Thursday, October 9, 2008

Some quick thoughts on Nighwing 26-29

Story- In these issues, we see Huntress arrive in Bludhaven to chase down some mafia lowlifes from Gotham. The bad guys are also being hunted down by an old acquaintance of theirs, a psycho named Torque, who was blowing away his former mafia pals due to the mafia head, Blockbuster, trying to kill him by twisting his head off. The Mafia deaths bring Nightwing into the equation, who would rather the criminals locked up in prison as opposed to the morgue. Eventually, Huntress and Nightwing (very) reluctantly team up to stop Torque and the mafia guys. In the end, Nightwing, disapproving of Huntress' extreme methods, tells her he'd rather she stay away from him and Bludhaven.

Overall- I was really expecting a lot better here... I really enjoyed the Huntress/Nightwing mini series, and these issues directly followed that mini. In the mini, the two title characters worked together rather well, before winding up in bed together. I thought and was kind of expecting more of the same here. Unfortunately, neither one seemed interested in working with the other and Nightwing now seemed of the opinion that Huntress couldn't be trusted due to the way she operated. What the heck??? In the mini, Nightwing, had no qualms with a) working with Huntress and b)having a one night stand with her. Now suddenly, he'd become like a mini Batman, spouting Bruce's complaints about Huntress excessive punishment of the criminals. I don't know what changed Dick's mind, but I was kind of hoping for a more fruitful team-up between these two characters. Oh well...

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