He's another character who deserves better than he's currently getting.
Birds of Prey.
Leader: Oracle: Duh!
Black Canary: Needless to say, Dinah would be serving as the field leader.
Huntress: Damn skippy Huntress is on the team! If I could, she'd be on half the teams I'm putting together!
Catwoman: Yeah, cats and birds don't get along, but Huntress and Catwoman on the same team? Yes please!
Lady Blackhawk: I don't really like her, but I'll keep her around for transportation purposes.
Batgirl(Cassandra Cain): Come on, she deserves to be SOMEWHERE!
Jade: She's another character I just wanted to put somewhere.
Leader: Geo-Force: After DC Universe: Last Will and Testament, I've got a soft spot for Prince Brion.
Looker: She is SO underutilized it's nearly criminal!
Katana: One of the only good things to come out of Blackest Night was the added depth to Katana's character.
Black Lightning: Yet another criminally underutilized character.
Captain Marvel(Freddy Freeman): Not Billy Batson. I can't stand him. I'm probably the only one, but I'd MUCH rather see Freddy get a push here.
Hawkman: So long as he stays away from Hawkworld, I'm fine with him.
Hawkgirl: Not the current incarnation, the pre-Blackest Night Hawkgirl.
Leader: Nightwing(Dick Grayson): Total no-brainer.
Donna Troy: Once again, a no-brainer.
Arsenal: DEFINITELY the pre-Cry For Justice version!!!
Tempest: He rounds out the original Teen Titans(except for Wally).
Damage: He seems like a really good fit for this team.
Ray: Same as Damage, he just seems to fit here.
Starfire: She can be the team whore! :P
Teen Titans.
Leader: Red Robin: I needs me my Timmy running this team!
Superboy: If Tim is here, you KNOW Superboy would be on the team too!
Kid Flash(Bart Allen): I'd be tempted to go with Bart as Impulse, but I'll stick with the Kid Flash version.
Wonder Girl(Cassandra Sandsmark): Why not? She fits well with the prior three team members I mentioned.
Spoiler(Stephanie Brown): Since I gave Cassandra Cain the Batgirl title back, Steph gets to be Spoiler again.
Ravager(Rose Wilson): She'd be here simply to stir the pot.
Supergirl: I wanted to put her somewhere, and she probably fits best on this team.
Young Justice.
Leader: Robin(Damian Wayne): Yes, the little hellspawn itself. If nothing else, he'll keep this team on their toes.
Static: I wanted to put him somewhere, and with him being relatively new, he fits here well.
Speedy(Mia Dearden): Yet another character with tons of potential being squandered.
Abuse: You know, that kid from the Zsasz story in Streets of Gotham. He seemed to get along well with Damian, so he fits well here.
Osiris: He'd make a good addition as the resident powerhouse.
Aquagirl: Well, I needed at least two girls on the team, so she's it!
Tomcat(Tomas Bronson): Who? Wildcat's son from the JSA.
Secret Six.
Leader: Deathstroke the Terminator: Slade can run my team of tweeners.
Red Hood(Jason Todd): He should be with Slade in the current Titans series!
Deadshot: Watching him interact with Deathstroke would be worth the price of the comic.
Catman: Where Deadshot goes, Catman follows...
Cheshire: She fits REALLY well on a team with both Slade and Catman.
Knockout: I need a powerhouse here, and she fits the bill.
So there you have it, the teams I would put together if I was running DC comics. Right away you'll notice that I left off several DC mainstays(Hal Jordan, SAINT Barry Allen, Beast Boy, Raven, Billy Batson, to name a few), mainly because I either hate those characters, or I'm sick of seeing them. So now that you've seen my lists, how's about you post your own ideal DC teams. I'm sure you guys have your own ideas as to what the ideal DC Universe would look like, so please, feel free to fire me a couple of comments telling me who you'd put on each of your teams. That's going to do it for me, until next time, X out.