Morning Glories #15:
What Happened: Half of this issue takes place in the present(during the bizarre Woodrun event) while the other half looks back at Zoe's pre-Morning Glories years... Let's hit the flashback first. A few issues ago(I think it was a few issues back...) we learned that Zoe had killed her English teacher after she thought the teacher was raping a cheerleader friend of hers. In actuality, the cheerleader was willingly screwing the teacher. Regardless, with the teacher dead, Zoe and the cheerleader tossed the teacher's body into a boiler at the school, getting rid of the evidence. Unfortunately for Zoe, her cheerleader friend's conscience wouldn't allow her to live with herself, and she wanted to come clean about what really happened. Zoe prevents this by(seemingly) tossing her friend over a bridge to her death, making the whole scene look like a suicide. Back to the present... Jun is taken away from Hunter and Zoe's group due to some of the wacky rules of Woodrun. The girl who comes to tell Jun to head back to the school has a huge crush on Hunter, which he is naturally oblivious to, at least at first. The girl leaves with Jun but has made a date with Hunter at some vague point in the future. With Jun gone, it's just Hunter and Zoe, and the two discover an abandoned building out in the woods. The two enter and since this IS Morning Glories Academy, it turns out to be a deathtrap. Surprisingly Zoe saves Hunter from being fricasseed, AND finds a flag(which is what you were supposed to find during Woodrun), as well a some sleeping bags, and oh yeah, a butcher knife... When Hunter comes to Zoe shows him the sleeping bags but keeps the knife to herself... From there the two set up camp for the night and Zoe tells Hunter that he should forget about trying to date Casey since it was painfully obvious Casey was WAY out of Hunter's league. After a surprisingly cordial conversation between the two, the go to sleep... Or do they?! In the next camp over, the girl who was flirting with Hunter earlier goes out to get some firewood for her group, at which time Zoe, knife in hand, quietly gets out of her sleeping bag and walks along, stalking the other girl. Hunter wakes up as well, and not seeing Zoe decides to look around. After some searching Hunter is shocked and horrified to see Zoe stabbing the other girl through the back(!!!) with the butcher knife!
The Good: The flashback scenes and the conversation between Zoe and Hunter were really enjoyable. The cliffhanger was GREAT! After this issue Zoe may just have replaced Ike as my favorite character here... Who knew she was THAT insane! Basically any scene Zoe was in ruled.
The Bad: Usually we get a date for when the next issue of this series comes out(and usually it's WAAAY off)... After this issue they didn't even bother to give us a date, which means who knows HOW long it'll be before we see issue #16 drop... The rules of Woodrun are still so damn vague... What the hell is a skull flag?! Jun being forced away from Hunter and Zoe seemed a bit too convenient for my tastes.
The Verdict: Another depressingly strong issue of this series... Why “depressingly”? Because we have NO idea when the next issue comes out! The fact that we don't have a date to go by(even if it was way off) makes me think that Image has no idea when the next issue will come out either... Which sucks, because after the ending to this one, I can't wait to see what happens next, and with the way this story has been jumping back and forth, we probably won't get back to Hunter and Zoe for a good two issues!
Score: 8 1/2 out of 10.

I JUST read this issue, holy shit. The only thing I can think about is maybe it wasn't Zoe because they didn't show her face during the stabbing? I doubt it but it seems weird they'd hide her face like that. I loved this though, and seeing what she was capable of and everything, plus I liked Hunter flirting with that girl but now... sigh.
ReplyDeleteDamn man, what was with the hold up! This issue was great! Here's the thing with Zoe and the stabbing, because I thought the SAME thing(great minds DO think alike!) when I first read it. I actually thought that she was sleepwalking or something. She def wasn't sleepwalking, because you see her eyes are clearly open when she gets up. Now, I guess she COULD have gone out to use the... um, outdoor restroom, but it seems really unlikely. But, it's def a possibility. I just hope the next issue isn't delayed TOO long, because after this ending, I'm dying to see what happens next!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of my digital books, haha. And yeah I hate that I took so long because it was amazing. And yeah she could've gone to use the restroom, or who knows, maybe she's possessed by her boyfriend ghost thing she saw a ton of issues ago? You never know in MG, I just can't wait for the next issue. But knowing them it'll probably be about Casey and never even touch on Zoe and Hunter.
ReplyDeleteThat's my exact fear... That the next issue will move to one of the other storylines, meaning we might not discover what really happened here for a good 2 or 3 issues... :/
ReplyDeleteAnd If I recall correctly Casey was on the cover, so we'll probably get a Casey issue, a Jun issue, one about the Redhead who's name escapes me, then come back to this around June. :|
ReplyDeleteHA! June if we're lucky! I have a sinking feeling that this series is going to come out once every four months or so... If we're lucky that is!
ReplyDeleteI hope not dude, I really don't wanna lose interest over time because this has been a pretty awesome series from the beginning IMO.
ReplyDeleteTotally agreed. This is a series I'm REALLY glad you talked me into reading.
ReplyDeleteWell in that case I'm glad I talked you into it, besides I owed you one or two.
ReplyDeleteOne or two?! Try 19 or 20! :P
ReplyDeleteHaha, screw you sir, screw you.
ReplyDeleteHA! I so deserved that...
ReplyDeleteAs long as you acknowledge that, now I don't have to call The Iron Sheik on ya...
ReplyDeleteYou mean comment 50,000 times incoherently?! In a perverse way I'd actually really enjoy that...
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, so would I. Hell I'd like for him to become a contributor here. FACK!
ReplyDelete"FACK!" HA!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDammit, now I want to make a profile as Sheikie Baby to harass myself... "The Raisin Ball X not liked the Uncanny Force book? I kill his neighbor and humble him!"
Lmao, oh dear God yes. That'd be the best friggin inside joke ever...
ReplyDelete"That jabroni the JT only give the Spider-Man book 6.5? What the fack is the 6.5? I see the JT I kill him and humble his ass!"
ReplyDeleteSomeone's gonna find and read this and think we're so weird.
ReplyDeletePfft, if people didn't think we were weird before this, this isn't gonna change their minds, bubba!
ReplyDeleteHaha, Bubba. Oh man, I laughed so hard at that I wanna throw a party and invite people over to take Virgil's in the corner.
ReplyDeleteBetter to take a Virgil in the corner then to shoot oil from Iran in the corner... Ugh........ :/
ReplyDeleteLmao shooting oil, oh man that's a hilarious visual.
ReplyDeleteHilarious?! That's a horrifying visual!! I think I burnt my brain just thinking about it! *shudder*
ReplyDeleteAs he stands there with his pixie boots...
ReplyDeletePlease, no more visuals!!!
ReplyDeleteLmao alright, I'm done.
ReplyDeleteNo problem sucka
ReplyDeleteThat would have been infinitely better if you replaced "bubba" with "sucka" fyi.
ReplyDeleteSucka Ray Dudley