Hey comic fans! X here to kick off the start of another week. Yes, it's once again time for another New Comic Day post! Huzzah!! It's already February, meaning it's almost time for Marvel's yearly event... This year it's an Ultron/Avengers themed event, meaning I'll be giving all of my money to Marvel soon... Damned smart Marvel, knowing exactly what I want to read... But that's still a month down the road. Today? I'm not actually expecting a large haul of books today. The first week of the month tends to be a bit light for me, but let's check and see what I should be picking up in a few... Stormwatch #17, All New X-Men #7, Iron Man #6, Superior Spider-Man #3, Thunderbolts #4, Venom #31, Winter Soldier #15, X-Factor #251, Hypernaturals #8... So 9 measly books for me... Actually, I'd be pleased if every week was under 10 books! As always, my review days will be Thursday, Saturday and Monday. For Thursday? Expect reviews for Superior Spider-Man #3, Thunderbolts #4 and probably X-Factor #251. And now it's time for me to hand things over to that rat-fink scoundrel himself, JT! As for me? Until next time, X out.
It's me, the rat-fink scoundrel himself, JT! I wanna thank the world's most jive turkey. X, for the introduction. Now, unlike X I'm not gonna rant on and stall, I'm gonna give you the meat and potatoes of the post! This week I plan on picking up Detective Comics #17, Earth 2 #9, Green Arrow #17, Smallville Season 11 #10, Avengers Assemble Annual #1, All New X-Men #7, Superior Spider-Man #3, Thunderbolts #4, and Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #20. That's a surprising nine books, tying me with X, which NEVER happens. Anyway, my review days are Friday, Sunday and Tuesday, and I plan on reviewing All New X-Men #7, Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #20, and Green Arrow #17. And just like that, that's it for me, I'll be back Friday with my first review, til then, this is JT, signing off.
As much as I hate the Avengers comic books nowadays I have found the New Avengers story to be somewhat interesting. It is the return of the Illuminati.
ReplyDeleteThe Illuminati is actually why I'm hesitant to pick this book up. I really dislike the concept - very unheroic in general, and in a Marvel U where many of the members are on the same team, totally superfluous.
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like the unheroic nature of the Illuminati I wouldn't recommend the book then. The whole plot deals with them in a situation where they are probably going to have to do some unheroic things. The way they swapped people around I think only Cap and Iron Man are on the same team but I question the continuity considering Iron Man is in space for two comics and on Earth for all the Avengers titles.
DeleteTo be precise, it's not that I mind unheroic things, but it seems out of character (or, at least the character that I want/see) for Iron Man, Cap, Beast and Dr. Strange to be a part of this kind of organization. I think I'll pick up the first few issues of this now just to give it a fair shake, but I'm not optimistic. Giving Hickman the benefit of the doubt, I suppose.
DeleteI personally hate the Illuminatti concept... I just don't like the idea that all of these heroes have been secretly working together to do certain things. Especially Reed, since he'd be working behind the back of his family. With that said though, man have I heard great things about New Avengers! JT REALLY gave me the hard sell about it this past week. If the first three issues are still in my shop, I'll def snag 'em this Wednesday.
DeleteNew avengers 3 was fantastic! I still don't like the idea of panther on the team when he was all "this is dumb, and will fail" when it was first written. But MAN! Hickman stepped it up in issue 3. I read it twice all the way through and paused more than a few times. That isssue is huge in terms of scope and level, yet New avengers manages to do great character work as opposed to the ongoing avengers title. Stuff just flat out goes down in this issue and I can not wait for issue 4 and this series each month/week haha